
A modern business magazine. A modern business magazine.

issue 01 January 2017<br />

Different<br />

a<br />

modern business<br />

magazine<br />

how to take<br />

control of<br />

your<br />

personal<br />


different<br />

creative editor<br />

managing editor<br />

assistant editor<br />

advertising<br />

theo koekemoer<br />

johan van zyl<br />

illona wilken<br />

theo koekemoer<br />

on being different<br />

Different doesn't<br />

mean its wrong.<br />

Different is a<br />

magazine for people<br />

who are different. Our<br />

philosophy at The<br />

Differentiator is that<br />

you have to<br />

differentiate yourself<br />

in today's world to be<br />


youth employment initiative by the<br />

a<br />

Differentiator<br />

MVNO's are changing the mobile<br />

how<br />

in South Africa<br />

landscape<br />

TV program with a difference. For<br />

a<br />

by woman, with woman and men!<br />

woman,<br />

friends at NASA give us a little insider<br />

Our<br />

on what the world looks like from<br />

view<br />

issue 01<br />

contents<br />

January 2017<br />

04<br />


a<br />

modern business<br />

magazine<br />

06<br />


10<br />



14<br />


PAPER?<br />

above. Spoiler: it's amazing.<br />

16<br />


How to take<br />

control of your<br />

personal;<br />

finances<br />

Prepaid is always good<br />

18<br />


The Differentiator can help you!<br />

different<br />


youth is our future.<br />

The<br />

figures in South<br />

Unemployment<br />

is the highest it has ever been.<br />

Africa<br />

to 60% of people below the age<br />

Up<br />

35 will not find a job or get the<br />

of<br />

to get valuable work<br />

opportunity<br />

this reason The Differentiator has<br />

For<br />

the BOSA initiative<br />

launched<br />

for people below the age<br />

exclusively<br />

35. of<br />

you have an entrepreneurial spirit<br />

If<br />

would like to own a BOSA shop<br />

and<br />

T H E O K O E K E M O E R<br />

bosa print & post<br />

experience.<br />

speak to us.<br />

04 different


Revenue is R106 billion per<br />

Mobile<br />

annum.<br />

Service Revenue was<br />

•Mobile<br />

billion for the 12 months<br />

R78.8<br />

30 September 2015 of<br />

ending<br />

mobile voice: 53% and<br />

which<br />

data: 38%<br />

mobile<br />

Mobile Networks, Vodacom<br />

Four<br />

MTN 35%, Cell C 23%,<br />

39%,<br />

2%. Telkom<br />

Africa has around 80 million<br />

South<br />

connections. The networks<br />

mobile<br />

under pressure and are cutting<br />

are<br />

margins.<br />

are gaining momentum<br />

MVNOs<br />

the likes of FNB and Mr Price<br />

with<br />

launching in the last 24<br />

Mobile<br />

followed by the likes of<br />

months,<br />

MVNO does not have its own<br />

an<br />

frequency allocation of<br />

licensed<br />

spectrum, nor does it<br />

radio<br />

have all of the<br />

necessarily<br />

required to provide<br />

infrastructure<br />

telephone services. Even<br />

mobile<br />

MVNOs do not own the<br />

though<br />

spectrum or wireless<br />

wireless<br />

they give a virtual<br />

infrastructure,<br />

of owning a wireless<br />

appearance<br />

These operators lease the<br />

network.<br />

capacity from traditional<br />

wireless<br />

and then repackage it for<br />

operators<br />

specific vertical industry<br />

a<br />

The main added value<br />

application.<br />

MVNOs provide is billing and<br />

that<br />

care functions. In that<br />

customer<br />

MVNOs own the customers.<br />

sense<br />

generally provide both voice<br />

MVNOs<br />

data services to end users<br />

and<br />

either a prepaid or post-paid<br />

through<br />

agreement.<br />

subscription<br />

major challenge to setup MVNOs is<br />

A<br />

IT and network integration.<br />

the<br />

most MVNOs deploy<br />

Therefore,<br />

which then provide the<br />

MVNEs<br />

with the MNO, financial<br />

agreements<br />

and business plan<br />

modelling<br />

turnkey billing and CRM<br />

development,<br />

commercial functions such<br />

systems,<br />

credit and collections, sales and<br />

as<br />

and customer care<br />

distribution<br />

An MVNE provides the<br />

services.<br />

architecture and may enter<br />

technical<br />

a wholesale agreement with a<br />

into<br />

MNO, to enable mobile service<br />

host<br />

Differentiator has a relationship<br />

The<br />

an MVNE and could broker a<br />

with<br />

features<br />

looking<br />

for your SIM?<br />

The Mobile Revenue in South Africa is worth R106 billion per annum with an estimated 80<br />

million connections. MVNO's are gaining momentum with FNB and Mr. Price Mobile and<br />

Virgin Mobile the biggest.<br />

B Y J O H A N V A N Z Y L<br />

Current market<br />

What is an MVNO?<br />

What is an MVNE?<br />

provision.<br />

Me&You and Boksel more recently.<br />

transaction for a potential MVNO.<br />

08 different



The Differentiator<br />

10<br />





companies such as FNB and<br />

Large<br />

use Enterprise Document<br />

Discovery<br />

Solutions to deliver<br />

Delivery<br />

to their millions of<br />

statements<br />

on a regular basis. The<br />

customers<br />

in postage fees alone is<br />

saving<br />

Companies also use this as<br />

massive.<br />

marketing tool and the<br />

a<br />

Differentiator has a distribution<br />

The<br />

in place with the software<br />

agreement<br />

T H E O K O E K E M O E R<br />

Are you still<br />

using paper?<br />

opportunities are endless!<br />

developer/enabler.<br />

Speak to us and start saving today!<br />

14 different

who can’t obtain a contract<br />

Consumers<br />

because of their credit record can<br />

cellphone<br />

because instead of buying something<br />

card,<br />

borrowed funds (through credit), you buy<br />

with<br />

pre-loaded solutions are electricity and<br />

Other<br />

water.<br />

Differentiator can help you to set up your<br />

The<br />

solution.<br />

pre-paid<br />

G E T P R E P A I D<br />



GOOD<br />

This offers better economic inclusion.<br />

card issued by a financial institution that is<br />

A<br />

with funds and is used like a<br />

pre-loaded<br />

credit card. A prepaid credit card<br />

normal<br />

in the opposite way of a normal credit<br />

works<br />

things with funds that have already been paid.<br />

almost always get a prepaid SIM card.<br />

B y J o h a n v a n Z y l<br />

Prepaid is always good!<br />

16<br />

different<br />

N O M A D I C | 2 4

18<br />


johanvanzyl@thedifferentiator.co.za<br />

illonawilken@thedifferentiator.co.za<br />

theokoekemoer@thedifferentiator.co.za<br />

Do you have a business solution? Advertise in Different. Email us.<br />


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