condensed master


Will Bonner hands, be detrimental for him. "I understand everything you've said and it makes some sense, but it's what you haven't said that worries me. If there's something you're holding back it would be best I know now, otherwise everything could backfire on you." Margaret stood up and walked into the kitchen without answering. She would normally respond without hesitation so Will concluded that she was buying time. He followed her and stood watching whilst she busied herself doing things that any woman would do in the kitchen. Opening one of the drawers next to the sink exposed a number of butcher's knives and a rolling pin. "Which one are you intending to use on me? A knife or the rolling pin?" She burst into laugher and then turned, her face becoming serious. "I'll never forget the night Dan came here, I'm certain that he intended to push me over the deck railing. You saved my life and I told you then that I was indebted to you." Will was embarrassed. He walked out of the kitchen and stood in the centre of the living-room. "I must get back, but before I go I think I know of a way to inform you in advance where I'll be on the day, if I deem it necessary. All I have to do is arrange another visit to return with component parts, I'd phone you before I go for the second time." "You won't have any trouble?" "No, it's standard procedure." "That's terrific, it will save me from having to set up a special link. What we've talked about is acceptable then?" "Yes, unless something crops up to warrant a change." They walked down the stairs and over to Will's service vehicle. "With the type of work you do you could go anywhere during the course of the day, and no one would question why you were there." "Don't let that scheming little mind of yours run away with itself. I've still got plenty of constraints to deal with." "I guess so. Goodbye Will, I'd like you to pass on my regards to Dorothy, but I know you can't." "That's one of the downsides to your job, it's something you'll have to put up with." Will looked in the rear vision mirror as he slowly steered down the steep driveway. He could see Margaret watching him drive away and she remained 270

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage there until the car fell below the line of sight. As he travelled the country road back to Vermont he had not lost sight of the fact that Margaret was an agent, a spy, and probably a brilliant one at that. Everything had seemed so plausible, but that could be part of her brilliance. He must not allow his attitude towards the organization to change. Even though his job was demanding he enjoyed the constant challenge to his expertise, but more so the fact that he totally controlled the activities of his day. As time went by, Margaret's prediction began to materialize. He was allotted specialized electronic's work, and in addition, calls to well known people, the first, a female television personality who was gaining a lot of popularity at the time. Her husband was also appearing on the box. The house was situated in a well-to-do area and they had quite an audio visual set-up. Will appeared around mid morning and she had taken him into a large room capable of entertaining fifty people or more. All the equipment was situated at the far end, housed in oak cabinets. The room contained sundry easy chairs positioned in various places, but the main seating consisted of two large four seater settees, which stretched across the room in front of the equipment, also taking advantage of a big screen television set, which had broken down. Will moved the unit forward to get to the rear and kneeling behind it, started work. The television personality was a tall, thin blonde, wearing oversized sunglasses. Why do these people wear dark glasses? Perhaps they've got something to hide. She sat on the settee directly in front of the TV and picked up a magazine from a small table to read. Not aware that Will could see her through the ventilation grill in the front of the cabinet, she temporarily removed her dark glasses and Will nearly fell over backwards with what he saw. She had the biggest black eye he had seen in a long time. It was an easy job to rectify the fault, less than ten minutes and he was on his way, carrying with him personal information and he could hear Margaret's comment ringing in his ear "perhaps just a simple observation" there's got to be other people that know she's being abused, and his mind turned to Joanna. Some time later, it all came out in the newspapers. Her husband had become an alcoholic and he was knocking her about. It ended in divorce. Other situations followed but they were sporadic, appearing out of the blue and invariably involved a morning visit. None were significant enough to instigate 271

Will Bonner<br />

hands, be detrimental for him.<br />

"I understand everything you've said and it makes some sense, but it's what<br />

you haven't said that worries me. If there's something you're holding back it would<br />

be best I know now, otherwise everything could backfire on you."<br />

Margaret stood up and walked into the kitchen without answering. She would<br />

normally respond without hesitation so Will concluded that she was buying time.<br />

He followed her and stood watching whilst she busied herself doing things that any<br />

woman would do in the kitchen. Opening one of the drawers next to the sink<br />

exposed a number of butcher's knives and a rolling pin. "Which one are you<br />

intending to use on me? A knife or the rolling pin?"<br />

She burst into laugher and then turned, her face becoming serious. "I'll never<br />

forget the night Dan came here, I'm certain that he intended to push me over the<br />

deck railing. You saved my life and I told you then that I was indebted to you."<br />

Will was embarrassed. He walked out of the kitchen and stood in the centre<br />

of the living-room. "I must get back, but before I go I think I know of a way to<br />

inform you in advance where I'll be on the day, if I deem it necessary. All I have<br />

to do is arrange another visit to return with component parts, I'd phone you before<br />

I go for the second time."<br />

"You won't have any trouble?"<br />

"No, it's standard procedure."<br />

"That's terrific, it will save me from having to set up a special link. What we've<br />

talked about is acceptable then?"<br />

"Yes, unless something crops up to warrant a change." They walked down the<br />

stairs and over to Will's service vehicle.<br />

"With the type of work you do you could go anywhere during the course of<br />

the day, and no one would question why you were there."<br />

"Don't let that scheming little mind of yours run away with itself. I've still got<br />

plenty of constraints to deal with."<br />

"I guess so. Goodbye Will, I'd like you to pass on my regards to Dorothy, but<br />

I know you can't."<br />

"That's one of the downsides to your job, it's something you'll have to put up<br />

with."<br />

Will looked in the rear vision mirror as he slowly steered down the steep<br />

driveway. He could see Margaret watching him drive away and she remained<br />


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