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less of justice, fraternity, and the New-Testament principles<br />

of peace, England, in brief, decided upon a war of conquest<br />

for territory and trade, for gold, diamonds, and precious<br />

stones. No historian pretends to whitewash Britain's course<br />

of crime and infamy in the East. Learned Brahmans understand<br />

that history well, and, understanding, secretly hate<br />

English rulership. Still they prefer Englishmen to Mohammedans<br />

for masters. Disguised in any way, however, slavery<br />

is slavery^— a condition to be hated<br />

The " mild Hindoo " is a common term in the Orient ; and<br />

while the Hindoo is mild, forbearing, peace-loving, and contemplative,<br />

the Englishman is ambitious,<br />

stern, and dictatorial.<br />

The theistic reformer, Keshub Chunder Sen, sensibly<br />

said, in a late Calcutta speech, " Muscular Christianity has<br />

but little to do with the sweet religion of Jesus ; and it is<br />

owing to the reckless, warhke conduct of these pseudo-<br />

Christians, that Christianity has failed to produce any wholesome<br />

moral influence upon my countrymen. ^^<br />

There was a monstrous niutiny in 1756 ; there have been<br />

minor mutinies since ; and, mark it well, there is destined to<br />

be another, eclipsing in blood and carnage all the others.<br />

The Aryan-descended Indians love liberty and self-government.<br />


The Aryan tribes inhabiting Central Asia entered India<br />

by the northern passes, and descended first the valley of the<br />

Indus, and then that of the Ganges, attaining their full<br />

strength and development along the rich alluvial valleylands<br />

of the latter river.<br />

They brought with them agricultural<br />

implements, some of the fine arts, and the elegant<br />

Sanscrit. " Brought it from where ? or in what country did<br />

it originate? " The inquiry, natural enough, shall be noticed<br />

hereafter.<br />

In this great and fertile country, the Aryans — primitive<br />

Hindoos — located themselves in comparative security. The

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