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silence the observers retraced their footsteps to the chamber of mourning,<br />

and there learned that the spirit had returned to God, who gave it.<br />

The last words audible were, " '"<br />

More light 1<br />

When in Paris the first time, guest of Mr. Gledstanes,<br />

the French Consul Leon Favre accompanied me to the residence<br />

of the Swedish Baron Louis Guldenstubbe. This<br />

gentleman, a distinguished Spiritualist, was related to a<br />

Scandinavian family of great renown. " Two of his ancestors,<br />

Knights of the Order of the Grand Templars, and of the<br />

same name, were burned alive in 1309, in company with<br />

Jacques de Molay, by order of Pope Clement the Fifth."<br />

If it be true, as is sometimes asserted, that the country of<br />

one's birth and hereditary descent are not without influence<br />

upon mediumistic qualities, the baron was favored in both<br />

these respects. The mother who gave him birth in the<br />

country of Swedenborg, the mystic Scandinavia, prone to<br />

Spiritual belief, early initiated him in this kind of reading.<br />

When quite young he was remarkable for presentiments and<br />

visions.<br />

He published several volumes relating to his<br />

researches in<br />

the science of positive and experimental pneumatology,<br />

besides a deeply interesting contribution upon " direct spirit<br />

writing." Both himself and sister were mediums. The<br />

baron recently passed to spirit-life, esteemed highest by<br />

those who knew him best.<br />


As wens and warts to human bodies, so are cities to a<br />

country. Unnatural, they are the cesspools of crime,<br />

competition, and avarice. While Nature has lavished her<br />

gifts with prodigal hand, men should make community-villas,<br />

and gardens of hiU and dale, each and all earning their bread<br />

by honest toil. Rome, grim and grand, unites the dead past<br />

and hving present. The Papal Church is the most logical<br />

of any. It has an infallible God, an infallible Lord Jesus,<br />

an infallible Church, an infallible Douay Bible, and an iufal-

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