condensed master


Will Bonner It was a relief to get away from the confinement of the ship for a short period each day, especially after a long voyage. The weather was dull but mild, as he looked beyond the ships to the other side of the Firth. The rolling hills were unusually clear, prompting him to spend time picking out the detail. His thoughts wandered to the rural countryside, around the village in England where he was born, and the family still lived. The quietness of this particular setting was overpowering, serving as an insight to what he would experience when he finally got home. In contrast, the constant engine noises and pounding of the sea against the ship were still apparent from the voyage, and Will knew that it would take a few days ashore to get their effect out of his system. A chill passed through his body shocking him back to reality, as he became aware that the wind had suddenly turned colder. A glance over his shoulder at the old clock on the building across the street, told him that it was time to get back to the ship. Picking up the mailbag he walked down the cobblestone incline towards the security gate. The guard, a thickset middle aged man, wearing seafaring garb, acknowledged his wave with a nod of his head, indicating that it was okay to go through. Will had only been stopped on his first day through the gate, after that, being a regular visitor required only a wave of the hand to enter and exit. As the engine burst into life Will began to concentrate on the trip back to the ship. He was on his own and needed all his faculties to navigate safely through the convoy. On approach, the ship looked deserted, which was usual with only a few crew members aboard. After securing the boat he made his way up to the purser's office to deliver the mail. He encountered no one on the way up, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. Miles Cavanagh, the assistant purser, was sitting in his cramped office. As Will approached he made his way to the counter, and stood nervously waiting. He was a thin, sharp featured individual, his movements quick and jerky, like a squirrel. Will was always amazed at his ability to type with his two forefingers at machinegun speed. He rarely smiled and when he did, you had to be quick to catch it. Dressed impeccably, no matter what time of day, his uniform fitted perfectly. Precisely pressed and groomed. In contrast, his superior the purser who was away on leave, was a short, tubby --- 10 ---

The Reluctant Agent A Compelling Story of Espionage man. His uniform never fitted, always creased with bumps and hollows, where he had pulled the buttons together. When seen together the crew had a nickname for them, “before and after” which was taken from an advertisement for slimming. “You're late Brenner," Miles said, moving from the counter to a desk nearby and back again, at his usual quick and jerky pace, trying to do two things at the same time. "Is there anything for the old man?" he continued, referring to the skipper. Why did he always ask the same thing, Will thought. The skipper was on leave with the others, so what if there is mail he can't do anything with it, only stow it away until the skipper gets back, so why the hurry to know if there is any? "No sir," replied Will, dropping the bag behind the counter, "there is no separate mail, and I am not authorized to open the bag." The same remark every day, what a bore! Miles turned and looked up, Will hesitated in anticipation becoming aware that he was about to communicate further. "I have a message from the bridge. Would you get changed out of your work gear and get up there right away." "Who wants to see me? What is it all about?" "I don't know, the instruction was phoned down." Will made his way down to his cabin filled with curiosity, in all the time he had been with the ship he had only attended the bridge a few times. His immediate superior looked after the console up there. What would anyone want with me? he thought, his mind scanned through the officers left on standby duty, but came up with no tangible reasons. He quickly changed into his uniform, but as he started up to the bridge a horrible thought entered his mind, wondering if anything had happened to his mam or dad. The bridge was deserted except for an officer bending over the radar console. He straightened up and turned as Will entered the bridge house. It was the first officer in casual uniform, the epaulettes on his shirt indicating the rank. His peaked cap was pulled well down over his forehead, a rugged faced man, well known for being impartial, which in the past had gained him the respect of the crew. He probably wants me to look at the monitor Will thought, stepping closer to where he was standing. "Brenner Sir, you wanted to see me?" --- 11 ---

Will Bonner<br />

It was a relief to get away from the confinement of the ship for a short period<br />

each day, especially after a long voyage.<br />

The weather was dull but mild, as he looked beyond the ships to the other side<br />

of the Firth. The rolling hills were unusually clear, prompting him to spend time<br />

picking out the detail. His thoughts wandered to the rural countryside, around the<br />

village in England where he was born, and the family still lived. The quietness of<br />

this particular setting was overpowering, serving as an insight to what he would<br />

experience when he finally got home. In contrast, the constant engine noises and<br />

pounding of the sea against the ship were still apparent from the voyage, and Will<br />

knew that it would take a few days ashore to get their effect out of his system.<br />

A chill passed through his body shocking him back to reality, as he became<br />

aware that the wind had suddenly turned colder. A glance over his shoulder at the<br />

old clock on the building across the street, told him that it was time to get back to<br />

the ship.<br />

Picking up the mailbag he walked down the cobblestone incline towards the<br />

security gate. The guard, a thickset middle aged man, wearing seafaring garb,<br />

acknowledged his wave with a nod of his head, indicating that it was okay to go<br />

through. Will had only been stopped on his first day through the gate, after that,<br />

being a regular visitor required only a wave of the hand to enter and exit.<br />

As the engine burst into life Will began to concentrate on the trip back to the<br />

ship. He was on his own and needed all his faculties to navigate safely through the<br />

convoy. On approach, the ship looked deserted, which was usual with only a few<br />

crew members aboard.<br />

After securing the boat he made his way up to the purser's office to deliver the<br />

mail. He encountered no one on the way up, his footsteps echoing through the<br />

empty corridors.<br />

Miles Cavanagh, the assistant purser, was sitting in his cramped office. As Will<br />

approached he made his way to the counter, and stood nervously waiting. He was<br />

a thin, sharp featured individual, his movements quick and jerky, like a squirrel.<br />

Will was always amazed at his ability to type with his two forefingers at machinegun<br />

speed. He rarely smiled and when he did, you had to be quick to catch it.<br />

Dressed impeccably, no matter what time of day, his uniform fitted perfectly.<br />

Precisely pressed and groomed.<br />

In contrast, his superior the purser who was away on leave, was a short, tubby<br />

--- 10 ---

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