

CHAPTER n. THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. — SOUTH-SEA ISLANDS, AND SEANCES AT SEA. OUE steamer wriggles like a revolving auger. Our crew, a nautical commonwealth, is getting social. There are two princes aboard, — Prince Augustus, Duke of Saxe, who married the Brazilian emperor's daughter ; and Prince Philippe, having a high grade in the Austro-Hungarian army. They are modest, thoroughly-cultured gentlemen. To know is to admire them. Spirit speaks through forms. Souls largely fashion the houses they inhabit. An individual's life-aims can no more be concealed than fire. Faces and voices, fingers and feet, all reveal character. Repairing to the stateroom assigned us on " The Idaho," Aaron Knight,* entrancing Dr. E. C. Dunn, said in substance, — " On this voyage, stretching in the distance, we can not only speak to you face to face, but can fix such an electric atmosphere around you as will add to your comfort and spiritual unfoldment. The two spirit circles, ever a unit in purpose, are all present.. Our combined power you well imderstand, and yet the laws of nature are our masters. Should your bodies go down to rest on coral reefs, we shall be present to welcome and minister to your resurrected spirits." * Aaron Klnight, the spirit guardian of Dr. Dunn, entranced him some seventeen years since in Battle Creek, Mich. ; giving at the time his name, the family name, his earthly residence in Yorkshire, Eng., and ahout the length of time he had been in the spirit-world, — nearly two hundred years. Subse- 22

How calm the sea ! What SANDWICH ISLANDS. 23 a quiet life, reading by day, and gazing by night at the glittering stars, — those shining altar-lamps set in the heavens by the finger of the Eternal A change, — rough and rolling, the ocean ! Would you escape sea-sickness, walk the deck in defiance of dasliing waves. Exercise a plucky will-power : no compromise. Grace aside, it is grit that leads to glory on the ocean. INNER DREAMS. Half dreaming, let us philosophize. I fancy myself a sort of moral equation. Consciousness is the algebraic " " equal ; eternity, the unknown quantity. Laws are deific methods. Mathematical laws are universal. Every atom, every particle of iron circulating in my body, follows the law of its strongest attraction, — follows it mathematically. Results are true to their producing causes. Moral equations, because relating to moral actions, and the moral possibilities of the soul, admit of- self-solution only. I am the problem. I solve myself. The genius of this intellectual age requires the abolition of war, of flag and cannon, of whip and personal Devil, — ay, more, the gradual yet complete reconstruction of government, jurisprudence, theology. Oh for the coming man, the quently he told me of the old -walled city of York, once capital of the kingdom; of the York Minster, and its -weird pictures; of the River Ouse, St. Mary's Abbey, and of his brother the Rev. James Knight, ordained in London, — all of which were as utterly unkno-wn to me as to Mr. Dunn. When appointed to a consular post in Asiatic Turkey, by Pres. Grant, I resolved, upou reaching England, to identifj' this spirit, if possible. Accordingly accompanied by Robert Green, Esq., of Brotherton, I went to York, and then to the " Will Office; " where, after long searching, aided by the clerk, we found the brother's name, Rev. James Knight, A.M., who, as Aaron Knight had freqviently informed us, preached in London, York, and other prominent cities. This is the record, transci-ibed in the clerk's own hand: — "24th of October, 1714, James Knight, A.M., was ordained deacon in the Savoy Chapel, London, and priest in the same chapel on the following Sunday." From the Institution Book La the Archiepiscopal Registry, York. Yorkshire, Englaud. The identity of river, abbey, minster, pictures, family name. Rev. James Knight, was perfect, and the test one of the most interesting and important in the records of phenomenal Spiritualism.

CHAPTER n.<br />



OUE steamer wriggles like a revolving auger.<br />

Our crew,<br />

a nautical commonwealth, is getting social. There are two<br />

princes aboard, — Prince Augustus, Duke of Saxe, who married<br />

the Brazilian emperor's daughter ;<br />

and Prince Philippe,<br />

having a high grade in the Austro-Hungarian army.<br />

They<br />

are modest, thoroughly-cultured gentlemen. To know is to<br />

admire them.<br />

Spirit speaks through forms. Souls largely fashion the<br />

houses they inhabit. An individual's life-aims can no more be<br />

concealed than fire. Faces and voices, fingers and feet, all<br />

reveal character. Repairing to the stateroom assigned us on<br />

" The Idaho," Aaron Knight,* entrancing Dr. E. C. Dunn,<br />

said in substance, —<br />

" On this voyage, stretching in the distance, we can not only speak to<br />

you face to face, but can fix such an electric atmosphere around you as will<br />

add to your comfort and spiritual unfoldment. The two spirit circles,<br />

ever a unit in purpose, are all present.. Our combined power you well<br />

imderstand, and yet the laws of nature are our masters. Should your<br />

bodies go down to rest on coral reefs, we shall be present to welcome and<br />

minister to your resurrected spirits."<br />

* Aaron Klnight, the spirit guardian of Dr. Dunn, entranced him some<br />

seventeen years since in Battle Creek, Mich.<br />

;<br />

giving at the time his name, the<br />

family name, his earthly residence in Yorkshire, Eng., and ahout the length of<br />

time he had been in the spirit-world, — nearly two hundred years. Subse-<br />


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