

340 AROUND THE WORLD. — a common practice in tlie East. At one o'clock we saw these monks feed a flock of poor children gratis. It was a beautiful sight ; and in our soul we said, Heaven bless these Moman- Catholic monks! The country surrounding Bethlehem is fall of interest. It was around these hills that the youthful David learned to make the lute and the harp. Here were the border-lands of Boaz ; here Ruth gleaned the barley-fields ; here was the wilderness of Judea, in which John preached repentance ; here Avere the plains where shepherds were abiding when they heard the angel-song of " Peace on earth; " and here, too, was born Jesus, the Shiloh of Israel, and the " Desire of all nations." When crossing these unfenced " shepherd hills," so called, said our spirit-friends, in Jesus' time, we noticed flocks feeding on a dry, hay-like substance, and shepherds watching them. Observing and meditating upon this, I thought of the hymn, — the fugue my mother used to sing in those sunny days of a New-England childhood, — " While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around." Oh the lingering melody of that mother's voice ! its tender echoes can never die away from my soul. Further reflection brought to memory the sweet lines of our Quaker Whittier : — " Lo ! Bethlehem's hill-site before me is seen, With the mountains around, and the valleys between There rested the shepherds of Judah, and there The song of the angels rose SAveet in the air. I tread where the twelve in their wayfaring trod ; I stand where they stood with the chosen of God, — Where his blessings were heard, and his lessons were taught Where the blind were restored, and the healing was wrought.

CITY OF PROPHETS AND APOSTLES. 341 Oh, here with his fldck the sad Wanderer came These hills he toiled over in grief are the same ; The founts where he drank by the wayside still flow And the same airs are blowing which breathed on his brow." "WHY DID KOT CONTEMPORARY GREEKS AND ROMANS REFER TO JESUS ? This inquiry has little force. Why did not contemporary Hindoo historians choose to notice the presence of Alexander the Great in India ? Why do prominent European writers deny the existence of the Grecian Pythagoras alleging, among other reasons, that the name is traceable to the Sanscrit Pitha-gura^ the schoolmaster? Why did not Homer, the contemporaiy of Solomon, make mention of him or of the Hebrews ? Why do the writings of Thales, Solon, Democritus, Plato, Herodotus, Xenophon, and others, contain no references whatever to the Jews? Do such omissions prove the non-existence of patriarchs and prophets ? It should be remembered that those were not the eras of a world-wide toleration and appreciation, nor of special telegrams and morning newspapers. Saviors are fated to non-recognition by their fellows. Prophets have never had where to lay their heads. The proud and the erudite do not notice them. Thorns leave crimson kisses upon their pale foreheads. Jesus " the Galilean " was of this number. Neither rabbi nor Roman helped him to " bear the cross." But Greek, and Roman writers of the second century make direct mention of him and the " superstitious vagaries " of the Christians. Historians of the coming century may deign to make records of the present exponents of the Spiritual philosophy. SOLOMON'S POOLS. These, by the winding road we went, are ten miles from Jerusalem. The place is called El Burak. The dilapidated old castle here standing was built upon Masonic principles.


Oh, here with his fldck the sad Wanderer came<br />

These hills he toiled over in grief are the same ;<br />

The founts where he drank by the wayside still flow<br />

And the same airs are blowing which breathed on his brow."<br />



This inquiry has little force. Why did not contemporary<br />

Hindoo historians choose to notice the presence of Alexander<br />

the Great in India ? Why do prominent European<br />

writers deny the existence of the Grecian Pythagoras<br />

alleging, among other reasons, that the name is traceable to<br />

the Sanscrit Pitha-gura^ the schoolmaster? Why did not<br />

Homer, the contemporaiy of Solomon, make mention of<br />

him or of the Hebrews ? Why do the writings of Thales,<br />

Solon, Democritus, Plato, Herodotus, Xenophon, and others,<br />

contain no references whatever to the Jews? Do such<br />

omissions prove the non-existence of patriarchs and prophets<br />

? It should be remembered that those were not the eras<br />

of a world-wide toleration and appreciation, nor of special<br />

telegrams and morning newspapers.<br />

Saviors are fated to non-recognition by their fellows.<br />

Prophets have never had where to lay their heads. The<br />

proud and the erudite do not notice them. Thorns leave crimson<br />

kisses upon their pale foreheads. Jesus " the Galilean "<br />

was of this number. Neither rabbi nor Roman helped him<br />

to " bear the cross." But Greek, and Roman writers of<br />

the second century make direct mention of him and the<br />

" superstitious vagaries " of the Christians. Historians of<br />

the coming century may deign to make records of the<br />

present exponents of the Spiritual philosophy.<br />


These, by the winding road we went, are ten miles from<br />

Jerusalem. The place is called El Burak. The dilapidated<br />

old castle here standing was built upon Masonic principles.

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