condensed master


Will Bonner was finding it extremely difficult to keep control of the situation. Standing for a moment at final inspection, looking across to what could only be described as the battle lines, he had the compelling desire to walk out of that factory and never return. "Will Brenner!" He knew that voice penetrating the sounds of production, and turning in that direction there were his Serbian friends Ivan and Bart approaching, broad smiles on their faces! Ed's request never entered his mind at that moment, just the sight of two friendly faces was the tonic he needed. Ivan, before he emigrated, was an officer in the Serbian army, and during World War 2 found himself in England, eventually marrying an English girl before they immigrated. Bart had a more shady past. Will eventually learned that he was involved with the Mafia, mainly working with drugs on the black market, and his immigration to Australia came in a timely manner, as the police were getting very close to finding out about his activities. His wife Ina, was from Austrian nobility, and they lived in one of the many castles dotted around Europe that Bart used for his illegal activities. It was impossible to recognize them as brothers. Ivan was a small man with thinning dark hair, his features dominated by the full growth of a military style moustache. He had a likable personality. In contrast, Bart was a big, bald, white faced man, towering over Ivan, not fat, but disproportionate in his posture. When they walked together Ivan's springy step and swaggering gait looked healthy and positive. In comparison, Bart looked clumsy, his movements out of phase, the motion of someone out of condition. On the surface he had a jovial personality, but his mood could change in an instant to that of antagonism. "What are you both doing up here? Looking for employment I hope!" Ivan was the first to speak. "No, they send us to various factories to do temporary work, we're like hired guns. Knowing you were here we thought we'd look you up. How are you faring?" Will steered them to a quiet location where they could talk. "It's a shocking place to work, and I'm looking for a way to get back to the main plant, but seeing you has made my day." Ivan turned to Bart. "Go and sort out what we have to do, I want a word with Will." They watched as Bart's ungainly gait crossed the production floor in the 204

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage direction of the polishing department. "You've built a house in Vermont Will?" "Yes." "Are there any more vacant blocks of land still available?" "Several, and most have good views. Are you thinking of building up there?" "Yes, I've got a job with a furniture company less than half a mile from Vermont, and would like to build my own place." "Why don't you come up at the weekend to have a look, say Sunday afternoon, and bring your wife along? I'll get an up-to-date plan of the plots still vacant, and their prices from the estate agent for you." "That would be great, we'll be there." Will's mind had settled down and starting to tick over again. "How is the Serbian community getting on?" "We've had some trouble recently, only last week actually." "I'm sorry to hear that, is it bad?" "Yes it is, it's to do with the fighting between the Croats and ourselves. I try to keep out of it because as you know I'm married to an English girl. There's a revenge thing going on at the moment." "What brought that about?" "I wouldn't want to tell you in case you get involved." "I think I should at least be interested in your problems, even though I may not be of any help." "Well, there's always fighting going on, it's politically instigated, originating from the old country. We've been fighting one another for decades over there. I don't think it will ever stop." "Why continue the animosity over here where everybody is trying to start a new life for themselves?" "The hatred is so deep it will happen anywhere in the world, where Serbians and Croatians live in close proximity." "What's caused this recent flare up?" "The Croats abducted one of our young men. He was at the gathering you went to at Bart's place - you probably didn't meet him. He's only seventeen and they dumped him on the road in the High Street late one night, to make it look like an accident." Ivan hesitated. 205

Will Bonner<br />

was finding it extremely difficult to keep control of the situation. Standing for a<br />

moment at final inspection, looking across to what could only be described as the<br />

battle lines, he had the compelling desire to walk out of that factory and never<br />

return.<br />

"Will Brenner!" He knew that voice penetrating the sounds of production, and<br />

turning in that direction there were his Serbian friends Ivan and Bart approaching,<br />

broad smiles on their faces! Ed's request never entered his mind at that moment,<br />

just the sight of two friendly faces was the tonic he needed.<br />

Ivan, before he emigrated, was an officer in the Serbian army, and during<br />

World War 2 found himself in England, eventually marrying an English girl before<br />

they immigrated. Bart had a more shady past. Will eventually learned that he was<br />

involved with the Mafia, mainly working with drugs on the black market, and his<br />

immigration to Australia came in a timely manner, as the police were getting very<br />

close to finding out about his activities.<br />

His wife Ina, was from Austrian nobility, and they lived in one of the many<br />

castles dotted around Europe that Bart used for his illegal activities.<br />

It was impossible to recognize them as brothers. Ivan was a small man with<br />

thinning dark hair, his features dominated by the full growth of a military style<br />

moustache. He had a likable personality. In contrast, Bart was a big, bald, white<br />

faced man, towering over Ivan, not fat, but disproportionate in his posture.<br />

When they walked together Ivan's springy step and swaggering gait looked<br />

healthy and positive. In comparison, Bart looked clumsy, his movements out of<br />

phase, the motion of someone out of condition. On the surface he had a jovial<br />

personality, but his mood could change in an instant to that of antagonism.<br />

"What are you both doing up here? Looking for employment I hope!" Ivan<br />

was the first to speak.<br />

"No, they send us to various factories to do temporary work, we're like hired<br />

guns. Knowing you were here we thought we'd look you up. How are you<br />

faring?"<br />

Will steered them to a quiet location where they could talk. "It's a shocking<br />

place to work, and I'm looking for a way to get back to the main plant, but seeing<br />

you has made my day."<br />

Ivan turned to Bart. "Go and sort out what we have to do, I want a word with<br />

Will." They watched as Bart's ungainly gait crossed the production floor in the<br />


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