Zoha Haider RD

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● Ants have magnetic compasses in their antennas- This sixth sense helps them find food<br />

and find their way. It's like an internal GPS. Researchers used a powerful magnetic force<br />

to disrupt the ant’s magnetic compass, the ants lost their way. They use this to create<br />

landmarks and leave a trail when they are out of the colony.<br />

( ​http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/09/19/how-do-ants-get-their-magnetic-compasses/<br />

)<br />

● Dunkin Donuts in South Korea sprays coffee aroma every time their ad is played- In<br />

order to increase sales in Korea, Dunkin Donuts had the aroma of coffee sprayed every<br />

time their radio ad was played. The results were a 16% spike in sales near participating<br />

bus lines, and a 29% spike in the Dunkin Donuts in those locations.<br />

( ​http://dailycoffeenews.com/2012/07/25/dunkin-donuts-sprays-coffee-aroma-in-city-buses/​ )<br />

● Camping can reset your biological clock- A study done by a professor ​of integrative<br />

physiology at the University of Colorado, Kenneth Wright, shows that camping will reset<br />

your sleeping clock. Many of us have stayed up late doing work, and that messes our<br />

sleep cycle. In the study, he checked the melatonin levels, this is how he kept track of<br />

circadian rhythms. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep. "In the modern<br />

environment, those melatonin levels fall back down a couple of hours after we wake up,"<br />

Kenneth Wright says. "Our brains say we should be sleeping several hours after we<br />

wake up." The volunteer's clocks were out of balance, they would usually wake and<br />

sleep at times that were not adjusted with their internal clock. "[Melatonin] would go<br />

down at sunrise and right when people woke up," Wright says. After the participants<br />

came back from a week long camping trip, their clocks were reset. They didn’t feel as<br />

tired.<br />

(<br />

http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/02/02/513060769/not-getting-enough-sleep-camp<br />

ing-in-february-might-help​ )<br />

● The story behind the name sundae- Ice Cream sundaes were invented when it became<br />

illegal to sell ice-cream sodas on a Sunday in the during the late 19th century in the<br />

town of Evanston. To avoid the dilemma some traders replaced the soda with syrup and<br />

called the dessert an "Ice Cream Sunday”.<br />

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundae<br />

● May 29th- this day marks the “put your pillow in a fridge day”. This weird tradition<br />

originates from when people used to put linen or cloth in their larders in the early 20th<br />

century. It supposedly brought good fortune, health, prosperity and luckinto the<br />

household. The spread of this holiday in modern times is thanks to social media. There<br />

is even a Facebook page where people can post their experiences.<br />

( ​https://www.thefactsite.com/2013/02/put-pillow-on-your-fridge-day.html​ )<br />

● Hippos have red sweat- The sweat of hippos is the color red, for protection. Their sweat<br />

has antibacterial properties, as well as acts as a sunscreen. Not only does their<br />

perspiration act as a natural sunscreen, but it regulates their body temperature.<br />

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3749351.stm<br />


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