condensed master


Will Bonner fifth floor. The elevator door opened and Will stepped out into a wide, wall to wall carpeted corridor, and stood for a moment looking left and right. The walls were decorated in polished mahogany, a striking resemblance to those in the boardroom on the ship in Gourock where he had been interrogated, and his mind instantly flashed back to that point in time. The surroundings however, were giving off quite a different meaning. It was so quiet, not even the clatter of the busy street below interrupted the silence. Will made his way to the suite number and confronting him was a notice on the door "Please Enter." Opening the door revealed a small waiting-room containing a number of chairs, and he expected it to be illuminated by artificial lighting, but was surprised to find the area well supplied with natural light which was radiating over the cubicle partitions from an ample number of windows, situated on the far wall. A short narrow passageway, to the left of the waiting-room appeared to lead to a number of cubicles, and Will could detect muffled voices, combined with activity coming from them, indicating that treatments were being conducted. To the right of the waiting room was a door marked "Consulting Room" The interview went well and he was offered the position. During the next few months they moved to an apartment close to the city and Will found himself engrossed in his new work. There were six people engaged in treating patients - five men and one woman. A doctor attended the clinic to see all new patients and prescribe treatments. Any form of organization regarding appointments however, was practically non existent, so Will set about providing a system to avoid the conflicts that had been occurring in the past. All the staff were easy to get along with which was a godsend, allowing Will to push ahead to improve matters for them, at the same time, keeping their apparatus in good shape. After being away from the clinic for a period, Will returned to find the waitingroom full, and took little notice as he commenced work but he had hardly started when he was informed that someone had been asking for him personally in the waiting-room. "Man or woman?" "A man. He said he would wait out in the corridor for you, the waiting-room is full." Probably a rep, Will thought. "Would you tell him I'll be out in a few minutes, when I finish this." Stepping 132

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage out into the corridor he expected to see a young, blue suited individual with an attache case, but was surprised to be confronted by a middle-aged man in casual clothes, light tweed trousers and jacket, wearing brown golf shoes. In contrast, he was wearing a white open neck shirt, which seemed to contradict the conservative nature of the rest of his apparel. His dark hair was brushed back and slightly thinning, and his cheeks which were podgy, contrasted a small sharp nose. The eyes were round and big, and even during those first few moments Will noticed that he had not blinked, but most noticeable of all was his stance. It was hard to describe, but it was as though his body had been wound up like a spring, ready to veer off in one direction or another, at any given moment. Will stepped forward, and expecting an outstretched hand, was taken completely by surprise as the man stepped backwards before speaking in a broad Australian accent. "I'm Edward Blake. I'm pleased to meet you Will Brenner." "I don't know you, is there something I can do for you?" The man stepped backwards again, at the same time looking over his shoulder as if to check for a presence in the wide carpeted corridor. His actions were a replica arising from the past, and Will felt his body tingling as he compared the picture of the meeting with the correspondent in the alleyway of the ship he was visiting with Wes Brampton, in Algiers. Yes, it was strikingly similar, and he practically knew what was going to happen next. "As a matter of fact there is, but could we talk about it elsewhere?" "I'm in the middle of morning clinic." "Yes I know, but could you manage, say half an hour for a chat?" "I don't know, but I will check and see." Re-entering the waiting-room Will sat in the nearest vacant chair, his elbows resting on his knees and head bent over trying to reconcile the situation that had arisen and come to a decision. There was not much point in putting things off, best to get it over with, and then he would know how to deal with the predicament. Making the necessary arrangements Will returned to Edward Blake and they descended in the elevator without engaging in conversation. Walking out into the street and as though previously arranged, both men ambled into Rumplemeyers restaurant next door, eventually finding a table in a corner where they would not be overheard. Rumplemeyers was one of the most well appointed restaurants in Melbourne. 133

The Reluctant Agent<br />

A Compelling Story of Espionage<br />

out into the corridor he expected to see a young, blue suited individual with an<br />

attache case, but was surprised to be confronted by a middle-aged man in casual<br />

clothes, light tweed trousers and jacket, wearing brown golf shoes. In contrast,<br />

he was wearing a white open neck shirt, which seemed to contradict the<br />

conservative nature of the rest of his apparel. His dark hair was brushed back and<br />

slightly thinning, and his cheeks which were podgy, contrasted a small sharp nose.<br />

The eyes were round and big, and even during those first few moments Will<br />

noticed that he had not blinked, but most noticeable of all was his stance.<br />

It was hard to describe, but it was as though his body had been wound up like<br />

a spring, ready to veer off in one direction or another, at any given moment. Will<br />

stepped forward, and expecting an outstretched hand, was taken completely by<br />

surprise as the man stepped backwards before speaking in a broad Australian<br />

accent.<br />

"I'm Edward Blake. I'm pleased to meet you Will Brenner."<br />

"I don't know you, is there something I can do for you?"<br />

The man stepped backwards again, at the same time looking over his shoulder<br />

as if to check for a presence in the wide carpeted corridor. His actions were a<br />

replica arising from the past, and Will felt his body tingling as he compared the<br />

picture of the meeting with the correspondent in the alleyway of the ship he was<br />

visiting with Wes Brampton, in Algiers. Yes, it was strikingly similar, and he<br />

practically knew what was going to happen next.<br />

"As a matter of fact there is, but could we talk about it elsewhere?"<br />

"I'm in the middle of morning clinic."<br />

"Yes I know, but could you manage, say half an hour for a chat?"<br />

"I don't know, but I will check and see." Re-entering the waiting-room Will sat<br />

in the nearest vacant chair, his elbows resting on his knees and head bent over<br />

trying to reconcile the situation that had arisen and come to a decision. There was<br />

not much point in putting things off, best to get it over with, and then he would<br />

know how to deal with the predicament. Making the necessary arrangements Will<br />

returned to Edward Blake and they descended in the elevator without engaging in<br />

conversation. Walking out into the street and as though previously arranged, both<br />

men ambled into Rumplemeyers restaurant next door, eventually finding a table in<br />

a corner where they would not be overheard.<br />

Rumplemeyers was one of the most well appointed restaurants in Melbourne.<br />


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