

CHAPTER XXV. PRESENT GOSPELS. All countries have had their inspired chieftains, all dispensations their prophets, and all recurring cycles their apostles. Many evangelists besides those of the New Testament have written gospels, — good messages of peace, love, and " good will to men." It is perfectly natural that R^nan, while traveling in Palestine, should exclaim, " I have before my eyes a fifth Gospel, mutilated, but still legible." Though the Ganges is sacred to the Hindoo, the Nile to the Egyptian, and the Jordan to the Christian, the liberal and the more inteUigent of this century, rising above the special into the beautiful border-lands of the universal, see in every flowing stream a Jordan, in every sunny vale a Kedron, in every day a sabbath day, in every soul a temple for prayer, in every tomb a forthcoming Savior, in every healthy country a Mount of Transfiguration, and in every heart an altar of religious devotion, where the incense of aspiration is, ov should be, kept continually burning. WHY JESUS WAS BAPTIZED IN THE JORDAN. All the Oriental religions had their regenerating rites. Egyptians were Avashed from then- iniquities in the Nile. Upon sarcophagi and liieroglyphical scrolls Osiris is represented pouring water upon cawdidates in a kneeling position. The Avesta ceremonials of the Persians abound in directions 246

PRESENT GOSPELS. 347 for baptismal ceremonies. Even proud Romans practiced the rite ; and accordingly Juvenal criticised and satirized them for seeking to wash away their sins by " dipping their heads thrice in the flowing Tiber." Jesus, a Palestinian Jew, born subject to the law of Moses, must needs be circumcised and baptized for the washing-away of sin according to the Israelitish understanding of ordinances in that era. But if Jesus was not consciously imperfect, was not a sinner, why should he submit to baptism by water ? Matthew says, " Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins ; " while Mark assures us that " John preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." And John baptized Jesus in the Jordan. Therefore, as baptism was understood to be the " washing-away of sin," it is clear that Jesus was considered a sinner. Nothing upon theological grounds could be more absurd than the baptism of a saint Jesus, conscious of his imperfections, said, " Call not thou me good." The New Testament further declares that Jesus " learned obedience by the things he suffered," that he was " made perfect through suffering," and that he was called the " first begotten from the dead; " but how begotten from the dead unless himself once dead in trespasses and sins ? After Jesus confessed, and was baptized, — the water being a symbol of purification, — the " heavens were opened," and the Christ-spirit from the heaven of the Christ-angels descended upon him, and a voice came saying, " This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Now we have Jesus Christ " our exemplar," Jesus Christ standing upon the basis of eternal principles, Jesus Christ the anointed and illumined, ministering the tenderest sympathy and love. Those parables are inimitable ; the Sermon upon the Mount stands out unparalleled ; while that j^leading prayer upon the cross, breathing forgiveness toward murderers, proves the Nazarene divine.



All countries have had their inspired chieftains, all dispensations<br />

their prophets, and all recurring cycles their apostles.<br />

Many evangelists besides those of the New Testament have<br />

written gospels, — good messages of peace, love, and " good<br />

will to men."<br />

It is perfectly natural that R^nan, while traveling in<br />

Palestine,<br />

should exclaim, " I have before my eyes a fifth Gospel,<br />

mutilated, but still legible."<br />

Though the Ganges is sacred to the Hindoo, the Nile to<br />

the Egyptian, and the Jordan to the Christian, the liberal<br />

and the more inteUigent of this century, rising above the<br />

special into the beautiful border-lands of the universal, see<br />

in every flowing stream a Jordan, in every sunny vale a<br />

Kedron, in every day a sabbath day, in every soul a temple<br />

for prayer, in every tomb a forthcoming Savior, in<br />

every healthy country a Mount of Transfiguration, and<br />

in every heart an altar of religious devotion, where the<br />

incense of aspiration is, ov should be, kept continually burning.<br />


All the Oriental religions had their regenerating rites.<br />

Egyptians were Avashed from then- iniquities in the Nile.<br />

Upon sarcophagi and liieroglyphical scrolls Osiris is represented<br />

pouring water upon cawdidates in a kneeling position.<br />

The Avesta ceremonials of the Persians abound in directions<br />


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