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Will Bonner<br />

The two men concentrated on their food and eventually the conversation<br />

resumed as Will talked about his family and upbringing in the country. For obvious<br />

reasons, Gerald was more reticent to impart any information about his background<br />

but Will gleaned that his father was a career diplomat, having served in several<br />

Embassy's abroad. Knowing this, Will realized that Gerald would have a lot of<br />

contacts available to him through his father, and that people like ferret man would<br />

be threatening to expose his homosexual activities to his father's diplomatic world,<br />

which would be disastrous for both father and son.<br />

"During the next few days I will have to get you some local identification. Have<br />

you a head and shoulder photo of yourself out of uniform?"<br />

"No."<br />

Gerald took a card from his pocket. "Go to this photo shop and ask for a set<br />

of passport photos, it's within walking distance of the ship." Then passing another<br />

card to him. "Give them this and leave the photo's at the shop, I will collect them<br />

later."<br />

"I'll go tomorrow before the ship leaves for Pearl City."<br />

It was now getting late. Arrangements were made to meet again in the Royal<br />

Hawaiian Hotel on the third day and Gerald dropped Will off close to the Aloha<br />

Tower, giving him only a short distance to walk back to the ship.<br />

The day had been mentally tiring, and Will made his way to his cabin. Ted was<br />

back and getting ready to settle down for the night. He had been walking nearly<br />

all day and was physically exhausted. It was usual after being ashore to trade the<br />

events of the day, but under the circumstances Will was happy to forego the ritual,<br />

falling off to sleep almost immediately. He was surprised to awake feeling<br />

refreshed next morning after a good night's sleep knowing that the previous day's<br />

events had not apparently affected him.<br />

He had no difficulty in finding the photo shop. It was within easy walking<br />

distance as Gerald had outlined, tucked away in a side street with very few other<br />

shops around. Will could not see any passport photo signs which was unusual for<br />

that sort of shop. The frontage was very small, with a window on one side of the<br />

front door containing a few cameras and other photographic bric-a-brac on<br />

display. Will checked the number on the door against the card that Gerald had<br />

given him and it matched, so he went inside.<br />

He was immediately struck by the semi darkness inside, emphasized no doubt<br />


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