

236 ABOUND THE WORLD. kets, silks, brocades, &c., are but a repetition of those in all Asian cities. Bombay, built upon a cluster of islands connected one witli the other and with the mainland by causeways, forming a sort of peninsula, and fanned by invigorating seabreezes, is considered the most desirable residence for Europeans in India. The city is supplied with excellent water from Vehar Lake, some two miles out, at the foot of the Salsette Hills. Rich Europeans, and some of the missionaries, reside at the fashionable suburb, Malabar Hill, from December to February ; but during the rains and hot weather, from June to September, they migrate to the highland plateaus and cool mountains. Jesus, worn and weary under Syria's scorching skies, went up on to the mountains, not to escape the heat, and do a bit of cozy lolling around champagne-tables with Peter, James, and John, but to pray, and- to heal the sick. It is deHciously comfortable to be a " Christian " in the nineteenth century. But what about that old apostolic word, the "cross"?— " bearing the cross," and suffering for the " truth's sake " ? ORIGIN OF BRAHMANISM. The Aryans, more properly Aryas^ meaning, in the Zend language, honorable men, — occupying the high table-lands of Central Asia, known in later times as the Plateau of Iran, —left in the pre-historic past their ancient agricultural seats, traveling westward and southward in the character of emigrants, explorers, and conquerors. The Aryan conquest of Hindostan, effected before and during the period treated of in the Mdh^bhdratd, and the Ramayana, was mainly accomplished in the palmy days of those kingly chieftains known as the Mdhardjas. These in the pre-Vedic period were their own priests, kindling their own altar-fires. As Thales, Solon, and Socrates were called Sophoi, — knowers, — the wise among the Aryans were denominated Rishis, and, in a much later period, Gymnosophists.

India's religions and social characteristics. 237 It is conceded by Oriental scholars that 1200 B.C. the Aryans were not only a powerful people along the banks of the Indus, but around the mouths of the Ganges, on the extreme east of India. This was the latest period that can possibly be assigned to the Rig-Veda, oldest of the four Hindoo sacred books. And yet these Aryan seers who composed the Veda speak, in their sacred works, of " older hymns which the fathers sang," of " ancient sages and elder gods." " They were old," says Samuel Johnson, " at the earliest epoch to which we can trace them. Their religion, like their language, was already mature when the Rishis of the Veda were born." Marriages in this period were performed by the Maharajas, or by the father of the bride ; while the Rishis—seers or wise teachers— instructed the children, offered sacrifices, and spoke comforting words over the dead. Sacrifices have in them an underlying truth. On 'the higher planes of thought, they imply the consecration of the dearest possessions to the highest ideal. On the lower, superstitious stratum of life, the term " sacrifice " is made to mean the shedding of blood, and the remission of sins. The primitive Aryans offered three gifts as sacrifices, — fire, clarified butter, and the plant whose juices stimulate to a new life. The Jews offered goats and kids, heifers and rams. Certain superstitious Hindoos, in their degenerate present, engage in similar sacrifices. Enlightened men and women sacrifice strength, ease, comfort, to educate and bless humanity. Owing to wealth, luxury, and multiplying responsibilities of the earliest Maharajas, they employed the Rishis as substitutes in religion, — employed them to attend to the sacrificial gifts, and serve as mediums of communication between them and their gods. How natural for Rishis, seers, prophets, to slide into the attitude of priests ! Thus employed, these seers, alias priests, soon assumed authority, and professed supernatural powers; and knowing something of


kets, silks, brocades, &c., are but a repetition of those in<br />

all Asian cities.<br />

Bombay, built upon a cluster of islands connected one<br />

witli the other and with the mainland by causeways, forming<br />

a sort of peninsula, and fanned by invigorating seabreezes,<br />

is considered the most desirable residence for<br />

Europeans in India. The city is supplied with excellent<br />

water from Vehar Lake, some two miles out, at the foot of<br />

the Salsette Hills. Rich Europeans, and some of the missionaries,<br />

reside at the fashionable suburb, Malabar Hill,<br />

from December to February ; but during the rains and hot<br />

weather, from June to September, they migrate to the<br />

highland<br />

plateaus and cool mountains.<br />

Jesus, worn and weary under Syria's scorching skies, went<br />

up on to the mountains, not to escape the heat, and do a bit<br />

of cozy lolling around champagne-tables with Peter, James,<br />

and John, but to pray, and- to heal the sick. It is deHciously<br />

comfortable to be a " Christian " in the nineteenth century.<br />

But what about that old apostolic word, the "cross"?—<br />

" bearing the cross," and suffering for the " truth's sake " ?<br />


The Aryans, more properly Aryas^ meaning, in the Zend<br />

language, honorable men, — occupying the<br />

high table-lands<br />

of Central Asia, known in later times as the Plateau of<br />

Iran, —left in the pre-historic past their ancient<br />

agricultural<br />

seats, traveling westward and southward in the character<br />

of emigrants, explorers, and conquerors.<br />

The Aryan conquest of Hindostan, effected before and<br />

during the period treated of in the Mdh^bhdratd, and the<br />

Ramayana, was mainly accomplished in the palmy days of<br />

those kingly chieftains known as the Mdhardjas. These in<br />

the pre-Vedic period were their own priests, kindling their<br />

own altar-fires. As Thales, Solon, and Socrates were called<br />

Sophoi, — knowers, — the wise among the Aryans were<br />

denominated Rishis, and, in a much later period, Gymnosophists.

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