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Will Bonner<br />

Will furtively looked around at the other customers in the near vicinity, and<br />

then down into the main concourse of the shop below. His eyes traversed the<br />

entrance area expecting to see Dorothy appear, although it was far too early for<br />

that. In addition, the store seemed suddenly full of detectives from the criminal<br />

investigation bureau, intent on finding out who was consorting with a known felon.<br />

It was too late to harbour such thoughts as Alec rounded the corner dressed in his<br />

usual shabby suit and dirty white sneakers.<br />

"You're the last person I expected to see in a place like this. Are you taking<br />

a look at how the other half lives?"<br />

"No. I'm just looking up the latest on locks and safes. I have to keep up with<br />

what's going on."<br />

"As long as you don't practice on my premises!"<br />

Alec cracked a faint smile. "I don't think that's likely to happen, but I'm glad<br />

we have crossed paths. Has Margaret been in touch?"<br />

Will tensed with sudden anticipation. "No, why do you ask?"<br />

Alec hesitated and his blank look indicated that he had said the wrong thing.<br />

Will pressed his advantage but his original assessment of Alec's reticence to readily<br />

offer up anything more than a few syllables was still evident.<br />

"She mentioned that she would probably be making contact. That's all I<br />

know."<br />

There was no point in questioning a downright lie and every second in Alec's<br />

presence, especially in a public place spelt danger, and Will hastened to break<br />

things up. "I have to get going Alec."<br />

Alec nodded and Will hurriedly made his way back down to the main floor<br />

and out to the street. He would have to stay in the vicinity in case Dorothy arrived<br />

back. Secreting himself in a shop doorway he waited some fifteen minutes before<br />

Alec left the store.<br />

Back inside, Will's mind was now preoccupied with the chance meeting, and<br />

the mere thought of being contacted again completely swamped his purpose for<br />

being there. He would never get used to the uncertainty, and his brain started<br />

down the same old track it had travelled many times before. He stared blankly at<br />

the bookshelves, but they didn't exist as his mind traversed through the endless<br />

possibilities, but it was futile as he continued through the maze.<br />

"Will!" I've been waiting downstairs for you. You said you would keep an eye<br />


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