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The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

"We need to know more than that. What part of the intelligence organization<br />

are you from? And let us have some names."<br />

"I'm not part of any organization, and I don't know any names. I was virtually<br />

blackmailed into delivering the package, I don't even know what's in it."<br />

"It's a key code for my transmitter and they think you know about it. You must<br />

have realized when you recognized me, and knew of my radio background that I<br />

was involved. Until they are convinced that all is well, they won't let you go."<br />

Before Will had the opportunity to respond, the two men came back into the<br />

room again, the conversation soon reaching fever pitch. The pock-faced man kept<br />

running to the small window facing out from the rear of the building, looking out<br />

into the darkness, then back again. Opening the drawer of one of the side tables,<br />

he extracted two 45 calibre army service revolvers, giving one to his colleague, at<br />

the same time snapping open the breach to check the chamber for bullets, then<br />

both men ran out of the side door.<br />

Omah explained. "A stranger has appeared at one of the other houses which<br />

is vacant. He is snooping around, heading this way. They think it is too much of a<br />

coincidence, that it is happening whilst you are here. Wait while I check to see<br />

what's going on."<br />

Will stood leaning against the dining-room table, if he sat down he would be<br />

at a disadvantage if anything happened. His stomach muscles were in knots, the<br />

adrenalin was flowing and he felt the hair standing up on the back of his neck. In<br />

quick succession his knees started to shake, indicating the state of his nerves.<br />

He hardly had time to get control of himself when two muffled shots rang out<br />

and within seconds, a third. He had heard and also fired a 45 service revolver<br />

before, so he knew the sound and it's intensity indicated that the shots originated<br />

well away from the house. He panicked at the prospect of being involved, but<br />

before he had time to think Omah reappeared.<br />

"They have shot somebody, stay here while we get rid of the body!" Will's<br />

mind was suddenly activated. With everyone out at the back, the front of the house<br />

would be clear. It was an opportune time for him to get out.<br />

As fast as his shaking legs would carry him, and without losing time going<br />

down the steps, he jumped from the front verandah, miraculously making it to the<br />

street. Heading for the main road gasping for breath, and with a stitch in his side,<br />

he searched the darkness ahead for any obstructions.<br />


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