condensed master


Chapter 11 The Female Connection. Margaret Collins took over from Ed Blake as chief intelligence officer in Victoria after he was killed. Chapter 12 The Byer Tapes. A typical reel to reel type tape recorder used to copy classified sound recordings. Chapter 13 The Safe Cracker. Commercial safe used to store classified documents. Chapter 14 Alec’s Misfortune. Alec’s temporary home. Chapter 15 The Final Straw. The dam and it's control building next to the spillway where an attempt was made on Will's life. Chapter 16 Official Secrets. Tactical aircraft from various countries at airfields in England. 398

About The Author Will Bonner was born and raised in a small village nestled in the heart of the English countryside. The idyllic surroundings of the family cottage which was situated alongside a river that literally flowed past the front door concealed the day to day struggle to survive their poor and needy circumstances. Will’s teen years were lost to him by the onset of World War 2, and he found himself as a young seaman subjected to attacks by German U-Boats and enemy aircraft. During this time he travelled to many parts of the world. Returning home after the war Will stayed with his family for three years during which time he married. Deciding to take advantage of associations formed during his voyages to Australia Will and Dorothy emigrated there. They were amongst the many thousands of people who were seeking a fresh start in a young country far removed from the aftermath of the war in Europe. Graduating as an Electronics Engineer he settled down to form roots and raise a family. Described in the book are the circumstances that eventually compel him to pull up those roots that they had worked so hard to establish and take the family back to his birthplace in England. The following years saw the marriage of both his children who then emigrated to Canada. In the conclusion of the final chapter of “The Reluctant Agent” circumstances enable Will and Dorothy to eventually join their children and live permanently in Canada. The endless hours spent by Dorothy typing the manuscript, proof reading, and editing “The Reluctant Agent” most certainly sustained the continuity of the writing. It’s completion may not have been accomplished without her constant help and assurance. 399

Chapter 11 The Female Connection.<br />

Margaret Collins took over from Ed Blake as chief intelligence officer in Victoria<br />

after he was killed.<br />

Chapter 12 The Byer Tapes.<br />

A typical reel to reel type tape recorder used to copy classified sound recordings.<br />

Chapter 13 The Safe Cracker.<br />

Commercial safe used to store classified documents.<br />

Chapter 14 Alec’s Misfortune.<br />

Alec’s temporary home.<br />

Chapter 15 The Final Straw.<br />

The dam and it's control building next to the spillway where an attempt was made<br />

on Will's life.<br />

Chapter 16 Official Secrets.<br />

Tactical aircraft from various countries at airfields in England.<br />


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