condensed master


Will Bonner preventing them from getting inadvertently assembled into newly produced products. He knew where the salvage department was situated, and made his way there. He was very surprised to find the door to the small entrance open, but no one in attendance behind the counter. Usually, if the door was open there was always someone in there, alternatively, the door was locked. Walking behind the counter he entered the salvage room which was cluttered with dozens of metal shelving sections, barely leaving enough room to walk between them. The shelves were stacked with items from floor to ceiling, and even though the room was large, some 50 feet long, Will estimated, it was impossible to see through to the space beyond two or three racks. Standing for a moment after closing the door, he could hear the sound of raised voices, coming from what appeared to be the far corner. One voice was aggressive, the other defensive. Will could not mistake the guttural intonation of the German language and occasional words that he understood from the war. Gestapo, Fatherland and others, the defensive voice replying, "Nien, Nien, Nien!" over and over again. As Will approached the direction of the sounds, he could hear the metallic noise of the racks vibrating, due to movement, and he could only come to the conclusion that the two people involved were engaged in some form of physical, as well as vocal confrontation. He stopped short as a small gap in one of the racks allowed him to see through and observe what was going on. Stefan was gripping the other man by the throat who Will recognized as a immigrant of German origin, and with every forceful vocal onslaught from Stefan, he was being pushed into the rack in an effort to reinforce his point. Will hesitated, then returned to the door, quietly letting himself out. There was no point in talking to Stefan under the circumstances, he had seen enough. There seemed no doubt by Stefan's insane behaviour, what everyone was saying, had an element of truth about it. Why would Stefan get himself involved this way if he was trying to hide the truth? The answer lay in the fact that he had been brainwashed by the Hitler Youth Movement and it would take a good many years to get it out of his system. In the meantime, the German on the receiving end of Stefan's indoctrination, would 186

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage have to suffer. Within the week more discs were missing, this time the most expensive in production. Will knew that Stefan had not been up into the department, so Mike's inference was unfounded. Realizing that there was nothing more he could do, Will called in the company police, and after a short investigation, they called in the regular police. Two detectives from the Criminal Investigation Department conducted interviews, and everyone came under suspicion. The whole department was under a cloud, and the normally simple action of leaving the factory to go home became a burden, with the possibility of being watched or stopped, always in the forefront of the mind. Another week went by, and one morning, about an hour after arriving, Will asked to see Mike. "He's not in yet." "Is he sick?" "We don't know, he hasn't phoned in." Will dismissed it from his mind. Mike very rarely took time off. Around 11.30 a.m. the two detectives walked into his office. "We've caught the crook, you won't have any further incidents." "Who was it?" "Your assistant, Mike Cowley." Will was stunned. "How was it possible?" "Well, we watched everyone leaving each night, looking for bags large enough to carry the loot, and when Mike Cowley was crossing the foyer last night, two records fell out from under his jacket coat on to the floor. He'd made the mistake of hiding them upside down and they slipped out of their covers." Mike disappeared never to be seen again and Will breathed a sigh of relief as things quickly returned to normal. At least it appeared that way, until Will noticed a change in Joanna's demeanour. She would take occasional day's off which she had never done before, and she seemed far from being on top of her work. It was getting to the stage where Will was going to have to approach her about it, and he wasn't relishing the idea. Fortunately, his hesitation provided an opportunity for someone to give him the information he wanted. 187

Will Bonner<br />

preventing them from getting inadvertently assembled into newly produced<br />

products. He knew where the salvage department was situated, and made his way<br />

there.<br />

He was very surprised to find the door to the small entrance open, but no one<br />

in attendance behind the counter. Usually, if the door was open there was always<br />

someone in there, alternatively, the door was locked.<br />

Walking behind the counter he entered the salvage room which was cluttered<br />

with dozens of metal shelving sections, barely leaving enough room to walk<br />

between them. The shelves were stacked with items from floor to ceiling, and<br />

even though the room was large, some 50 feet long, Will estimated, it was<br />

impossible to see through to the space beyond two or three racks.<br />

Standing for a moment after closing the door, he could hear the sound of<br />

raised voices, coming from what appeared to be the far corner. One voice was<br />

aggressive, the other defensive. Will could not mistake the guttural intonation of<br />

the German language and occasional words that he understood from the war.<br />

Gestapo, Fatherland and others, the defensive voice replying, "Nien, Nien, Nien!"<br />

over and over again.<br />

As Will approached the direction of the sounds, he could hear the metallic<br />

noise of the racks vibrating, due to movement, and he could only come to the<br />

conclusion that the two people involved were engaged in some form of physical,<br />

as well as vocal confrontation.<br />

He stopped short as a small gap in one of the racks allowed him to see through<br />

and observe what was going on. Stefan was gripping the other man by the throat<br />

who Will recognized as a immigrant of German origin, and with every forceful<br />

vocal onslaught from Stefan, he was being pushed into the rack in an effort to<br />

reinforce his point.<br />

Will hesitated, then returned to the door, quietly letting himself out. There was<br />

no point in talking to Stefan under the circumstances, he had seen enough. There<br />

seemed no doubt by Stefan's insane behaviour, what everyone was saying, had<br />

an element of truth about it.<br />

Why would Stefan get himself involved this way if he was trying to hide the<br />

truth? The answer lay in the fact that he had been brainwashed by the Hitler<br />

Youth Movement and it would take a good many years to get it out of his system.<br />

In the meantime, the German on the receiving end of Stefan's indoctrination, would<br />


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