

46 AROUND THE WOELD. Public speaking on the ocean is more novel than pleasant. Invited by a committee, tlirough the purser James V. Lavery, to address the officers and passengers upon the divine principles of the spiritual philosophy in their relation to immortality, we so did, Dr. Dunn following in a most interesting manner. In accordance with an arrangement between the doctor, his attending spirit-guides, and ourself, previous to saihng, we held semi-weekly seances for spiritcommunications. In answer to several inquiries, Mr. Knight said, — " We can not well draw the line of demarkation between physical matter and spirit-substance, tljey so interblend and over-lap. There are atoms, and molecular particles of physical matter, in their highly subUmated state, more ethereal perhaps than some portions of spirit-substance. This unsteady upward-reaching is seen in every direction. There possibly may be gorillas with reason flaming up to a higher point than in some of the lowest tribes of men. But mark, they, the gorillas, have reached their acme ; while these lower tribes have but just started in the Ime of human possibilities. " All insects, all venomous reptiles, and brutes, are tottering and imperfect structures ; and it is illogical to predicate immortality of imperfection. The arch can not stand without- the keystone. . . . "By your request, I have inquired of John who was meant by the ' elect lady,' in his second epistle ; and the gist of the response was, the phrase elect lady, a symbolical expression, referred to the Christian rehgion in its purity. This lady elect was the lady of his faith, the most spiritual religion of that age. Spirituality pertains to the feminine, intellectuality to the masculine." A strange controlling intelligence now comes, making the medium exceedingly spasmodic. Listen! It is a weird, unknown tongue. What does it mean ? . . . He has gone, and Mr. Knight comes to explain — : " This spirit was a chief of the Oahu Island, who lived in a mortal body over a centuiy since. He desired to inform you that himself and his people believed in spirit-intercourse when on earth, though it was connected with much superstition. Since his transition, he has progTessed rapidly ; and still he cherishes a deep interest in the remnants of his race. He is very desirous to have you remain on the islands you

OCEANICA TO AUCKLAND. 47 have left, and preach true doctrines, in contradistinction from the false and gloomy theology that is being taught by missionaries." Another change. Swailbach, a German spirit, comes. The accent is unmistakable. " I have just taken possession to say that I had visited these natives as a spirit many times in the past. They are Aryanic rather than Semitic in origin. In a very remote period, this root-race moved southeasterly from the high plateaus of India, through Malayan lands, towards the Pacific islands." Do you understand the language of these natives ? ' ' Not as they speak it in theii- mortal bodies ; and yet I can converse freely with them when disrobed of mortality. Ours is largely soul language. The movement of a muscle, throbbing of a nerve, or slightest facial expression even, of a spirit, is language, and self-interpreting. Study of many earthly languages, imless for the purpose of teaching, is time unwisely spent. Languages, earthly in origin, like nationalities, gradually fade away as spirits ascend and unfold interiorily, the tendency being from the special to the imiversal." Aaron Knight, again controlling, said, — " Those faihng to make the right marks along the pathway of human hfe have to retrace their steps after entering spiiit-life. There is a band of explorers with us. They are properly naturalists. Some of them are veiy ancient spirits. . . . We are now passing over the ruins of a grand old city, which had vast surburban forests. The petrified remnants indicate a likeness to the mammoth trees of California. They were an enlightened race. The people lived in stone houses, and were engaged in mechanical and pastoral pursuits. They were the progenitors of your American mound-builders. Were your clairvoyant eyes opened, you would this moment see under debris, sands, and sea-plants, the scattered remnants of a long-forgotten civilization. As volcanic isles and lofty mountains have been thrust up from the ocean's depths, so islands and continents have sunk 'mid commotions unknown to earthly history. The sinking of the new Atlantis continent some nine thousand years before the Platonian pei-iod, as mentioned by Plato, Solon, and the Egyptian priests, is no myth."


have left, and preach true doctrines, in contradistinction from the false<br />

and gloomy theology that is being taught by missionaries."<br />

Another change. Swailbach, a German spirit, comes.<br />

The accent is unmistakable.<br />

" I have just taken possession to say that I had visited these natives<br />

as a spirit many times in the past. They are Aryanic rather than<br />

Semitic in origin. In a very remote period, this root-race moved southeasterly<br />

from the high plateaus of India, through Malayan lands, towards<br />

the Pacific islands."<br />

Do you understand the language of these natives ?<br />

'<br />

' Not as they speak it in theii- mortal bodies ; and yet I can converse<br />

freely with them when disrobed of mortality. Ours is largely soul language.<br />

The movement of a muscle, throbbing of a nerve, or slightest<br />

facial expression even, of a spirit, is language, and self-interpreting.<br />

Study of many earthly languages, imless for the purpose of teaching, is<br />

time unwisely spent. Languages, earthly in origin, like nationalities,<br />

gradually fade away as spirits ascend and unfold interiorily, the tendency<br />

being from the special to the imiversal."<br />

Aaron Knight, again controlling, said, —<br />

" Those faihng to make the right marks along the pathway of human<br />

hfe have to retrace their steps after entering spiiit-life. There is a band<br />

of explorers with us. They are properly naturalists. Some of them<br />

are veiy ancient spirits. . . . We are now passing over the ruins of a<br />

grand old city, which had vast surburban forests. The petrified remnants<br />

indicate a likeness to the mammoth trees of California. They<br />

were an enlightened race. The people lived in stone houses, and were<br />

engaged in mechanical and pastoral pursuits. They were the progenitors<br />

of your American mound-builders. Were your clairvoyant eyes<br />

opened, you would this moment see under debris, sands, and sea-plants,<br />

the scattered remnants of a long-forgotten civilization. As volcanic isles<br />

and lofty mountains have been thrust up from the ocean's depths, so<br />

islands and continents have sunk 'mid commotions unknown to earthly<br />

history. The sinking of the new Atlantis continent some nine thousand<br />

years before the Platonian pei-iod, as mentioned by Plato, Solon, and the<br />

Egyptian priests, is no myth."

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