

360 AROUND THE WORLD. classical memories. It was the most extensive of the Hellenic cities. Strabo states that it was twenty-one miles in circumference. Connected with its history were such men as -^schylus, Pindar, Epicharnius, Thrasybulus, Dionysius, Demosthenes, and Archimedes, slain by a soldier who did not know his value either as mathematician or philosopher. The modern Greeks, peopling these islands, have the reputation of being the worst exaggerators on earth. They are generally tall, having fine complexions, sharp noses, and still sharper eyes. Their perceptive are much larger than their reflective brain-organs. Like the Jews, and not very unlike Americans, money is their god. On deck are a few Nubians, dark as night; Syrians, with Jewish visages several Cretans ; one Arab trader, tall, thin, and withered and two or three Armenians, who are more European in their characteristics. The strange garments of these people are more diversified than their complexions. To a traveling pilgrim, how frail and fickle seem fashions ! Who are those that suinmer and winter under the fez, the turban, or pointed hood, under those flowing trousers, embroidered vests, red sashes, and multifonned cloaks, sacks, and robes ? What are their aspirations and life employments ? These are the practical questions that throng the mind. They are brothers of Oriental lands, brothers with the same beating, pulsing hearts as ours, and destined to the same immortahty. SMYRNA. "And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna -write, These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive: I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty. . . . Behold, the Devil shall cast some of you into prison that ye may be tried. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: but be thou faithful imto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. — Johx the Revelator. Smyrna, golden with the memories of early Christian teachings, sits to-day like a queen upon the border-lands of the Orient.

est THE CHRISTIANITY OP THE AGES. 361 Our entrance into the broad, beautiful bay was just before sunset. The city lies at the very extremity, and partly upon the hill-side to the right, as you approach the shore. The site of ancient, historic Smyrna was on the left, at the foot of the mountains, and some little distance from the modern. Earthquakes have effected serious changes in much of the topography of this country. The Mediterranean at this and other points is continually receding. Excepting Constantinople, Smyrna is the most important commercial city in the Turkish Empire. Though sending large quantities of opium yearly to the United States, most of its export trade is carried on with Great Britain, consisting of cotton, carpets, wool, fruits, and opium. This latter article is raised extensively in the back country, and brought in upon camels for exportation, after inspection. How, in what way, is so much of it used in America ? Passing the Greek church, a modern structure, the Armenian houses, and a drove of burdened camels, to the suburbs of the city, I commenced ascending the hill towards the old castle, accompanied by a dragoman. It was nearly noon when I reached the tomb of Polycarp, the ancient Smyrnian bishop, the good Christian martyr, the acquaintance and fervent admirer of the Apostle John. This tomb, held semi-sacred by both Mohammedans and Christians, overlooks the one hundred and fifty thousand souls that constitute the joresent city of Smyrna. Every thing in this country— cloths, fruits, potatoes, vinegar, firewood—is bought and sold by the pound. The figs and grapes of Smyrna are famous for size, quality, and abundance. It seemingly adds to the exquisite flavor of olives, oranges, and figs, to pluck them fresh from the trees. Tliis I was privileged to do in several fields and gardens in ' Smyrna and the Grecian Isles. Doubtless the figs never see America. There are a number of prominent Spiritualists in Smyrna. Among the most active are C. Constant and M. E. H. Rossi.

est<br />


Our entrance into the broad, beautiful bay was just<br />

before sunset. The city lies at the very extremity, and<br />

partly upon the hill-side to the right, as you approach the<br />

shore. The site of ancient, historic Smyrna was on the<br />

left, at the foot of the mountains, and some little distance<br />

from the modern.<br />

Earthquakes have effected serious changes<br />

in much of the topography of this country. The Mediterranean<br />

at this and other points is continually receding.<br />

Excepting Constantinople, Smyrna is the most important<br />

commercial city in the Turkish Empire. Though sending<br />

large quantities of opium yearly to the United States, most<br />

of its<br />

export trade is carried on with Great Britain, consisting<br />

of cotton, carpets, wool, fruits, and opium. This latter<br />

article is raised extensively in the back country, and brought<br />

in upon camels for exportation, after inspection. How, in<br />

what way, is so much of it used in America ?<br />

Passing the Greek church, a modern structure, the Armenian<br />

houses, and a drove of burdened camels, to the suburbs<br />

of the city, I commenced ascending the hill towards<br />

the old castle, accompanied by a dragoman. It was nearly<br />

noon when I reached the tomb of Polycarp, the ancient<br />

Smyrnian bishop, the good Christian martyr, the acquaintance<br />

and fervent admirer of the Apostle John.<br />

This tomb,<br />

held semi-sacred by both Mohammedans and Christians,<br />

overlooks the one hundred and fifty thousand souls that<br />

constitute the joresent city of Smyrna.<br />

Every thing in this country— cloths, fruits, potatoes, vinegar,<br />

firewood—is bought and sold by the pound. The figs<br />

and grapes of Smyrna are famous for size, quality, and abundance.<br />

It seemingly adds to the exquisite flavor of olives,<br />

oranges, and figs, to pluck them fresh from the trees. Tliis<br />

I was privileged to do in several fields and gardens in<br />

'<br />

Smyrna and the Grecian Isles. Doubtless the figs<br />

never see America.<br />

There are a number of prominent Spiritualists<br />

in Smyrna.<br />

Among the most active are C. Constant and M. E. H. Rossi.

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