condensed master


Will Bonner "It's simple logic. The chances of someone in their own families leaking information is practically non existent, consequently, they'll be searching for someone outside their own group." Will paused to take a deep breath, "that's you Ed, or one of your agents." Ed looked long and hard at him but Will was not getting any response. "You've never met or talked to these people, have you?" "No." "You can't treat them like other groups you've been spying on." "What do you mean by that?" "Well, in addition to changing their operation they will come after you and kill you." Ed was now listening intently, and Will continued, "from what I've learned I can save you a lot of work and trouble. Both sides are just bent on destroying one another, there's no political agenda, it's merely a vendetta. The very minute that you find out what I've said is true, stop what you're doing, and leave it alone. Believe me, from now on, things could get really bad and you'll have very little control over what's happening. The revenge for the killing of that boy could come as early as tomorrow, so my advice to you is to keep on the alert. Things could happen when you least expect it." "You're serious aren't you?" "I think the correct term would be "deadly serious" Will moved over to the door in readiness to leave. "I'm sorry to put a damper on the success of this first surveillance, but I didn't want you to proceed with the next two jobs, thinking that they were going to be a piece of cake, like the first. Keep expecting trouble and you might avert it. This is the last time I will visit you in this office, I can't afford to take any risks." Will closed the door behind him a picture of Ed's blank look imprinted in his mind. The daily battles at his place of work continued unabated. There was nothing much he could do but respond, as and when required, in an effort to keep the cogs turning with the least amount of friction. He badly wanted to get away from this soul destroying environment and after many requests had been rejected, a unique opportunity arose. His boss announced that he was leaving the company and Will made one last attempt, knowing that a new superior would not impliment any changes in the forseeable future. It was finally decided that he be moved back to the main plant and get involved in television production. As on previous occasions it happened soon and without warning. 224

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage From that moment on, Will set about his work with a renewed vigour, knowing that each day would be one day closer to leaving this place that he disliked so much. As it had happened on previous occasions, he transferred back to the main plant in one day, with no pre-warning, and the difference could be likened to swimming from the rapids into the calm waters of a swimming-pool! The stressful nature of his previous job was very hard to eliminate and he was constantly expecting something untoward to happen, but it didn't, and eventually, over the next couple of months, he settled down to a more stable existence. The influences of Ed seemed now to be in the distant past, but Will was aware that the other two surveillance dates would be either completed or imminent. Apart from the occasional reminder of the past, Will was enjoying his day to day predictability. He had received no further information from Bart, which he could only conclude would be due to the fact that he was awaiting results from the other two meetings. It would be too much to expect that there would be no more contact from these parties - just wishful thinking. Searching through his papers Will found his copy of the information given to him by Bart and the final meeting was due next Sunday. They must have coped with the second meeting and Ed wouldn't contact him at this late stage, unless they had an emergency of some kind. Will waited a further couple of weeks expecting Ed to appear with the tapes, but it was to be a further week before the familiar sight of Ed's car parked outside the shops in Vermont caught his eye as he alighted from the bus. As he approached the door opened and Tony got out. Will looked past him and into the car, but Ed was not there. "Where's Ed, is he sick again?" Tony pointed to the front seat, indicating that Will should get inside. Tony turned to Will as they settled into their seats. "No, he's not sick." "Has he sent me some tapes then, and how did the surveillance go?" "No, I haven't brought any tapes but the surveillance went well." This question and answer session is getting me nowhere, Will was thinking, as Tony seemed to be getting more and more non-committal. He was staring through the windshield appearing detached from the circumstances around him. "What the hell's going on Tony, why are you so damned reticent?" Tony placed his hand on the steering-wheel in the driving position and lowered 225

Will Bonner<br />

"It's simple logic. The chances of someone in their own families leaking<br />

information is practically non existent, consequently, they'll be searching for<br />

someone outside their own group." Will paused to take a deep breath, "that's you<br />

Ed, or one of your agents." Ed looked long and hard at him but Will was not<br />

getting any response. "You've never met or talked to these people, have you?"<br />

"No."<br />

"You can't treat them like other groups you've been spying on."<br />

"What do you mean by that?"<br />

"Well, in addition to changing their operation they will come after you and kill<br />

you." Ed was now listening intently, and Will continued, "from what I've learned<br />

I can save you a lot of work and trouble. Both sides are just bent on destroying<br />

one another, there's no political agenda, it's merely a vendetta. The very minute<br />

that you find out what I've said is true, stop what you're doing, and leave it alone.<br />

Believe me, from now on, things could get really bad and you'll have very little<br />

control over what's happening. The revenge for the killing of that boy could come<br />

as early as tomorrow, so my advice to you is to keep on the alert. Things could<br />

happen when you least expect it."<br />

"You're serious aren't you?"<br />

"I think the correct term would be "deadly serious" Will moved over to the<br />

door in readiness to leave. "I'm sorry to put a damper on the success of this first<br />

surveillance, but I didn't want you to proceed with the next two jobs, thinking that<br />

they were going to be a piece of cake, like the first. Keep expecting trouble and<br />

you might avert it. This is the last time I will visit you in this office, I can't afford to<br />

take any risks." Will closed the door behind him a picture of Ed's blank look<br />

imprinted in his mind.<br />

The daily battles at his place of work continued unabated. There was nothing<br />

much he could do but respond, as and when required, in an effort to keep the cogs<br />

turning with the least amount of friction. He badly wanted to get away from this<br />

soul destroying environment and after many requests had been rejected, a unique<br />

opportunity arose. His boss announced that he was leaving the company and Will<br />

made one last attempt, knowing that a new superior would not impliment any<br />

changes in the forseeable future. It was finally decided that he be moved back to<br />

the main plant and get involved in television production. As on previous occasions<br />

it happened soon and without warning.<br />


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