

60 AKOUND THE WORLD. unknown. Has some Saint Patrick here lifted his magic wand? The original inhabitants call themselves Maori. They are a dark race, but athletic, brave, ingenious, and intelligent. Efforts to Christianize them have not been very successful. In the New-Zealand group they number forty or fifty thousand. Racially they belong to that branch of the Polynesians that are of Indo-Malayan origin. They have handsome black hair, straight or aquiline noses, and wellbalanced brains. They tattoo themselves. It is just the opening- of spring-time now in New Zealand. The delicate blossoms are falling from plum and peach trees, and the gardens are beautiful. The EngUsh oak is j^utting out its emerald leaves, and flowers fill the air with their fragrance. I spent a pleasant afternoon with the Rev. Samuel Edgar, a liberal-minded Congregational clergyman. He offered me the use of his pulpit, and influence also, to sustain a course of lectures upon Spirituahsm. Six or seven days more of sailing will bring us to Melbourne, Australia, vid Sydney, queen city of the Pacific.

CHAPTER V. AUSTRALIA. Sydney, noted fov its beautiful harbor and magnificent scenery, is far less American, say travelers, than Melbourne. It was in April, 1770, that Capt. Cook, on a voyage of discovery in the southern seas, entered a haven near Port Jackson, to which he gave the name of Botany Bay, in honor of Dr. Solander, an eminent Swedish botanist accompanying him. The settlement started encouragingly, and for a time was made a* depot for English criminals. But, the harbor proving unsafe, the site for a city was thought ineligible. Subsequent cruising in the vicinity discovered, thi'ough an inlet called Port Jackson, a commodious and most magnificent harbor. Soon a canvas tent was erected, and sites for buildings marked out. The fleet speedily removed from Botany Bay, ten miles distant, tothis port, now named Sydney. The parks, recreation grounds, and botanic gardens are among the first places of resort to which strangers direct their steps. These gardens are clothed with plants and flowers from every known part of the world. They comprise about forty acres, sloping down to and fringing the harbor. Tropical foliage and fruitage gladden the eye. Oranges do well. The trip to Parramatta, some fifteen miles from Sydney, is delightful. It can be reached by road, rail, or water. Oranges, lemons, apple, pear, loquat, apricot, peach, and other excellent fi'uits, together with extensive vineyards 51

CHAPTER V.<br />


Sydney, noted fov its beautiful harbor and magnificent<br />

scenery, is far less American, say travelers, than Melbourne.<br />

It was in April, 1770, that Capt. Cook, on a voyage of<br />

discovery in the southern seas, entered a haven near Port<br />

Jackson, to which he gave the name of Botany Bay, in<br />

honor of Dr. Solander, an eminent Swedish botanist accompanying<br />

him. The settlement started encouragingly, and<br />

for a time was made a* depot for English criminals. But,<br />

the harbor proving unsafe, the site for a city was thought<br />

ineligible. Subsequent cruising in the vicinity discovered,<br />

thi'ough an inlet called Port Jackson, a commodious and most<br />

magnificent harbor. Soon a canvas tent was erected, and<br />

sites for buildings marked out. The fleet speedily removed<br />

from Botany Bay, ten miles distant, tothis port, now named<br />

Sydney.<br />

The parks, recreation grounds, and botanic gardens are<br />

among the first places of resort to which strangers direct<br />

their steps. These gardens are clothed with plants and flowers<br />

from every known part of the world. They comprise<br />

about forty acres, sloping down to and fringing the harbor.<br />

Tropical foliage and fruitage gladden the eye. Oranges do<br />

well. The trip to Parramatta, some fifteen miles from Sydney,<br />

is delightful. It can be reached by road, rail, or water.<br />

Oranges, lemons, apple, pear, loquat, apricot, peach, and<br />

other excellent fi'uits, together with extensive vineyards<br />


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