

Come 374 AEOUND THE WORLD. the wall. Still tlie lofty hight, the majesty of the columns, the immense dome, deeply impressed us, and will other beholders for centuries to come. It was near the hour of twelve. Soon the muezzin came out from near the summit of the minaret, summoning to prayer in these words: ''•Allah akbar, Allah akbar^ La illah il Allah, Mohammed resouV Allah, Allah akhary (God is great. There is no God but God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God. Come to praj^er ; come to security and peace. God is most great there is no God but God.) They intone these prayer words of invitation in a plaintive, half-singing style, ofteii varying them to suit the occasion. In the morning they usually cry, "Awake, awake and pray. It is better to pray than to sleep. There is but one God, Allah." At noon the piteous, pleading voice falls upon them, " God is great ; the world is wicked. . to prayer. There is but one God, Allah the merciful." Moham- It is almost an absolute impossibility to convert a medan to evangelical Christianity. They can not subscribe to the Trinity ; can not comprehend how Jesus Christ can be " very God," and yet the " Son of God " ; can not understand how Jesus existed before his mother, and is of the same, age as his Father. It is not quite plain to us ! TURKISH WOMEN. Polygamy, or any form of " social freedom " involving promiscuity, is a practical hell in any country. Envies and jealousies abound. The caliphs have for weary years maintained more or less eunuchs as attendants in their harems. The general characteristics of Turkish women may be best studied on Moslem festival-days. They are not so really dressed as draped in a flowing robe, over which hangs a loose mantle, nearly covering the lower portion of their trousers. Their feet are Small, and show very distinctly while walking. Over their yellow slippers they wear an ugly-looking overshoe, wliich they shp off

TURKEY IN ASIA. — IONIA AND THE GEEEKS. 875 when going into a mosque to worship. Indulging in the luxuries of the Turkish bath, they have the appearance of being exceedingly neat. Notwithstanding their veils, and professed seclusion from society, there is no difficulty in seeing them or their faces. Their features are generally small and delicate. Their veils are made of very transparent muslin, covering all but the eyes and upper portions of their neatly-painted cheeks. As a rule it is safe to infer this : the more symmetrical and beautiful the features, the more thin and gauze-like the veil. The time was when the facial veils of Turkish ladies were really opaque : now, unless the woman is exceedingly lean and ugly, they are as thin as those through which the blushes of American brides may be seen, really enhancing the beauty they pretend to conceal. Silly vanity is seen in all countries. Though these women's eyes are hazel and handsome, they sparkle with no great life-purpose ; their motions in walkingare ungraceful ; their figures resemble bundles of foreign drapery ; and they are said by those who know them the most intimately to be exceedingly ignorant, helpless, insipid, and shiftless. Since polygamy is the rule, since they are the slaves of men's pleasures and passions, what otherwise could be expected? And these wives, these women, are to be future mothers. As the Turk, who can have many wives, can have but one mother, the sultan's mother is virtually queen. The mistress of the treasury is next in honor to the queen, filling intermediate place between the sultan and women of the harem. The Turks are very fond of the blonde Circassians. Purchasing them is now forbidden. MOHAMMEDAN DERVISHES. What Shakers and Quakers are to evangelical Christians, dancing dervishes are to Mohammedans. They believe in Allah, and in present inspirations and revelations. The an

Come<br />


the wall. Still tlie lofty hight, the majesty of the columns,<br />

the immense dome, deeply impressed us, and will other<br />

beholders for centuries to come. It was near the hour of<br />

twelve. Soon the muezzin came out from near the summit<br />

of the minaret, summoning to prayer in these words: ''•Allah<br />

akbar, Allah akbar^ La illah il Allah, Mohammed resouV<br />

Allah, Allah akhary (God is great. There is no God but<br />

God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God. Come to<br />

praj^er ; come to security and peace. God is most great<br />

there is no God but God.) They intone these prayer words<br />

of invitation in a plaintive, half-singing style, ofteii varying<br />

them to suit the occasion. In the morning they usually cry,<br />

"Awake, awake and pray. It is better to pray than to<br />

sleep. There is but one God, Allah." At noon the piteous,<br />

pleading voice falls upon them, " God is great ; the world<br />

is wicked. . to prayer. There is but one God, Allah<br />

the merciful."<br />

Moham-<br />

It is almost an absolute impossibility to convert a<br />

medan to evangelical Christianity. They can not subscribe<br />

to the Trinity ; can not comprehend how Jesus Christ can be<br />

" very God," and yet the " Son of God " ; can not understand<br />

how Jesus existed before his mother, and is of the same, age<br />

as his Father. It is not quite plain to us !<br />


Polygamy, or any form of " social freedom " involving<br />

promiscuity, is a practical hell in any country. Envies and<br />

jealousies abound. The caliphs have for weary years maintained<br />

more or less eunuchs as attendants in their harems.<br />

The general characteristics of Turkish women may be best<br />

studied on Moslem festival-days.<br />

They are not so really dressed as draped in a flowing robe,<br />

over which hangs a loose mantle, nearly covering the lower<br />

portion of their trousers. Their feet are Small, and show<br />

very distinctly while walking. Over their yellow slippers<br />

they wear an ugly-looking overshoe, wliich they shp off

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