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Will Bonner<br />

someone extracts the information from him by whatever means, it would blow<br />

the Melbourne part of the organization wide open. You'll have to take drastic<br />

measures. Send Tony on a job to another state if necessary, and while he's<br />

gone break into his apartment and recover the document. Do it yourself, don't<br />

use Alec. When Tony finds out it's gone he'll just be scared and he may even<br />

come to you for help."<br />

A few moments of silence elapsed as Margaret looked down at the<br />

envelope. Slowly opening the flap she removed the contents. Will watched as<br />

she scanned down the list.<br />

"My God, this is even more potent than you described. It could be a<br />

devastating piece of information in the wrong hands!" She gazed across the<br />

park a blank look on her face. "Why have you passed it on? You had no<br />

need."<br />

"I don't give a damn about the organization, but I couldn't carry on<br />

knowing that it could hurt you personally, wondering from time to time whether<br />

you were in jail, or something even worse. I've kept a copy, so to my<br />

knowledge there's only Tony, yourself and me that know the information<br />

exists."<br />

"Have you any more surprises up your sleeve for me?"<br />

"No. I'll have to get going."<br />

Margaret opened her handbag and put the envelope away. She passed him<br />

a card. "If you ever get into trouble in England contact my personal number."<br />

she said pointing to it. "The other number is a special one just in case you fail<br />

to get me. But try to phone during the night, I have a phone next to my bed."<br />

Will got up to leave. "There's just a couple of things I have to tell you."<br />

"Well I suppose it's your turn to spring a surprise."<br />

"I'll have to inform the organization in the U.K. that you've left. If I don't,<br />

it could be detrimental for you."<br />

"I can deal with that. What's the other thing?"<br />

Taking him completely by surprise she quickly leaned forward and kissed<br />

him on the cheek as she had done once before. "I wanted to thank you once<br />

again for saving my life Will Brenner. I'll never forget it and I'll never forget<br />

you."<br />

Will abruptly turned and walked away, he felt that he was wrenching<br />

himself from a relationship that was difficult to equate. He stopped at the gate<br />

and turned. Margaret was still standing motionless in the same spot. She had<br />

tears in her eyes. The urge to go back came over him but he suppressed it, he<br />


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