

248 ABOUND THE WOELD. THE ELEPHANTA CAVES. Shri Crunesha-aya-Namaha !— To glorious Gunesha, salutation ! Gunesha, the elephant-god of India, is connected with literature as well as worship. When first reading that unrivaled work, Godfrey Higgins's Anacalypsis, I was peculiarly struck with his reference to the " Elephanta Caves of India." They are situated upon the island of Garipurix, only a few hours' saU from Bombay. Landing, a long, winding stone stairway leads to this mountain of sculptured marvels. A stroll through these churchal-looking caverns, old Buddhistic temples, cut into a yielding, yet solid mountain rock, was a sight truly impressive, a day long to be remembered. The ceiling to the first we entered was about twenty feet high, the depth back to the rock-carved gods, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu at the rear, something like one hundred and fifty feet by perhaps one hundred and twenty in width. The divisions, compartments, pillars, aisles, alcoves, and niches, filled with exquisitely-cut gods, and panoramic festival scenes, grim as grand, kindling the wonder of travelers, a?Miterally charmed me : it was tradition in earnest, a feast to my love of antiquity. In one compartment is symbolized the Trinity, — Brahma, Siva, Vishnu, — the Christian " Three in One." In another division is Christna, with emblems referring to his incarnation. Behind the left thigh of this god is carved — what ? the (TToss, or a heavy-hilted sword^ which? No matter whether cross or sword, it can not fail to remind one of Abraham's position when taking an oath. Every thing connected with these caverns inspires one with the grand and the reverential. Scores of lifelike figures, from twelve inches to fifteen feet in height, elegantly carved in and forming a part of the original rock, with corridors and tapering columns, all exhibit a high order of architectural talent, considering that it antedated the Christian era by several hundred years. These Buddhistic monasteries, theugh

i THE KISE OF BUDDHISM IN KTOIA. 249 conceived and constructed long before the birtli of Jesus, and still the resort of Hindoo pilgrims, are admirably adapted to religious meditation and anchoretic life. Many years since, the Portuguese anchoring on an adjoining island, shelled these caves for sport. " May God have mercy on their souls, and all other such Christian vandals ! " Dr. Bhdu Daji, a Hindoo scholar, and vice-president of the Asiatic Society of Bombay, takes a deep interest in exploring and explaining the histories of cave-cathedrals in India, to all lovers of antiquarian studies.



Shri Crunesha-aya-Namaha !— To glorious Gunesha, salutation<br />

! Gunesha, the elephant-god of India, is connected<br />

with literature as well as worship. When first reading that<br />

unrivaled work, Godfrey Higgins's Anacalypsis, I was<br />

peculiarly struck with his reference to the " Elephanta<br />

Caves of India." They are situated upon the island of<br />

Garipurix, only a few hours' saU from Bombay.<br />

Landing, a long, winding stone stairway leads to this<br />

mountain of sculptured marvels. A stroll through these<br />

churchal-looking caverns, old<br />

Buddhistic temples, cut into a<br />

yielding, yet solid mountain rock, was a sight truly impressive,<br />

a day long to be remembered. The ceiling to the first<br />

we entered was about twenty feet high, the depth back to<br />

the rock-carved gods, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu at the<br />

rear, something like one hundred and fifty feet by perhaps<br />

one hundred and twenty in width. The divisions, compartments,<br />

pillars, aisles, alcoves, and niches, filled with exquisitely-cut<br />

gods, and panoramic festival scenes, grim as grand,<br />

kindling the wonder of travelers, a?Miterally charmed me :<br />

it was tradition in earnest, a feast to my love of antiquity.<br />

In one compartment is symbolized the Trinity, — Brahma,<br />

Siva, Vishnu, — the Christian " Three in One." In another<br />

division is Christna, with emblems referring to his incarnation.<br />

Behind the left thigh of this god is carved — what ?<br />

the (TToss, or a heavy-hilted sword^ which? No matter<br />

whether cross or sword, it can not fail to remind one of<br />

Abraham's position when taking an oath.<br />

Every thing connected with these caverns inspires one with<br />

the grand and the reverential. Scores of lifelike figures,<br />

from twelve inches to fifteen feet in height, elegantly carved<br />

in and forming a part of the original rock, with corridors and<br />

tapering columns, all exhibit a high order of architectural<br />

talent, considering that it antedated the Christian era by<br />

several hundred years. These Buddhistic monasteries, theugh

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