condensed master


Will Bonner eliminate one problem and come out with a different one. It was the kind of problem though that he could control and he felt more secure about his relationship with Ed and the organization, especially with regard to his family. Time was flying by and he had done nothing to get Ed's device underway. He had been thinking about it from time to time but the mere fact of building it from scratch on the dining-room table with very little equipment, seemed a daunting task, consequently, he kept rejecting getting started on the project. It wouldn't be long now before Ed made contact, expecting the ongoing success of previous devices. Was this going to be the first time that he would not be able to fulfil the requirement? All his research into circuits seemed to produce problems until about a week later, in seconds, everything came together, like a jigsaw puzzle. Walking down Little Lonsdale Street in the city Will heard a voice calling his name. "Will Brenner! Will Brenner!" He turned to see an old colleague trying to catch up with him. The two men had not spoken since the clinic had closed so initially the conversation was intense, but due to the noise in the vicinity he was constantly adjusting his hearing aid volume control. Why hadn't he thought of it before? A perfect ready made device! All it would need was a minor adaption to connect it to the phone line. Will was so excited he hardly dared to ask the next question. "Where do you get your hearing-aids from?" "There's a hearing-aid place at the top of Collins Street, they do everything there. Sell, service and supply the batteries. What do you want a hearing-aid for? You're not going deaf are you?" "No, I want to get hold of a second-hand one to experiment with." Taking a small notebook and pencil from his pocket and writing down an address tore out the page and gave it to Will. "Ask for the manager, they'll have plenty of discarded units up there. Mention my name and he'll probably give you what you want." The address he was holding was only a couple of city blocks away, well within walking distance and wondering how much longer his luck would hold, he set off to find the place. The location was in the older section of Collins Street, and the interior of the buildings a labyrinth of offices and small businesses. Mounting the stairs to the third floor he finally found the place at the far end of the corridor. On the right was a door marked "Service Department" and on the left 162

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage another marked "Reception." Will entered the reception and asked for the Manager. "Have you a complaint that perhaps I could attend to?" "No, nothing like that. One of your customer's has suggested I see him about something." A few minutes later he found himself sitting in the cramped Manager's office with hardly enough room, Will estimated, to fully open the filing cabinet drawers. Will opened the conversation with some apprehension. "A friend of mine suggested I see you." He need not have worried.and after a brief introduction Will wasted no time in getting to the point. "I'm an electronics engineer and he thought that you might have a discarded hearing-aid I could purchase, to pull to pieces, and play around with." The manager didn't need to stand, he just reached across and opened one of the drawers and removing a tray, placed it in front of Will. "Take your pick, you can have them all if you want. It's a wonder they haven't been thrown away by now. Some of them are still working okay - they're just old." Will couldn't believe his eyes, anyone of them would have been suitable for what he wanted. "How much are they?" "Nothing. If you want them all I'll put them in a bag for you." Still reeling from his good fortune, Will was about to leave the office without asking the most important question. "If I need the odd valve or component can I buy them from you?" "Sure. If you phone ask for the Service Department. They will sort it out for you." Will left with his bag of goodies eager to test the units and hopefully select one that was functioning. He had other things going on at the same time which included the construction of a radio set that he and Dorothy badly needed. It was not an uncommon sight therefore, for the dining-room table to be littered with electronic bits and pieces. This enabled him to go forward with the job without any questions from Dorothy, who was looking forward to her radio. With more information gleaned from the telephone workshops technical library, the unit was ready for testing on the telephone line, which was going to be awkward but not impossible. He couldn't use any of the lines at the workshops for fear of detection, and there was only one line supplying a single phone in the main entrance to the apartments which was very exposed. In any case, he needed the miniature wire recorder to complete the final testing, so he left a short message for 163

The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

another marked "Reception." Will entered the reception and asked for the<br />

Manager. "Have you a complaint that perhaps I could attend to?"<br />

"No, nothing like that. One of your customer's has suggested I see him about<br />

something." A few minutes later he found himself sitting in the cramped Manager's<br />

office with hardly enough room, Will estimated, to fully open the filing cabinet<br />

drawers. Will opened the conversation with some apprehension. "A friend of mine<br />

suggested I see you." He need not have worried.and after a brief introduction Will<br />

wasted no time in getting to the point. "I'm an electronics engineer and he thought<br />

that you might have a discarded hearing-aid I could purchase, to pull to pieces,<br />

and play around with." The manager didn't need to stand, he just reached across<br />

and opened one of the drawers and removing a tray, placed it in front of Will.<br />

"Take your pick, you can have them all if you want. It's a wonder they haven't<br />

been thrown away by now. Some of them are still working okay - they're just<br />

old."<br />

Will couldn't believe his eyes, anyone of them would have been suitable for<br />

what he wanted. "How much are they?"<br />

"Nothing. If you want them all I'll put them in a bag for you." Still reeling from<br />

his good fortune, Will was about to leave the office without asking the most<br />

important question.<br />

"If I need the odd valve or component can I buy them from you?"<br />

"Sure. If you phone ask for the Service Department. They will sort it out for<br />

you."<br />

Will left with his bag of goodies eager to test the units and hopefully select one<br />

that was functioning. He had other things going on at the same time which included<br />

the construction of a radio set that he and Dorothy badly needed. It was not an<br />

uncommon sight therefore, for the dining-room table to be littered with electronic<br />

bits and pieces. This enabled him to go forward with the job without any questions<br />

from Dorothy, who was looking forward to her radio.<br />

With more information gleaned from the telephone workshops technical<br />

library, the unit was ready for testing on the telephone line, which was going to be<br />

awkward but not impossible. He couldn't use any of the lines at the workshops for<br />

fear of detection, and there was only one line supplying a single phone in the main<br />

entrance to the apartments which was very exposed. In any case, he needed the<br />

miniature wire recorder to complete the final testing, so he left a short message for<br />


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