condensed master


Will Bonner head!" Will's statement had it's effect and Ed got back up to speed again. What looked like a maintenance building appeared ahead, and Will skirted around the back finding a single entry door. It had a small window alongside. Quickly unscrewing one of the tripod legs, Will used it as a tool to smash the small pane, adjacent to the latch. Reaching inside he unlatched the door and they scrambled inside, shutting and locking the door behind them. They lowered themselves on to the floor in the darkness to wait, but as the seconds ticked by Will's eyes began to make out dim shapes and he could see a bench and some gardening tools leaning in the corner. He instinctively grabbed the four pronged fork, and they waited for events to unfold. Within minutes he could hear activity outside, two men only he estimated. One came up to the door and tried the latch, pushing on the door a few times. "There's nobody in here, the doors locked." His accent sounded European, and he could have come from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, or anywhere in that part of the world. As his footsteps receded Will breathed a sigh of relief. Thank heavens he didn't see the broken window pane! He was obviously not a professional. Reaching down, he pushed firmly on Ed's shoulder to prevent him from moving. His body was trembling, just like Gerald's when they were hiding in the bushes in Hawaii. "Stay put," Will whispered. "When they can't find us in the grounds they will come by on their way back. They haven't had time to search the building back there, and the car will be discovered. As soon as they have gone by, we'll wait awhile, and then leave." It seemed an age and Will began to wonder whether they had gone back a different way. Not knowing where they were, would make leaving difficult. Eventually, footsteps and voices were approaching, the two men appeared to be walking casually, and conversing with each other. They have given up searching Will concluded, and his whole body, which had been stiff with tension, relaxed as the men passed, and the noise they were making became fainter, until finally all was quiet. Will waited awhile until he thought they would be back in the buildings, then standing up placed the fork back into the corner and turned to Ed. "Let's get going, we'll go to the opposite end of the gardens and find a safe place to get over." "My leg is stiff, I don't think I can walk." 144

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage "You'll have to, I can't carry you and the equipment." Will lifted the case on to the bench, and dissembling the unit stowed it away. Ed got up and hobbled a few paces around the room. "I'll go outside first and decide what to do." After a few minutes Will returned and beckoned Ed outside. Pointing to the far end of the gardens he said. "Get going in that direction, I'll be right behind you," and Will watched him limp away. He was so quiet now, indicating his state of mind. It was tortuous getting him over the fence at the far end, but soon they were on the tramcar route, waiting at one of the stops. Looking at his watch, Will was surprised to find that it was only 9.30 p.m. and that the general condition of their clothing was okay. Ed seemed to be getting ready to talk. "I owe you for getting me out of there, Gerry just buggered off and left us to it. He knows the area better than any of us!" "I'll just ask you for one thing." "What's that?" "Just go and live up in the bush, or better still New Zealand, and don't bother me again." Ed smiled, and Will knew that this incident would bind him even closer to the organization. "We'll get the first tram that goes past the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and I'll get this lead out of my leg. Once there, you can go on your way Will." "What about the instrument?" Ed replied without hesitation. "That little beauty is never going to leave my sight. Anyway, whilst I was listening to that meeting I had another thought that I want to get your opinion about." Will turned to Ed. "No way will I ever go anywhere with you again, unless I've got all the facts. Never!" "It was pretty dumb of me Will, I must admit, and it nearly cost me everything." Will left him in the reception at the hospital to find his way home. "Thanks for everything, I'll be in touch." he called out. I can bank on that, Will thought. Dorothy was still up when he arrived home. She was sitting in one of the lounge chairs reading. "Did everything go alright?" "Yes, but I should have worn an overall, my clothes got a bit dusty. I'm tired so I'll go straight to bed." 145

Will Bonner<br />

head!" Will's statement had it's effect and Ed got back up to speed again. What<br />

looked like a maintenance building appeared ahead, and Will skirted around the<br />

back finding a single entry door.<br />

It had a small window alongside. Quickly unscrewing one of the tripod legs,<br />

Will used it as a tool to smash the small pane, adjacent to the latch. Reaching<br />

inside he unlatched the door and they scrambled inside, shutting and locking the<br />

door behind them.<br />

They lowered themselves on to the floor in the darkness to wait, but as the<br />

seconds ticked by Will's eyes began to make out dim shapes and he could see a<br />

bench and some gardening tools leaning in the corner. He instinctively grabbed the<br />

four pronged fork, and they waited for events to unfold.<br />

Within minutes he could hear activity outside, two men only he estimated. One<br />

came up to the door and tried the latch, pushing on the door a few times. "There's<br />

nobody in here, the doors locked." His accent sounded European, and he could<br />

have come from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, or anywhere in that part of the<br />

world. As his footsteps receded Will breathed a sigh of relief. Thank heavens he<br />

didn't see the broken window pane! He was obviously not a professional.<br />

Reaching down, he pushed firmly on Ed's shoulder to prevent him from<br />

moving. His body was trembling, just like Gerald's when they were hiding in the<br />

bushes in Hawaii. "Stay put," Will whispered. "When they can't find us in the<br />

grounds they will come by on their way back. They haven't had time to search the<br />

building back there, and the car will be discovered. As soon as they have gone by,<br />

we'll wait awhile, and then leave."<br />

It seemed an age and Will began to wonder whether they had gone back a<br />

different way. Not knowing where they were, would make leaving difficult.<br />

Eventually, footsteps and voices were approaching, the two men appeared to be<br />

walking casually, and conversing with each other.<br />

They have given up searching Will concluded, and his whole body, which had<br />

been stiff with tension, relaxed as the men passed, and the noise they were making<br />

became fainter, until finally all was quiet. Will waited awhile until he thought they<br />

would be back in the buildings, then standing up placed the fork back into the<br />

corner and turned to Ed. "Let's get going, we'll go to the opposite end of the<br />

gardens and find a safe place to get over."<br />

"My leg is stiff, I don't think I can walk."<br />


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