Zoha Haider RD

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Well that’s odd!<br />

● Ants have graveyards- they carry dead ants to a place away from the colony. They<br />

don’t have funerals, like crows, but they do this for the better of the colony. When an ant<br />

dies it releases a chemical called oleic acid. This gives off a smell alerting the other ants<br />

that it’s dead. As an instinct, the ants then carry the dead ant to a place away from the<br />

colony so that the odor doesn’t continue to affect the colony. (<br />

https://unrealfacts.com/ants-graveyards/​ )<br />

● Acts of kindness make us happier and healthier- A study done by Sonja Lyubomirsky, a<br />

professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, being kinder lead to<br />

living a healthier life. "We did one study where we had people do acts of kindness over<br />

10 weeks," she said. The volunteers showed to be happier, especially when the activities<br />

were varied.<br />

(​http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/01/24/acts-of-kindness-can-m<br />

ake-you-happier​ )<br />

● Google hires goats to cut grass- For an environmental friendly option, instead of using<br />

lawnmowers, google employs a flock of 200 goats. They cost about the same as<br />

lawnmowers but they don’t pollute the air. They also fertilize the soil too. “It costs us<br />

about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawnmowers,” says<br />

Dan Hoffman, director of real estate and workplace services at Google’s headquarters in<br />

Mountain View, California, who employed the goats.<br />

(​http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/5297097/Google-hires-goats-to-cut-grass<br />

.html​ )<br />

● Sectoral Heterochromia- when parts of the iris is a different color than the rest of the iris.<br />

For example, part of the iris may be hazel, while a section the of the iris is green.<br />

Another form of heterochromia is when one eye is a different color than the other eye.<br />

There are many genetic and non-genetic factors that come into play when one has<br />

Sectoral heterochromia. A child may be born with it, or it comes as part of rare genetic<br />

diseases such as Waardenburg syndrome, Sturge-Weber syndrome, Parry-Romberg<br />

syndrome, or Horner's syndrome. Non-genetic reason to why someone may have<br />

Heterochromia include Injury or trauma to the eye, melanoma of the eye, treatment of<br />

glaucoma with certain medications such as Latanoprost or Bimatoprost or<br />

neuroblastoma.<br />

( ​https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/8590/heterochromia-iridis​ )<br />

● People who laugh more have better health- People who laugh more often not only have<br />

a higher pain tolerance, but they also have healthier bodies and minds. Laughter is<br />

proven to relax your body and reduces stress. It boosts the immune system, by<br />

increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies. Laughter improves blood flow<br />

and function of blood vessels.<br />

(​https://www.helpguide.org/articles/emotional-health/laughter-is-the-best-medicine.htm​ )<br />


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