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The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

just have been a matter of leaving the parcel with the old man but it was not to be<br />

the case. Sitting behind his desk grinning like a Cheshire cat, Ed stood up and<br />

reached out to take the parcel containing the tapes. "How did it go?"<br />

"Everything went well, they will send more information as it becomes<br />

available."<br />

"That's wonderful, but for the moment we've got plenty to go at. The<br />

information we collected was valuable and it's being evaluated." Ed sat down<br />

again and looked up at Will. "All this information you get for us is worth a fair bit<br />

of money, you should be compensated."<br />

"I think you should rephrase what you've just said. The truth is, all the<br />

information I am coerced into getting for you, which is quite a different thing. No,<br />

I don't want your money, it would only end up implicating me."<br />

"They could transfer money into your account if they wanted to, which would<br />

implicate you anyway."<br />

"Would you do that Ed?"<br />

"No."<br />

"Well, you'd better tell your superiors not to either, because if they do they will<br />

get zero assistance from me, whatever the consequences."<br />

"Why are we talking like this Will? Everything went well, with no trouble.<br />

Let's look forward to getting the same results from the next two meetings."<br />

"What do you mean "we"? You've got everything you want, my expertise is<br />

not needed now and you know it. If you try to make me follow through, I'll know<br />

that you're doing so, just for the hell of it."<br />

"No, I wouldn't do that Will and you're right, we can carry on, but if we run<br />

into trouble with the equipment you'll still sort it out for us?"<br />

"Yes, I won't go back on our arrangement but remember, it's only between<br />

you and me, no one else."<br />

Ed nodded in agreement. "I've known you long enough to sense when<br />

something's bugging you, am I right?"<br />

"Yes, I've been asked to warn you to be careful, the Serbs are going to<br />

retaliate. They got the information they wanted from the tapes and they know who<br />

to go for, and when they get him the Croats will leave no stone unturned to try to<br />

find out how the information got out."<br />

"How can they possibly find out?"<br />


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