

14 AEOUND THE WORLD. at Wittenburg on the question, " Whether it is contrary to the divine law for a man to have two wives at once ? " and decided unanimously that it tvas not; and, upon the authority of this decision, Phihp, Landgrave of Hesse, actually married a second wife, his first being still alive. This fact is recorded in D'Aubign(i's History of the Reformation, and by other authors of that period.* Rev. Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, eminent as a theologian, wrote a tract upon the question, " Is a plurality of wives in any case lawful under the gospel ? " Here is an extract — : "Neither is it [a plurality of wives] anywhere marked among the blemishes of the patriarchs. David's wives, and store of them he had, are termed, by the prophet, God's gift to him; yea, a plm-ality of -wives was made in some cases a duty by Moses' law; w'hen any died without issue, his brother, or nearest kinsman, was to marry his wife, for raising up seed to him; and all were obliged to obey this, under the hazard of infamy if they refused it; neither is there any exception made for such as were maiTied. From whence I may faithfully conclude, that what God made necessary in some cases to any degree can in no case be smful itself; since Grod is holy iu aU his ways." While some Christians, and all Utah Mormons, accept polygamy as biblical and divine in origin, only about one family in ten of the latter practices it. The responsibilities are too vital and potent. Household inhaxmonies are unpleasant. And then, children must be cared for, expenses met. Few, it is commonly believed, have wives sealed to them from vile sensual motives : still the look is unspiritual. The equally of the sexes stoutly wars against polygamy. As an institution, it is semi-barbaric. Intelligence, and the soul's moral consciousness, condemn it. In Utah it is wilting under the frost-seal of a death that can know no resurrection. The more intellectual of the young, among these Latter-Day Saints, are not Mormons. They do not • Hon. W. H, Hooper's Plea for Religious Liberty, p. 14.

HAMiyiONTON TO CALTFOENIA. 15 follow their fathers, but incline to the ways of the Gentiles. Let polygamy perish, then, as it inevitably must, under the weight of an inherent social injustice. Reason, conviction, conscience, and moral purity, — these as motives, as spiritual forces, are wiser methods to .employ in its overthrow, than persecution, or impassioned Congressional interference. LIBERALISM IN SALT LAKE. Seldom have we met a nobler self-sacrificing band of independent thinkers. The more enthusiastic of them are converts from Mormonism,— men esteemed in the church as elders, and one of them a veritable apostle. Showing their faith by their works, these enterprising souls have erected, and neatly furnished, a magnificent hall. The Liberal Institute^ for educational purposes. This devotion to the principles of harmonial philosophy ought to inspire, if not shame, many Eastern organizations into the necessity of constructing commodious edifices for lyceums and lectures. " The Utah Magazine," conducted by F. L. T. Harrison and W. S. Godbe, was a pioneer in the direction of religious freedom. Sorely did its calm yet keen utterances trouble Brigham Young, and those who considered him quite infallible. One of the startling declarations of the president in these times was this : " ii is my right to dictate to the ehurchj in all things, either temporal or spiritual, — even to the/ ribbons the zvomen wear^ If opposed in his dictatorship, he substitutes bitterness for logic, and abusive expletives for words of reason. The velvety paw could suddenly and easily change to the lacerating claw. While Mr. Harrison was yet in the church of the Latter- Day Saints, he wrote thus, touching the marvels attending the itinerating elders and speakers in the Mormon fraternity — : "When Joseph Smith inaugui-ated our church, nearly forty years ago, it burst upon the world as a revelation of spiritual power. The main peculiarity of om* system was, that we asserted the necessity of


follow their fathers, but incline to the ways of the<br />

Gentiles.<br />

Let polygamy perish, then, as it inevitably must, under the<br />

weight of an inherent social injustice. Reason, conviction,<br />

conscience, and moral purity, — these as motives, as spiritual<br />

forces, are wiser methods to .employ in its overthrow, than<br />

persecution, or impassioned Congressional interference.<br />


Seldom have we met a nobler self-sacrificing band of<br />

independent thinkers. The more enthusiastic of them are<br />

converts from Mormonism,— men esteemed in the church<br />

as elders, and one of them a veritable apostle. Showing<br />

their faith by their works, these enterprising souls have<br />

erected, and neatly furnished, a magnificent hall. The Liberal<br />

Institute^ for educational purposes. This devotion to<br />

the principles of harmonial philosophy ought to inspire, if<br />

not shame, many Eastern organizations into the necessity of<br />

constructing commodious edifices for lyceums and lectures.<br />

" The Utah Magazine," conducted by F. L. T. Harrison<br />

and W. S. Godbe, was a pioneer in the direction of religious<br />

freedom. Sorely did its calm yet keen utterances trouble<br />

Brigham Young, and those who considered him quite infallible.<br />

One of the startling declarations of the president in<br />

these times was this :<br />

" ii is my right to dictate to the ehurchj<br />

in all things, either temporal or spiritual, — even to the/<br />

ribbons the zvomen wear^ If opposed in his dictatorship, he<br />

substitutes bitterness for logic, and abusive expletives for<br />

words of reason. The velvety paw could suddenly and<br />

easily change to the lacerating claw.<br />

While Mr. Harrison was yet in the church of the Latter-<br />

Day Saints, he wrote thus, touching the marvels attending<br />

the itinerating elders and speakers in the Mormon fraternity<br />

—<br />

:<br />

"When Joseph Smith inaugui-ated our church, nearly forty years<br />

ago, it burst upon the world as a revelation of spiritual power. The<br />

main peculiarity of om* system was, that we asserted the necessity of

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