condensed master


Will Bonner dry cleaners. When he spoke, an accent that was devoid of the Australian drawl, showed a faint hint of English, suggesting that he had been living in Australia for some years. Immediately taking charge of the situation, he commenced to ask Ed questions, nodding on occasions as though in approval. I wonder if he's a big cheese in the organization? One would tend to think so by the way he was taking control. All three men sat down and Will listened as the conversation progressed, at the same time closely observing the agent from Sydney. He was certainly a smooth operator, quietly spoken, but nevertheless forceful in getting his points across. As time went by the content of the meeting got more intense and Will was listening to information regarding the forthcoming phone tap in Melbourne that sent shivers up his spine. It was all about the communist activity in Melbourne and Sydney, and the interception of information between the top organizers from the two cities. Something was being planned, and the information transferred by phone in the near future. The information that Will was hearing spelt dynamite and he felt more uneasy by the minute. He broke into the conversation directing his words to Ed. "Look Ed, I don't think I should be listening to this information. I thought that all I would be involved in was the electronics, so my work is finished. The device is working perfectly." Before Ed had time to answer, the agent cut in. "I was under the impression Brenner, that you wanted to have the facts before doing anything for Ed." "But I have done what was asked of me, what more do you want?" Ed and his associate looked across at each other during a brief pause in the conversation, the agent then continued. "The information we want is vital to us, we may only get this one chance. We can't risk a blunder with the equipment and you are the only person Ed has with the expertise, so you will have to do the job." Will felt numb, the mere thought of the consequences tightened every muscle in his body. His face felt rigid as though it had been slapped, preventing him from forming any words. "We know the information is safe with you. In any case, we would know wouldn't we, if something went wrong?" It was a veiled threat, and Will realized that any resistance on his part would only make matters worse. He would have to wait to see what transpired, before objecting. "I believe you're very good at your job so there shouldn't be any problems. 174

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage You've never failed to come up with the goods to-date, have you?" Will remained silent. This man would be going back to Sydney and his business was with Ed, he would sort things out with him afterwards. Ed and the agent concluded the meeting with a summary of the details and then they left. Will heard the car start up outside and take off towards Melbourne. When Ed returned to the office he crossed the room with his hand held high in the air, like a policeman on traffic duty. "I know what you're going to say, but let me have my say first. None of this was my doing, I've been told what I must do and I know the predicament you are in. I tried to get them to send somebody down from Sydney, but they wouldn't have it. What arrangements we have are just between us and I'll do my best to keep up my end of the deal. But to them it means nothing. Believe me, they'll come down hard on you, if you don't give them what they want." Will felt completely despondent. He knew that Ed was probably telling him the truth and he was floundering with no other option available to him. "They do have another electronics boffin in Sydney then?" "Yes, just one." "Would you do something for me Ed?" "If I can." "If you recruit somebody that can provide the electronic services you need, will you tell me and leave me alone?" "Yes I can do that, but the organization will never let you off the hook because of what you have been involved in. The only way I can describe your plight is that you have one foot in and one foot out of the organization. A reluctant agent, so to speak. For my own part, as long as I get the job done in Melbourne, it won't matter one way or the other who I use." "I'd better stop wishing you dead then, hadn't I?" Ed smiled and nodded his head in agreement. The journey back to the apartment progressed in silence until it was time for Will to get out of the car. "It will happen one Saturday afternoon or evening when their offices are closed and they won't be interrupted. I'll let you know in good time and we'll talk about the details then." As Will walked up the road towards the apartment he was thinking of only one thing. No matter what transpired he would be concentrating on saving his own 175

Will Bonner<br />

dry cleaners. When he spoke, an accent that was devoid of the Australian drawl,<br />

showed a faint hint of English, suggesting that he had been living in Australia for<br />

some years. Immediately taking charge of the situation, he commenced to ask Ed<br />

questions, nodding on occasions as though in approval. I wonder if he's a big<br />

cheese in the organization? One would tend to think so by the way he was taking<br />

control.<br />

All three men sat down and Will listened as the conversation progressed, at<br />

the same time closely observing the agent from Sydney. He was certainly a<br />

smooth operator, quietly spoken, but nevertheless forceful in getting his points<br />

across. As time went by the content of the meeting got more intense and Will was<br />

listening to information regarding the forthcoming phone tap in Melbourne that sent<br />

shivers up his spine.<br />

It was all about the communist activity in Melbourne and Sydney, and the<br />

interception of information between the top organizers from the two cities.<br />

Something was being planned, and the information transferred by phone in the near<br />

future. The information that Will was hearing spelt dynamite and he felt more<br />

uneasy by the minute. He broke into the conversation directing his words to Ed.<br />

"Look Ed, I don't think I should be listening to this information. I thought that<br />

all I would be involved in was the electronics, so my work is finished. The device<br />

is working perfectly." Before Ed had time to answer, the agent cut in.<br />

"I was under the impression Brenner, that you wanted to have the facts before<br />

doing anything for Ed."<br />

"But I have done what was asked of me, what more do you want?"<br />

Ed and his associate looked across at each other during a brief pause in the<br />

conversation, the agent then continued. "The information we want is vital to us, we<br />

may only get this one chance. We can't risk a blunder with the equipment and you<br />

are the only person Ed has with the expertise, so you will have to do the job."<br />

Will felt numb, the mere thought of the consequences tightened every muscle<br />

in his body. His face felt rigid as though it had been slapped, preventing him from<br />

forming any words. "We know the information is safe with you. In any case, we<br />

would know wouldn't we, if something went wrong?" It was a veiled threat, and<br />

Will realized that any resistance on his part would only make matters worse. He<br />

would have to wait to see what transpired, before objecting.<br />

"I believe you're very good at your job so there shouldn't be any problems.<br />


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