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Will Bonner<br />

assembled. Will looked at them through a pair of army field glasses he had<br />

procured during the war, trying to fix some of their characteristics in his memory.<br />

Occasionally, someone would walk to the end of the pier and look out across the<br />

Bay, obviously looking for the boat. When it eventually appeared and drew up<br />

alongside the pier the men started to leave the building. Ed reached for the button.<br />

"No not yet, wait until you can count all twenty men."<br />

After a few minutes Ed replied. "They are all at the boat." Will crossed his<br />

fingers and the two men looked anxiously at each other.<br />

"This is the moment of truth Ed," as he watched him press the button. The first<br />

indicator light went out and the second one lit. It was like winning the lottery!<br />

As the pleasure boat pulled away from the pier the figures of the skipper and<br />

his engineer could be seen walking back along the pier. The boat was now fully in<br />

the hands of the Croats and they would now feel secure enough hopefully, to let<br />

go all of their secrets.<br />

They watched and waited until the boat was way out into the bay. Suddenly,<br />

the indicator light on the transmitter went out, Ed nearly had a fit. "Blast, just when<br />

everything was going well." Will laughed. "I can't see what there is to laugh about,<br />

I know you've got a sadistic sense of humour, but we are losing the best part."<br />

Will laughed again. "You silly old bugger, the boats out of range, the recorder<br />

will still be going."<br />

Ed looked sheepish. "Why do I keep putting my foot in my mouth?"<br />

A couple of fishermen had arrived and the odd person was walking along the<br />

pier. The time was ideal to recover the recorder from the building. The one<br />

secreted on the boat would be picked up later at Port Melbourne. The<br />

conversation on the way home was more buoyant, especially after Ed had played<br />

back the recording. Even though they couldn't understand the language the quality<br />

was better than expected.<br />

After arrangements were made for him to collect the tapes Will made his way<br />

home. His mind could not come to terms with the fact that everything had gone<br />

without a hitch, so much so, that he began to feel suspicious. He would only accept<br />

that things were okay when he finally played back the tapes for Bart.<br />

On the following Wednesday Ed was waiting at the bus stop with the tapes.<br />

"How are you going to avoid copies being made?"<br />

"I'll put the tape on and take it off, and I won't leave the room. I can assure<br />


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