condensed master


Will Bonner Taking a well used pipe from his mouth he replied. "No Brenner, there are people here to see you, they are waiting in the boardroom." "Very well, Sir." Taken aback, Will turned towards the alleyway leading to the boardroom, which was tucked away behind the bridge house adjacent to the captain's quarters. Anticipating the worst, he approached the polished entrance door, hesitating long enough to try and pull himself together, before knocking. After a few seconds the door opened, revealing a high ranking army officer partially blocking his view of the room, but he was aware that there were others inside. "Brenner, Sir." The officer stepped aside to let him in, and for the first time Will was able to get a full picture of the room. It was about 20 ft or so long and 10 to 12 ft wide with portholes on one side. For some reason unknown to Will at that time, the deadlights had been lowered covering the porthole windows and curtains drawn over them. A large, heavy looking rectangular mahogany table, dominated the centre of the room, surrounded by twelve swivel type upholstered chairs. All the furniture was bolted to the floor which was carpeted in red, matching the chair seats. The walls were lined with smoothly polished mahogany panelling. Immediately above the table was a lowered ceiling, containing indirect lighting, combined with vents for air-conditioning. The lack of natural light in the room gave the atmosphere a sense of night-time, in contrast to the full daylight of the bridge. Three men were sitting at the far end of the table and the officer who had let him in had now joined them. One of them was also wearing army uniform, the other naval, all fairly high ranking officers. The uniformed men, appeared at first sight, to be clean cut and distinguished looking. The fourth man was wearing plain clothes, the rumpled dark suit highlighting his soiled shirt collar. Slightly balding, and of small stature, he seemed completely out of harmony with the rest of the group. One of the officers pointed to a chair at the opposite end of the table. "Sit down Brenner." Will noticed that they all had papers positioned in front of them. His attention was constantly drawn to the little man in plain clothes probably because he looked so out of place, but there was something more compelling about him. He had very pointed features, his thinning hair was slicked back, accentuating the sharpness of his face. He moved his head in short quick --- 12 ---

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage movements which gave him a menacing appearance. Will having been brought up in the country, had no difficulty in putting this man into his own visual category. He looked just like a ferret and in the absence of a name, to Will he would be "the ferret man." The room had by now fallen into silence. Will began to feel the scrutiny of four pairs of eyes from the other end of the table. He was feeling very uneasy, his muscles had become tense, and the palms of his hands were beginning to sweat. The silence became more compelling by the second and after what seemed an eternity, he just had to break out of it's grip. "Why have I been asked to come here?" The ferret man responded like lightning, shouting in a shrill aggressive voice. "You will answer questions, not ask them!" Will was taken by surprise at his attitude, but he had no time to respond as they all in turn started to ask a barrage of questions, punctuated by periods of silence. As more and more questions followed, Will's mind began to deteriorate to the point where he had completely lost track of events that were taking place. It seemed hours since he had first come into the room. His mouth was dry, and his voice was beginning to get hoarse. The questioning had now developed into a full blown interrogation, and voices were raised in a frightening way, causing Will to make contradictions in his answers. When his memory could not recall what they required, the ferret man would resort to bullying in an attempt to extract a response. The others were mild in comparison, especially one of the officers, who was constantly trying to tone down the verbal attacks. "You can see that the man is trying to do his best, back off and let him answer," he would say, but the ferret man would not give up, confirming that Will's original assessment of him had not been wrong. The vicious killing nature of the ferret was now beginning to surface. Will's fear of him was now giving way to resentment and anger. Projecting his voice directly towards him he shouted the words as loud as his failing voice would allow. "I refuse to answer any more of your questions until I know why I am here!" It was as though his words had triggered a bomb. The ferret man leaped to his feet, his chair spinning round with the force of his movement, and in a split second he was crouching in front of Will looking down at him, his twisted face pressed so --- 13 ---

Will Bonner<br />

Taking a well used pipe from his mouth he replied. "No Brenner, there are<br />

people here to see you, they are waiting in the boardroom."<br />

"Very well, Sir." Taken aback, Will turned towards the alleyway leading to the<br />

boardroom, which was tucked away behind the bridge house adjacent to the<br />

captain's quarters. Anticipating the worst, he approached the polished entrance<br />

door, hesitating long enough to try and pull himself together, before knocking.<br />

After a few seconds the door opened, revealing a high ranking army officer<br />

partially blocking his view of the room, but he was aware that there were others<br />

inside.<br />

"Brenner, Sir." The officer stepped aside to let him in, and for the first time<br />

Will was able to get a full picture of the room. It was about 20 ft or so long and<br />

10 to 12 ft wide with portholes on one side. For some reason unknown to Will<br />

at that time, the deadlights had been lowered covering the porthole windows and<br />

curtains drawn over them. A large, heavy looking rectangular mahogany table,<br />

dominated the centre of the room, surrounded by twelve swivel type upholstered<br />

chairs. All the furniture was bolted to the floor which was carpeted in red,<br />

matching the chair seats. The walls were lined with smoothly polished mahogany<br />

panelling. Immediately above the table was a lowered ceiling, containing indirect<br />

lighting, combined with vents for air-conditioning. The lack of natural light in the<br />

room gave the atmosphere a sense of night-time, in contrast to the full daylight of<br />

the bridge.<br />

Three men were sitting at the far end of the table and the officer who had let<br />

him in had now joined them. One of them was also wearing army uniform, the<br />

other naval, all fairly high ranking officers. The uniformed men, appeared at first<br />

sight, to be clean cut and distinguished looking.<br />

The fourth man was wearing plain clothes, the rumpled dark suit highlighting<br />

his soiled shirt collar. Slightly balding, and of small stature, he seemed completely<br />

out of harmony with the rest of the group. One of the officers pointed to a chair at<br />

the opposite end of the table. "Sit down Brenner." Will noticed that they all had<br />

papers positioned in front of them.<br />

His attention was constantly drawn to the little man in plain clothes probably<br />

because he looked so out of place, but there was something more compelling<br />

about him. He had very pointed features, his thinning hair was slicked back,<br />

accentuating the sharpness of his face. He moved his head in short quick<br />

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