condensed master


Will Bonner It was an ideal spot with trees and shrubs both on the outside, and in. A large tree branch, during recent times had fallen on the fence and bent two of the upright posts in opposite directions, making it a bit easier to climb in and out. Looking beyond the trees into the compound, the ground cleared into grassy banks and gulleys, deep enough to walk along without being seen. Yes, this was the place. Will turned to Gerald. "How far is it from here to the meeting place?" "At least a quarter of a mile." It would be impossible to check out the rest of the terrain as it was well inside the compound. An occasional Military Policeman had been seen walking around, but out in the open, and well away from the fence. "Let's get back to the car Gerald, but take particular note on the way back for the best way to leave in case we need to hurry." Gerald looked uneasily at Will. "Do you expect trouble?" "It's always best to be prepared." Gerald fell silent and Will guessed by the look on his face he was already getting butterflies in his stomach. It was Tuesday and Rodney had given the go-ahead for Friday. There was nothing else to do, so Gerald dropped Will off at the usual place near the ship, which was only a short distance away, making his return earlier than usual. Passing the stairway to the captain's quarters on his way back to his cabin Will could hear raised voices, dominated by the deep bellowing voice of the captain. Some poor devil's in trouble, I wonder what it's all about? He didn't have to wait long for an answer. "Have you heard Will, there's a row going on between the skipper and the military?" "No, I've only just got back." "It's been going on since mid morning and they are all up there now. If the skipper has his way and he usually does, the charter will be broken and we'll be out of here, quick smart!" Will felt numb and confused, all sorts of things were flashing through his mind. "When will we know?" "The radio officer has been in touch with London for instructions. We should know anytime now." Will sat in his cabin. There was nothing he could do until he knew what was 120

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage going to happen, and the short waiting period proved to be torturous. It had been about an hour since he had first heard about the possible changes. "It's all over, we sail for Sydney, Australia, on Friday!" Will panicked. He didn't know where Gerald lived but he could probably find Aki's place if he took a cab, and then he suddenly remembered the card Gerald had given him with the photo shop's directions on it and the words he had once said to him, "if ever you are in trouble contact Aki." Foraging through a small carved wooden box where he kept his valuables, he was more than relieved to find that he still had it. He hesitated. This would be an ideal opportunity to turn his back on the whole thing, it would not be his fault and it was very tempting, but Gerald's face kept surfacing and his conscience came to the forefront. The telephone number on the card was for Aki's restaurant and Will hurriedly left the ship to find the nearest telephone. Aki was there, his happy voice on the other end gave Will a boost. "How soon can you get in touch with Gerald?" "Usually within the hour. Is it urgent?" "Yes, very urgent Aki. I need to see him right now, could you tell him I'll wait for him at the usual place." "Don't worry Will, I shall keep trying until I get him." Will had been back to the ship to collect some items and then walked to the spot where he usually met Gerald, but before he had the chance to get worried about whether he would make contact Gerald's white coupe appeared. Will jumped into the front seat. "Find a place where we can talk." Darkness had by now descended and Gerald soon found a place to park. "We have a problem Gerald, the ship's charter has been broken and we leave on Friday morning." Gerald's face took on a look of despair and Will hastened to put him out of his misery. "Just let Rodney know that we will have to do it one day earlier, on Thursday. Tell him to meet you at the arranged place, we will wait there all day if necessary, to give him plenty of opportunity, and be at Aki's place tomorrow evening. I will phone you there." Back at the ship Will began to have doubts but he pushed them aside. If things failed it would be out of his control but at least, he would have had a go. They would have to come up with something else, after the ship had sailed. He had one last day to himself before sailing, and he intended to make use of 121

Will Bonner<br />

It was an ideal spot with trees and shrubs both on the outside, and in. A large<br />

tree branch, during recent times had fallen on the fence and bent two of the upright<br />

posts in opposite directions, making it a bit easier to climb in and out. Looking<br />

beyond the trees into the compound, the ground cleared into grassy banks and<br />

gulleys, deep enough to walk along without being seen. Yes, this was the place.<br />

Will turned to Gerald.<br />

"How far is it from here to the meeting place?"<br />

"At least a quarter of a mile."<br />

It would be impossible to check out the rest of the terrain as it was well inside<br />

the compound. An occasional Military Policeman had been seen walking around,<br />

but out in the open, and well away from the fence.<br />

"Let's get back to the car Gerald, but take particular note on the way back for<br />

the best way to leave in case we need to hurry."<br />

Gerald looked uneasily at Will. "Do you expect trouble?"<br />

"It's always best to be prepared." Gerald fell silent and Will guessed by the<br />

look on his face he was already getting butterflies in his stomach.<br />

It was Tuesday and Rodney had given the go-ahead for Friday. There was<br />

nothing else to do, so Gerald dropped Will off at the usual place near the ship,<br />

which was only a short distance away, making his return earlier than usual.<br />

Passing the stairway to the captain's quarters on his way back to his cabin Will<br />

could hear raised voices, dominated by the deep bellowing voice of the captain.<br />

Some poor devil's in trouble, I wonder what it's all about? He didn't have to wait<br />

long for an answer.<br />

"Have you heard Will, there's a row going on between the skipper and the<br />

military?"<br />

"No, I've only just got back."<br />

"It's been going on since mid morning and they are all up there now. If the<br />

skipper has his way and he usually does, the charter will be broken and we'll be<br />

out of here, quick smart!"<br />

Will felt numb and confused, all sorts of things were flashing through his mind.<br />

"When will we know?"<br />

"The radio officer has been in touch with London for instructions. We should<br />

know anytime now."<br />

Will sat in his cabin. There was nothing he could do until he knew what was<br />


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