condensed master


Will Bonner misinformation. Air Force intelligence keep a tight grip on any new projects anyway, and you are probably dealing with the very people that are associated with them." Will's mind pictured the meetings that had already taken place, it wouldn't be easy. If anything went wrong he would be vulnerable. The outside contractors would be the first people investigated by Air Force intelligence. The Aussie reached into his pocket and produced a soggy piece of paper with a number written on it. "When you want to pass information on ring this number, preferably from a public phone. Prepare what you want to say beforehand, say your piece and then wait for any instructions." Will couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was like something out of a badly written spy novel. "This is bloody ridiculous! It's apparent that neither you or your colleagues have got the guts to meet me, you're scared to take a risk, so why should I? You can go to hell for your information!" The Aussie abruptly stood up, his face had a disappointing look on it, like a child that had been refused candy. It then changed to annoyance. "I have to report back favourably, but you're making it hard for me. They'll get upset and start doing things that you won't like." Will stood up and moved to the other side of the desk, he could see a confrontation coming. "I've been threatened by you people for years and it's always "they" who are they? You're the only person here! Are you threatening me?" "No." There was a moment of silence and Will realized that he was pushing things to the edge but he had to institute some measure of doubt in this man's mind. "If anything untoward happens after you leave here I'll warn you again. You're the first person I'll come to see because I don't know who "they" are, and I don't believe you do either. You've probably only got one contact otherwise they wouldn't let you come here." The two men were postured agressively, their faces only separated by a couple of feet. The Aussie suddenly thrust his right hand into his inside pocket. Will's heart jumped into his throat and he reacted instantly. Lunging forward, he gripped the Aussie's arm to prevent it from being withdrawn and the force pushed him off balance. As he fell backwards his left arm 372

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage brushed the contents on the top of the desk and they clattered to the floor. Fearing to let go Will followed him down into the corner of the room. The Aussie was visibly shaken, a puzzled look on his face. He was sitting on the floor his back resting in the corner, Will was kneeling on his legs. "What the hell are you doing Brenner?" "You were going to pull a gun on me." "I don't carry a gun." Will moved his hand across to the area of the pocket but could feel nothing. He had over-reacted. The Aussie removed his hand revealing a handkerchief, and proceeded to mop his brow as both men got up. He moved towards the door and picking up his hat and coat prepared to leave. "You can tell them what you want. They have my history and are perfectly capable of drawing their own conclusions. As far as I'm concerned you've delivered the message." The Aussie left without a word. Will went over to the window and lifting a slat in the venetian blind watched as the dark figure ran back to the car through the rain, and listened as the noise from the car's punctured muffler receded, as it proceeded through the industrial estate towards the highway, which would take the Aussie back to London. Will stood shaking in the centre of the room. It had been a disturbing encounter and things had been left unresolved. He was already beginning to feel the full effect of the uncertainty and he couldn't subdue it. He was in no mood to continue the report so gathering up the papers he locked up the office and with his head bent against the rain made his way over the footbridge that spanned the highway. Stopping momentarily as he reached the top, he looked across the field towards the house and could just make out the dim light of the sitting-room window that looked out over the back garden, indicating that Dorothy had not gone to bed. He felt sick and troubled at the thought of hiding things from her, an act which he had perfected over the years. He knew that it was all going to start again and he would have to be constantly on his guard. After an uneasy sleep he arrived at the office the next morning knowing exactly what he had to do. At precisely 9 a.m. he picked up the phone and rang Scotland Yard to get in touch with his contact at the meeting he had attended the previous day. It was only seconds before he was on the line. "What can I do for you Will, 373

Will Bonner<br />

misinformation. Air Force intelligence keep a tight grip on any new projects<br />

anyway, and you are probably dealing with the very people that are associated<br />

with them."<br />

Will's mind pictured the meetings that had already taken place, it wouldn't be<br />

easy. If anything went wrong he would be vulnerable. The outside contractors<br />

would be the first people investigated by Air Force intelligence.<br />

The Aussie reached into his pocket and produced a soggy piece of paper with<br />

a number written on it. "When you want to pass information on ring this number,<br />

preferably from a public phone. Prepare what you want to say beforehand, say<br />

your piece and then wait for any instructions."<br />

Will couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was like something out of a badly<br />

written spy novel. "This is bloody ridiculous! It's apparent that neither you or your<br />

colleagues have got the guts to meet me, you're scared to take a risk, so why<br />

should I? You can go to hell for your information!"<br />

The Aussie abruptly stood up, his face had a disappointing look on it, like a<br />

child that had been refused candy. It then changed to annoyance. "I have to report<br />

back favourably, but you're making it hard for me. They'll get upset and start doing<br />

things that you won't like."<br />

Will stood up and moved to the other side of the desk, he could see a<br />

confrontation coming. "I've been threatened by you people for years and it's<br />

always "they" who are they? You're the only person here! Are you threatening<br />

me?"<br />

"No."<br />

There was a moment of silence and Will realized that he was pushing things to<br />

the edge but he had to institute some measure of doubt in this man's mind. "If<br />

anything untoward happens after you leave here I'll warn you again. You're the first<br />

person I'll come to see because I don't know who "they" are, and I don't believe<br />

you do either. You've probably only got one contact otherwise they wouldn't let<br />

you come here."<br />

The two men were postured agressively, their faces only separated by a<br />

couple of feet. The Aussie suddenly thrust his right hand into his inside pocket.<br />

Will's heart jumped into his throat and he reacted instantly.<br />

Lunging forward, he gripped the Aussie's arm to prevent it from being<br />

withdrawn and the force pushed him off balance. As he fell backwards his left arm<br />


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