condensed master


Will Bonner behind the wheel he was beginning to analyze what was wrong and what he had to do. He had been allowing events to unfold, too scared to take any action. He still felt sick inside but his brain was beginning to function again. During the remainder of the journey home he formulated a simple plan to go on the initiative. The legal ramifications involving the company's recent accusation would probably take a month before any reactions surfaced. They would have to evaluate the risks associated with taking the matter further. The organization however, was another kettle of fish. By whatever means, he had to try and find out what was going on, if anything. Billy Boyd was his only contact so he would have to start there. As anticipated Billy responded to his request for a meeting, thinking it's purpose would be to pass on information. They arranged to meet for lunch at an old twelfth century manor house some fifty miles away, which had been converted into a hotel. It was situated in it's own landscaped grounds with peacocks perched on the surrounding brick walls and strutting across the lawns. Billy had suggested the venue, consequently, it was logical to assume that the organization used the place from time to time. As Will walked through the wrought iron studded door into the reception his nerve endings started to tingle. There would be no question of worrying about surveillance this time, he had to do whatever was necessary to provoke some reaction from them and if they had set something up to monitor the meeting, it could be immediate. One of the large rooms had been converted into a lounge. Discreet cubicles were positioned around the oak panelled walls and Will glanced around looking for Billy's mop of hair. He was there waiting in the corner, but this time he seemed to blend in with the dark panelling and not stand out like a visual aberration. He stood up as Will entered the cubicle and opened the conversation. "It's a long walk to the toilets here Will, if that's what you've got in mind we'd better get started." "No, not this time Billy." "Thank God for that," he remarked as he sat down. It was too much to expect him to forget the episode on their first meeting. "I've ordered coffee and sandwiches to be brought in, my bank account wouldn't cover the restaurant." Will smiled nervously. Under different circumstances he could have carried the 384

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage humour further but Billy could be his only ticket out of this mess so he wasn't going to let his concentration waver. As was now the custom, Billy pulled out his pen and notebook and Will looked again at his expectant face and took a deep breath. “Item 1. Billy started writing. "Urgent. Make arrangements for Will Brenner to meet the group leader." Billy stopped writing, a dumbfounded look on his face. "That can't be done. It's never been done!" "Well, this will be the first time then!" "No, I won't do it, there's trouble in it for me!" "You'll have to decide which source the worst trouble will come from - me or the organization?" Billy's Australian accent thickened as he became more agitated. "What's it all about?" "Someone's trying to get me on an Official Secrets charge and I want it stopped or I'll blow everything wide open!" "You can't connect me. Nothing has been official between us, you wanted it that way." "That's where you're wrong. I told you I'd spend a lot of time covering my own back, so I went to the trouble of photographing us together. If ever I get into court, you'll be standing right next to me and they'll be asking who you passed the information to." Billy stood up abruptly, he looked scared. "I have to go to the washroom, I won't be a minute." In all the times they had met he had never used the washroom before. Quickly leaving via a different route Will made his way through the now crowded bar and stood by the exit door looking out into the reception. Billy was standing in a small alcove, a mobile telephone to his ear. His head was animatedly nodding in response to someone on the other end of the line. Will returned to his seat in the lounge and waited. The shock waves he had created were having their effect. Billy returned and sat down, he was still visibly agitated. The lounge was now filling up and they had finished the coffee and sandwiches. The surroundings were not conducive to a confrontational discussion. "Let's take a walk in the grounds Billy and you can tell me what you've decided to do." The gardens were kept in tiptop condition and they sat on a seat under a great walnut tree to continue talking. "Well Billy?" 385

Will Bonner<br />

behind the wheel he was beginning to analyze what was wrong and what he had<br />

to do.<br />

He had been allowing events to unfold, too scared to take any action. He still<br />

felt sick inside but his brain was beginning to function again. During the remainder<br />

of the journey home he formulated a simple plan to go on the initiative.<br />

The legal ramifications involving the company's recent accusation would<br />

probably take a month before any reactions surfaced. They would have to<br />

evaluate the risks associated with taking the matter further. The organization<br />

however, was another kettle of fish. By whatever means, he had to try and find out<br />

what was going on, if anything. Billy Boyd was his only contact so he would have<br />

to start there.<br />

As anticipated Billy responded to his request for a meeting, thinking it's<br />

purpose would be to pass on information. They arranged to meet for lunch at an<br />

old twelfth century manor house some fifty miles away, which had been converted<br />

into a hotel. It was situated in it's own landscaped grounds with peacocks perched<br />

on the surrounding brick walls and strutting across the lawns. Billy had suggested<br />

the venue, consequently, it was logical to assume that the organization used the<br />

place from time to time.<br />

As Will walked through the wrought iron studded door into the reception his<br />

nerve endings started to tingle. There would be no question of worrying about<br />

surveillance this time, he had to do whatever was necessary to provoke some<br />

reaction from them and if they had set something up to monitor the meeting, it<br />

could be immediate.<br />

One of the large rooms had been converted into a lounge. Discreet cubicles<br />

were positioned around the oak panelled walls and Will glanced around looking<br />

for Billy's mop of hair. He was there waiting in the corner, but this time he seemed<br />

to blend in with the dark panelling and not stand out like a visual aberration. He<br />

stood up as Will entered the cubicle and opened the conversation. "It's a long walk<br />

to the toilets here Will, if that's what you've got in mind we'd better get started."<br />

"No, not this time Billy."<br />

"Thank God for that," he remarked as he sat down. It was too much to expect<br />

him to forget the episode on their first meeting. "I've ordered coffee and<br />

sandwiches to be brought in, my bank account wouldn't cover the restaurant."<br />

Will smiled nervously. Under different circumstances he could have carried the<br />


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