

256 AROUND THE WORLD. fort by Akbar, a Mogul emperor, reigning about three hundred years ago. Travelers consider this— because of wide, well-shaded streets, beautiful avenues, mausoleums, and marble domes, commemorating Mohammedan glory— the handsomest city in India. Historically speaking, it should be remembered that there were five Mohammedan invasions into India, the first being one of disgraceful plunder and downright murder. Mussulman power was not established to any great extent Sultan Mahmoud, of Ghazin, till nearly the twelfth century. fought seventeen distinct campaigns in India, carrying away immense treasures to enrich his country. His zeal in destroying idols gave him the name of "Iconoclast," the image-breaker. There is a deep, silent hatred existing between the Hindoos and Mohammedans, and yet they peaceably worship side by side. Allahabad is a wonderful resort for pilgrims. It is said that a million are sometimes encamped about the city. Some of the Brahmanical priests are evidently very saintly men; others, doubtless, encourage these pilgrimages and festivals from avaricious motives. Priestcraft is the same in all countries. It is two hundred and fifty miles from Allahabad to Agra, world-famed for the Taj, — a tomb of exquisite and unparalleled magnificence. The structure, peerless and unrivaled, was built at a cost of fifteen million dollars, to immortalize the memorj'^ of a woman, — Noor Mahal, — the favorite wife of Emperor Shah Jehan. This Mogul ruler was the grandson of Akbar, who was sufficiently enlightened to patronize literature, and tolerate all rehgions. Nowhere on earth has human dust been buried in style and grandeur so sublime. Here at the Taj lie the forms of emperor and empress. beneath a splendid dome, "each in a couch of almost transparent marble," set with precious stones, topaz, ruby, jasper, camelian, chalcedony, all beautifully inwrought in running vines and blossoming flowers. It is said that the whole of the Koran in Arabic is most

THE BEAHMO-SOMAJ AND PAESEES. 257 skillfully wrought in gemmed mosaics into this templed tomb ; and all for what ? To perpetuate in memory the pitiable pride and vanity of mortals even in death ! Were there no ignorant to be educated, no hungry to be fed, and no thirsty to give a cup of water, in Shah Jehan's time ? Looked down upon from the spirit-land, this tomb can only be a sting THE BRAHJVIO-SOMAJ WORSHIPERS. As progress in all countries necessarily interests Americans, they must like to know more of the Brahmo-Somaj, "Society of God," and real theistic church of India, originally founded by Hajah Rahmohun Roy, a distinguished Hindoo reformer of the Brahman caste. Being a fine scholar, versed in the Sanscrit^ he became convinced that the earliest Vedas taught a system of pure theism. Thus believing, he "wrote against the " idolatry of all religions," encouraged education, advocated free thought, and opposed suttee, — voluntary widow-burning, then a common practice in India. Universally esteemed, Rahmohun Roy died while on a visit to England in 1833. These first Hindoo reformers, though exceedingly liberal in most matters, firmly believed the Vedas to be the infallible word of God. Ere long, however, some doubting the infallibility of the Vedic scriptures, four young yet scholarly pundits were sent to Benares to study and copy from the four Vedas. This research dispelled the gathering fog of infallibility ; and the Brahmo-Somaj, numbering many of the choicest intellects in India, ceased to From this time the sacred books of all be a Vedantic church. nations were taken for what they were worth, and no more. No band of reformers, whether in India or America, can expect to ever sail on sunny seas. Storms, petty dissensions, will arise ; some within, others without. Social persecution from orthodox Hindoos lifted its hydra head ; and a partial eclipse came on, followed by indifference to the interests of theism. 17


skillfully wrought in gemmed mosaics into this templed<br />

tomb ; and all for what ? To perpetuate in memory the<br />

pitiable pride and vanity of mortals even in death ! Were<br />

there no ignorant to be educated, no hungry to be fed, and<br />

no thirsty to give a cup of water, in Shah Jehan's time ?<br />

Looked down upon from the spirit-land, this tomb can only<br />

be a sting<br />


As progress in all countries necessarily interests Americans,<br />

they must like to know more of the Brahmo-Somaj,<br />

"Society of God," and real theistic church of India,<br />

originally founded by Hajah Rahmohun Roy, a distinguished<br />

Hindoo reformer of the Brahman caste. Being a fine scholar,<br />

versed in the Sanscrit^ he became convinced that the earliest<br />

Vedas taught a system of pure theism. Thus believing, he<br />

"wrote against the " idolatry of all religions," encouraged<br />

education, advocated free thought, and opposed suttee, —<br />

voluntary widow-burning, then a common practice in India.<br />

Universally esteemed, Rahmohun Roy died while on a visit<br />

to England in 1833.<br />

These first Hindoo reformers, though exceedingly liberal<br />

in most matters, firmly believed the Vedas to be the infallible<br />

word of God. Ere long, however, some doubting the<br />

infallibility of the Vedic scriptures, four young yet scholarly<br />

pundits were sent to Benares to study and copy from the<br />

four Vedas. This research dispelled the gathering fog of<br />

infallibility ; and the Brahmo-Somaj, numbering many of the<br />

choicest intellects in India, ceased to<br />

From this time the sacred books of all<br />

be a Vedantic church.<br />

nations were taken<br />

for what they were worth, and no more.<br />

No band of reformers, whether in India or America, can<br />

expect to ever sail on sunny seas. Storms, petty dissensions,<br />

will arise ; some within, others without. Social persecution<br />

from orthodox Hindoos lifted its hydra head ; and a<br />

partial eclipse came on, followed by indifference to the<br />

interests of theism. 17

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