condensed master


Will Bonner food so he just lay there trying to evaluate what had happened. His cabin mates were all on leave. Thank heavens for that! He could not have coped with the social chatter, someone would have surely awakened to ask the obvious questions. No names had been given of his interrogators, he only knew that they were from both Military and British Intelligence. He had been left with no fear of the military, but the ferret man's departing words were still ringing in his ears. What if they did decide to bring charges? What if it became public? His family would be humiliated, especially his dad. The whole village would isolate them and Will shuddered at the thought. He'd done nothing wrong, but this seemed of little consequence. The why's and wherefore's continued to buzz around in his brain as he began to feel the aches and pains of his physical encounter with the ferret man. The silence of the cabin finally took over lulling him into a troubled sleep. "Wake up Will, wake up!" It was Blondie Bishop, the medical orderly from the dispensary. "You've overslept and the assistant purser is going crazy up there!" Will opened his eyes and looked up from the lower bunk at Blondie's white hair and moustache. He was shaking him by the shoulder, and the movement was creating pains in his upper body, resulting from the blows he had received the night before. "Where were you last night? Nobody could find you, why have you slept in your uniform?" Will was in no mood for questions and using the urgency of the moment to avoid answering, he pushed past Blondie to change into his work gear. He took off as fast as his delicate condition would allow, leaving Blondie standing with a blank look on his face. He was used to Blondie's persistent way until he got answers, and Will knew that would not be the end of it, but he would be ready for him next time he asked. "Where the hell have you been Brenner?" Miles Cavanagh the assistant purser, was obviously upset. "Sorry Sir, I overslept." Miles dismissed the excuse. "You haven't shaved and you're dressed like a sack of potatoes. Get yourself together man!" "Sorry Sir, I'll get the boat underway immediately," but as he was walking away from the counter it dawned on him that he had no shore passes. He had been --- 18 ---

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage given enough to use until yesterday, but he now needed more. Turning back to the counter, the events of the previous night came flooding back into his conscious mind. Miles was still out front bending over some papers on the counter. "What now, Brenner?" he asked impatiently. "I need more shore passes, Sir." "There has been a change of instruction Brenner, I can only issue one pass each day." His head was moving up and down as he appeared to be trying to read the papers on the counter, at the same time as date stamping the pass. Will looked directly at his face, listening intently to his voice, trying to get a hint of whether or not he knew anything about the previous day's incident, but there was no indication. Picking up the pass he turned to leave. "What's the matter with you man, can't I rely on you to do your job? You haven't signed the pass in my presence!" Miles roared. "Probably ashore half the night!" Will hurriedly signed the pass on both sections, but at the same time analyzing his last remark, which had given him the impression that probably Miles Cavanagh did not know the real reason why his pass instruction had been changed. Will felt much better. He pushed the boat to it’s limit on his way ashore trying to make up a bit of time, but nine knots was the maximum speed and he finished up not making much headway. As usual, there was very little activity on the quayside as he tied the boat up to a bollard. It had started to rain slightly, prompting him to pull up his collar as he made his way up the cobbled incline. Passing the spot where his passes had fallen out of his wallet his heart began to pound. He was terrified at the thought of meeting the guard at the gatehouse knowing he also would have been interrogated. The customary wave would not be given, or received. His fears were short lived however, and he became aware that there was a new man in the gatehouse. Giving up the outgoing portion of his pass he made his way up to the level of the street. Pausing before turning toward the Post Office, he scanned the street in both directions. What was he looking for? Was he being watched? There was no sign of the agent that had helped him gather up the contents of his wallet. Everything appeared normal, but wasn’t that usually the case? Trying to shrug off the anxious thoughts that came over him, Will went about his daily routine. During the remainder of his stay at Gourock and on later visits when the --- 19 ---

Will Bonner<br />

food so he just lay there trying to evaluate what had happened.<br />

His cabin mates were all on leave. Thank heavens for that! He could not have<br />

coped with the social chatter, someone would have surely awakened to ask the<br />

obvious questions. No names had been given of his interrogators, he only knew<br />

that they were from both Military and British Intelligence. He had been left with no<br />

fear of the military, but the ferret man's departing words were still ringing in his<br />

ears.<br />

What if they did decide to bring charges? What if it became public? His family<br />

would be humiliated, especially his dad. The whole village would isolate them and<br />

Will shuddered at the thought. He'd done nothing wrong, but this seemed of little<br />

consequence. The why's and wherefore's continued to buzz around in his brain as<br />

he began to feel the aches and pains of his physical encounter with the ferret man.<br />

The silence of the cabin finally took over lulling him into a troubled sleep.<br />

"Wake up Will, wake up!" It was Blondie Bishop, the medical orderly from<br />

the dispensary. "You've overslept and the assistant purser is going crazy up there!"<br />

Will opened his eyes and looked up from the lower bunk at Blondie's white hair<br />

and moustache. He was shaking him by the shoulder, and the movement was<br />

creating pains in his upper body, resulting from the blows he had received the night<br />

before.<br />

"Where were you last night? Nobody could find you, why have you slept in<br />

your uniform?"<br />

Will was in no mood for questions and using the urgency of the moment to<br />

avoid answering, he pushed past Blondie to change into his work gear. He took<br />

off as fast as his delicate condition would allow, leaving Blondie standing with a<br />

blank look on his face. He was used to Blondie's persistent way until he got<br />

answers, and Will knew that would not be the end of it, but he would be ready for<br />

him next time he asked.<br />

"Where the hell have you been Brenner?" Miles Cavanagh the assistant purser,<br />

was obviously upset.<br />

"Sorry Sir, I overslept."<br />

Miles dismissed the excuse. "You haven't shaved and you're dressed like a<br />

sack of potatoes. Get yourself together man!"<br />

"Sorry Sir, I'll get the boat underway immediately," but as he was walking<br />

away from the counter it dawned on him that he had no shore passes. He had been<br />

--- 18 ---

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