condensed master


Will Bonner Brenner, why is it that I have the feeling that I'm being manipulated?" "I guess that's a reciprocal feeling until we know where we both stand and that won't happen in one meeting." "Are you suggesting that we meet again, soon I hope?" "Yes, I've learned enough to warrant carrying on. Perhaps one evening at your hideaway." "How soon?" "I'm a member of the Institute of Recording Engineers and their meetings are held in the city. I go straight from work and get home late. The next meeting is on Monday, but I don't have to attend. You could pick me up at 4.30 p.m. outside the factory and then take me home afterwards." "That's excellent, hopefully we can get things sorted out at that time." Will got out and waited until Margaret's car was out of sight, everything had been easy going. Too easy going, and an element of suspicion crept into his thinking. Driving back up the hill he pulled off the side of the road and into the trees where he could get a good view of the car-park below. Expecting to see another car appear that perhaps may have been monitoring the meeting, he waited for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, but nothing happened. Perhaps his suspicions were unfounded, but he would have to try and strike a balance between cautiousness and paranoia. Will sat in the lounge-room looking across at Dorothy, a mixture of thoughts circulating in his head. There's got to come a time one day, when she would start to get suspicious about his comings and goings. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that she had raised her head and was looking back at him. "What are you staring at me for Will?" "I didn't realize I was staring, honestly. I was just engrossed in my own thoughts." Yes, there would probably come that day and he would have to cope with it at the time. It was always good to be at home for the whole weekend and this one was no exception. They would do their shopping locally, on Saturday morning and pick up a box of apples from the orchard at the bottom of the hill. Then for the rest of the weekend work around the house and garden, there was always plenty to do. It was a respite from the battles at the factory during the week. Leaving work on Monday afternoon Will looked for Margaret's sports car, but 252

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage there was no sign of it. After the street had cleared there was just one car remaining, a large comfortable looking, black chevrolet sedan. It's engine started up and it crossed the road and pulled up alongside. Will opened the door and sat down in it's spacious interior. He looked across at Margaret. "This goes from the sublime to the ridiculous!" The motor purred and Will sat in the relative silence as they headed east towards the Dandenong Ranges. "What sort of a day have you had Will?" "Do you know anything about large scale production?" "No." "Well, you can liken it to a battleground where no one ever gets killed, only tortured mentally. There are basically two opposing sides. The production team's only desire is to get as much through as possible and earn big money, and the quality control team does their utmost to stop them. Each side has it's own method of getting information to use against the other. It would be a marvellous training ground for your agents!" "How about you?" Margaret smiled and stared ahead without answering. "You don't need to say anything about your work, Ed didn't." "I've inherited the usual problems of taking over." "That's the story of my life. I'm always getting thrown into the lion's den." They continued on without further conversation. Will looked out at the countryside, they were well outside the confines of the city proper now. He knew Melbourne well and at the rate and direction they were going they would soon be not far from where he lived in Vermont. The car turned north however, and in less than ten minutes he realized that they were somewhere between Park Orchards and Warrandyte. It was a beautiful suburb with steep hills, lots of trees, and sparsely populated. The road took a sudden turn to the right but the car braked and turned abruptly to the left into a small clearing between the trees. "This entrance is well concealed, drivers are always concentrating on the sharp bend and I purposely don't have it sign posted." They were now travelling up a fairly steep dirt track, the car wheels falling in and out of narrow gullies created by small rivers of rain water that had run down the hill. The house seemed to appear out of nowhere, a timber building nestled into 253

Will Bonner<br />

Brenner, why is it that I have the feeling that I'm being manipulated?"<br />

"I guess that's a reciprocal feeling until we know where we both stand and that<br />

won't happen in one meeting."<br />

"Are you suggesting that we meet again, soon I hope?"<br />

"Yes, I've learned enough to warrant carrying on. Perhaps one evening at your<br />

hideaway."<br />

"How soon?"<br />

"I'm a member of the Institute of Recording Engineers and their meetings are<br />

held in the city. I go straight from work and get home late. The next meeting is on<br />

Monday, but I don't have to attend. You could pick me up at 4.30 p.m. outside<br />

the factory and then take me home afterwards."<br />

"That's excellent, hopefully we can get things sorted out at that time."<br />

Will got out and waited until Margaret's car was out of sight, everything had<br />

been easy going. Too easy going, and an element of suspicion crept into his<br />

thinking. Driving back up the hill he pulled off the side of the road and into the<br />

trees where he could get a good view of the car-park below. Expecting to see<br />

another car appear that perhaps may have been monitoring the meeting, he waited<br />

for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, but nothing happened. Perhaps his suspicions<br />

were unfounded, but he would have to try and strike a balance between<br />

cautiousness and paranoia.<br />

Will sat in the lounge-room looking across at Dorothy, a mixture of thoughts<br />

circulating in his head. There's got to come a time one day, when she would start<br />

to get suspicious about his comings and goings. He was so engrossed in his<br />

thoughts that he didn't notice that she had raised her head and was looking back<br />

at him. "What are you staring at me for Will?"<br />

"I didn't realize I was staring, honestly. I was just engrossed in my own<br />

thoughts." Yes, there would probably come that day and he would have to cope<br />

with it at the time.<br />

It was always good to be at home for the whole weekend and this one was no<br />

exception. They would do their shopping locally, on Saturday morning and pick<br />

up a box of apples from the orchard at the bottom of the hill. Then for the rest of<br />

the weekend work around the house and garden, there was always plenty to do.<br />

It was a respite from the battles at the factory during the week.<br />

Leaving work on Monday afternoon Will looked for Margaret's sports car, but<br />


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