

288 AEOUND THE WOELD. din rabble, was a crack-brained enthusiast ; and self, a crazy Spiritualist just loose from some American madhouse. Laughing at all such pious rage, we remembered, that, when Bunyan's lions became too old and toothless to bite, they gratified their vicious dispositions by growling. Sectarians, harmless nowadays, can only growl. But the p}T:amids ! Cheops, built strictly upon geometrical and astronomical principles, faces due north, south, east, and west. And, according to the measurement of Col. Ho"v%- ard Vyse, the base of this pyramid is 764 feet, and the vertical height 480 feet, with a basical area of thirteen acres, one rood, and twenty-two poles. The quantity of masonry is 89,028,000 cubic feet, with a weight of 6,848,000 tons ; the space occupied by chambers and interior passages being somethuig over 56,000 cubic feet of the immense mass. Greek authors state that 500,000 laborers, comprising government captives and bondsmen, were employed during a period of twenty-five years in putting up and completing the structure. To fully realize the magnitude of this desert Titan, one should walk around it, and then, looking up to its dizzy height of five hundred feet, reflect that the granite blocks which furnish the outside of the third, and a portion of the inside of the first pyramid, came, if not manufactured on the spot, all the way from the first cataract ; and that outwardly these monumental giants were originally covered with sihcious hmestone, or marble, highly polished. These facts considered, and the magnificence, the pristine splendor, begin to become manifest. UP,. UP TO THE APEX. Our dragoman engaging three Bedouin Arab assistants for each, we were ready for the ascent. Full of pluck, we start up the stony steep, scaling block after block. A stout Arab clasps each of our hands firmly. Getting weary, the third " boosts," — if there's a more classic word to convey the idea, use it. Though fun at first, fatigue and exhaustion

Egypt's catacombs and pyramids. 289 soon follow. " Bravo ! a third of the way up : take a rest," shout the guides. Another start, but not so gay and gritty as the first.' Up, and still upward ; the air seems too light for breathing. Pity be to the short-winded ! blessings to the long-legged ! all deformities have their uses. 'Tis done ! Our feet press the summit ! Hallelujah ! The apex, seen at a distance as a point, proves to be an area full twelve feet square, from which the view is absolutely magnificent Northward, you look down the river upon the Delta, with its patches of green, groups of palms, and long files of patient camels. Southward, you gaze up the river, fringed with waving date-palms, penciled in gold against the delicate sky fields of vegetation, green and yellow ; flocks of black and brown sheep, with attending shepherds ; peasant-women bearing water-jars upon their heads ; and, farther on, the ashes of the ancient Memphis. Eastward, upon Cairo, with its glittering domes, minarets, labyrinthine streets, dazzling bazaars, public squares, coffee-houses, three hundred mosques for Mahometan prayers, and the gracefully-towering citadel, grand and gorgeous, crowning the whole. Westward stretches in the clear distance the African Sahara, undefinable and immeasurable ; while at your feet, seemingly, rolls the majestic Nile, great river-god of the old Egyptians, whose sculptured figures they wreathed with lotus-flowers, and filled his extended arms with their ripened fruits and grains. Let us linger upon this desert Mount of Transfiguration, and meditate. But where — Where's the doctor? A seance on the pyramids. Sunny and joyous. Dr. Dunn and his Arab aids started first to make the ascent ; but for some unaccountable reason they have not yet reached the pinnacle. Looking over the precipitous stone terraces, there he was, full a third of the way down. " What's the matter ? " we inquired. " Why those gesticulations, and why the delay ? — " " Dun no," was the Arab response in broken English. 19 " Well, go down and


din rabble, was a crack-brained enthusiast ; and self, a crazy<br />

Spiritualist just loose from some American madhouse.<br />

Laughing at all such pious rage, we remembered, that, when<br />

Bunyan's lions became too old and toothless to bite, they<br />

gratified their vicious dispositions by growling. Sectarians,<br />

harmless nowadays, can only growl.<br />

But the p}T:amids ! Cheops, built strictly upon geometrical<br />

and astronomical principles, faces due north, south, east,<br />

and west. And, according to the measurement of Col. Ho"v%-<br />

ard Vyse, the base of this pyramid is 764 feet, and the vertical<br />

height 480 feet, with a basical area of thirteen acres, one<br />

rood, and twenty-two poles. The quantity of masonry is<br />

89,028,000 cubic feet, with a weight of 6,848,000 tons ; the<br />

space occupied by chambers and interior passages being<br />

somethuig over 56,000 cubic feet of the immense mass.<br />

Greek authors state that 500,000 laborers, comprising government<br />

captives and bondsmen, were employed during a<br />

period of twenty-five years in putting up and completing<br />

the structure. To fully realize the magnitude of this desert<br />

Titan, one should walk around it, and then, looking up to<br />

its dizzy height of five hundred feet, reflect that the granite<br />

blocks which furnish the outside of the third, and a portion<br />

of the inside of the first pyramid, came, if not manufactured<br />

on the spot, all the way from the first cataract ; and that outwardly<br />

these monumental giants were originally covered<br />

with sihcious hmestone, or marble, highly polished. These<br />

facts considered, and the magnificence, the pristine splendor,<br />

begin to become manifest.<br />

UP,. UP TO THE APEX.<br />

Our dragoman engaging three Bedouin Arab assistants for<br />

each, we were ready for the ascent. Full of pluck, we start<br />

up the stony steep, scaling block after block.<br />

A stout Arab<br />

clasps each of our hands firmly. Getting weary, the third<br />

" boosts," — if there's a more classic word to convey the<br />

idea, use it. Though fun at first, fatigue and exhaustion

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