condensed master


Will Bonner as Gerald moved towards the front of the shop. Will spoke to him as he passed. "Get into the pick-up and start the motor," he ordered, and Gerald increased his pace towards the door. Addressing all his attention to the fat man's accomplice, and with a wave of the derringer Will commanded, "get outside!" The look on the man's face changed to surprise, and he showed reluctance to leave. Will thrust the gun forward at arm's length to reinforce his demand and he moved quickly towards the open door through which Gerald was now disappearing. Turning to the fat man Will made his departing remark. "If you tell anyone, you'll be visited by the police and the feds." The fat man nodded his head, indicating that he understood. Pocketing the derringer Will joined the others outside, Gerald had started the pick-up and the fat man's accomplice was standing on the sidewalk, showing no signs of escaping. "Get into the car," Will ordered, and once inside he spoke to Gerald. "Head for the harbour front as quick as you can." As they sped away Will looked across at Gerald, he looked tense but showed no other signs of distress. This was probably the first time he had experienced the close proximity of danger and Will was surprised that he had survived it without incident. "What are you going to do with me?" The fat man's accomplice spoke in a fearful, questioning voice. "That all depends on you. If you tell anyone what happened here today we'll dump the fed's on you, and you'll probably finish up in jail for a very long time." "No, my brother and me wouldn't dare do that, we've got to keep out of trouble." Will was taken aback. So this was the fat man's brother, who would have believed it? They looked totally different, but this made things much easier. As brothers, they were bound to protect each other, Will calculated. "Pull up right here." Gerald brought the vehicle to a screeching halt. The fat man's brother scrambled to get out, and Will watched him running back up the street as fast as his stocky legs would carry him. Will could feel the adrenalin still flowing and his legs were beginning to shake. He pressed down on his knees to try and stop the tremor. "Don't go back to Aki's place yet, let's go down to Waikiki beach and sit for awhile." Gerald nodded in agreement. "I'll get some coke and sandwiches." Will looked across at him noticing his hands gripping the steering wheel like a 112

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage vice, the knuckles showing white under the pressure and his arms were shaking. It would be okay for him to breakdown, now that the danger had passed Will thought, as he tried to relax. Sitting on the beach under the palms was far better medicine than taking any tranquillizer. Another clear blue sky, and a light mild breeze, coupled with the sound of the surf soon had the desired effect. Will lay back on the sand and allowed his body and mind to return to normal. "There you go, Will." It was Gerald with the coke and sandwiches. His hands were still trembling slightly, but Will was amazed that he was so composed. "Can you tell me something? Would you have shot the fat man's brother?" "No." A look of relief came over Gerald's face. "Can I tell you why?" Gerald waited for his answer. "I don't have any bullets for the derringer!" Both men burst into laughter. "You know Gerald, I was more concerned with my own safety in the event of you wielding that cannon of yours!" Gerald chuckled. "Your concerns were well founded, I've never fired it before!" Both men were now relaxed enough to talk about the incident at the shop, and Will outlined his reasons about the negative getting into the hands of the police. "We had to frighten them back there to stop them from blackmailing us so you'll have to find someone else to do your identity documents." Gerald had made arrangements to meet his contact in the early evening, so it was decided that they relax for the remainder of the afternoon and have a light evening meal before the meeting. Will was clear about what he wanted from Gerald's contact, enabling him to put things out of his mind until the time arrived. It was dusk and they were now in Gerald's open coupe, having changed vehicles at Aki's. Will felt the warm night air blowing on his face as they travelled through unfamiliar scenery. "Where are we going?" "To one of the western beaches in the Kahe area, not very far from Pearl City. There's a beach house where we will not be disturbed, we'll be there in a few minutes." Dusk had turned to darkness and apart from the headlight's of the car Will could just see the clear sky and the occasional twinkling of stars through the tree tops. The area seemed devoid of other buildings, at least close to the road. 113

Will Bonner<br />

as Gerald moved towards the front of the shop. Will spoke to him as he passed.<br />

"Get into the pick-up and start the motor," he ordered, and Gerald increased<br />

his pace towards the door. Addressing all his attention to the fat man's accomplice,<br />

and with a wave of the derringer Will commanded, "get outside!"<br />

The look on the man's face changed to surprise, and he showed reluctance to<br />

leave. Will thrust the gun forward at arm's length to reinforce his demand and he<br />

moved quickly towards the open door through which Gerald was now<br />

disappearing.<br />

Turning to the fat man Will made his departing remark. "If you tell anyone,<br />

you'll be visited by the police and the feds." The fat man nodded his head,<br />

indicating that he understood. Pocketing the derringer Will joined the others<br />

outside, Gerald had started the pick-up and the fat man's accomplice was standing<br />

on the sidewalk, showing no signs of escaping.<br />

"Get into the car," Will ordered, and once inside he spoke to Gerald. "Head<br />

for the harbour front as quick as you can." As they sped away Will looked across<br />

at Gerald, he looked tense but showed no other signs of distress. This was<br />

probably the first time he had experienced the close proximity of danger and Will<br />

was surprised that he had survived it without incident.<br />

"What are you going to do with me?" The fat man's accomplice spoke in a<br />

fearful, questioning voice.<br />

"That all depends on you. If you tell anyone what happened here today we'll<br />

dump the fed's on you, and you'll probably finish up in jail for a very long time."<br />

"No, my brother and me wouldn't dare do that, we've got to keep out of<br />

trouble." Will was taken aback. So this was the fat man's brother, who would<br />

have believed it? They looked totally different, but this made things much easier.<br />

As brothers, they were bound to protect each other, Will calculated.<br />

"Pull up right here." Gerald brought the vehicle to a screeching halt. The fat<br />

man's brother scrambled to get out, and Will watched him running back up the<br />

street as fast as his stocky legs would carry him.<br />

Will could feel the adrenalin still flowing and his legs were beginning to shake.<br />

He pressed down on his knees to try and stop the tremor. "Don't go back to Aki's<br />

place yet, let's go down to Waikiki beach and sit for awhile."<br />

Gerald nodded in agreement. "I'll get some coke and sandwiches."<br />

Will looked across at him noticing his hands gripping the steering wheel like a<br />


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