

206 AROUND THE WORLD. we breathe is full of air-bome germs and living life-cells. And these, for some wise purpose, must be continually entering into the human organization, must they not ? " Certainly : and you have suggested a subject of vast importance ; one relating to, if not involving, the very origin of living beings. Logically speaking, there is no creation, — that is, the creation of something from nothing. Survejdng earth and spirit-life, I see only evolution or unfoldment and so pre-existence is true. The minutest monad in space is intelligent on its plane. Intelligence, or mind, is a result, or an effect of essential spirit and matter. But as these were never separated, and as the cause was eternal, so was, and so must be the effect also ; which effect ivas and is intelligence. There are no vacuums. Interstellar spaces are filled with the life-principle, with infusoria, cells, and unseen atoms. Nothing but life can sustain life. Infusorial animalcula, and monadic germ-cells of life, pass into the cranial sensorium by organic attraction and imbibation. In the human organism they become more thoroughly vitalized ; and in the brain itself they receive necessary magnetic influences prior to the projected descent by will-power, through the spinal column and seminal glands, to their conceptive destinies. The brain, remember, cradles, rather than generates spermatozoic germs aflame with conscious life. These, preexistent, were afar back in the measureless past aggregating, throwing off, accreting, pulsing, and passing through various occult processes preparatory to incarnation. As in the acorn, germinally hidden, Ues the oak, so in the spermatozoic life-germ, the future man." SEANCE V. — QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY THE SPIRITS. " The cross is the most angular of geometrical figures •and, though connected with the martjTcd death of Jesus, it originated as an objective symbol in the phallic ages, and referred primarily to generation." . . . " Emanations electic and magnetic, from the physical and

SPIRITUAL SEANCES ON THE INDIAN OCEAN. 207 spiritual bodies, extend outward from the person quite a distance ; and, although indicating, they do not unmistakably index the mental characteristics. And so the aural lights, and odylic sprays from the brain, give only the general bent and tendency of the mind." . . . " Undoubtedly I could go to the planets ; but I've no desire to so do. My work as yet is connected with the earth. Parisi's researches lead him in such directions. I think he has visited Jupiter and other planets." . . . "• The future is more important than the past ; the destiny than the origin of humanity. Though generally outlined by your guardian angel, your future, morally considered, is not irrevocably fixed. Man is a mental and moral, as well as a physical being. To all moral beings endowed with reflection, there is a field of moral action. You are now paving the highway your feet must press in spirit-life, and laying, too, the foundation-stones of the temple 3'ou will inhabit. That chain of pearls was not a mythic farce, but a reality put deeds of your whole life, — deeds and events that around your neck when reaching the years of accountability by Parisi Lendanta, who for a time was John's medium. These pearls magnetically reflect, otherwise spiritually mirror, the you will be necessitated to read when entering the higher state of existence. Personal identity implies memory, and memory retribution. This is the judgment, — the opening of the books." . . . " Living a celibate life for the purpose of boastingly saying, ' I am a celibate, I am pure : stand by, for I am holier than thou,' is selfish, and therefore morally deleterious; and absolute purity, men become virgin celibates pure- but if in laboring, on the other hand, to save others from passion, from fleshly gratifications, and all that opposes chastity minded and spiritual, then are they truly angelic. Such, having been raised from the dead, walk in the resurrection."


we breathe is full of air-bome germs and living life-cells.<br />

And these, for some wise purpose, must be continually<br />

entering into the human organization, must they not ?<br />

" Certainly : and you have suggested a subject of vast<br />

importance ; one relating to, if not involving, the very origin<br />

of living beings. Logically speaking, there is no creation, —<br />

that is, the creation of something from nothing. Survejdng<br />

earth and spirit-life, I see only evolution or unfoldment<br />

and so pre-existence is true. The minutest monad in space<br />

is intelligent on its plane.<br />

Intelligence, or mind, is a result,<br />

or an effect of essential spirit and matter. But as these<br />

were never separated, and as the cause was eternal, so was,<br />

and so must be the effect also ; which effect ivas and is intelligence.<br />

There are no vacuums. Interstellar spaces are<br />

filled with the life-principle, with infusoria, cells, and unseen<br />

atoms. Nothing but life can sustain life. Infusorial animalcula,<br />

and monadic germ-cells of life, pass into the cranial sensorium<br />

by organic attraction and imbibation. In the human<br />

organism they become more thoroughly vitalized ; and in<br />

the brain itself they receive necessary magnetic influences<br />

prior to the projected descent by will-power, through the<br />

spinal column and seminal glands, to their conceptive destinies.<br />

The brain, remember, cradles, rather than generates<br />

spermatozoic germs aflame with conscious life.<br />

These, preexistent,<br />

were afar back in the measureless past aggregating,<br />

throwing off, accreting, pulsing, and passing through various<br />

occult processes preparatory to incarnation. As in the<br />

acorn, germinally hidden, Ues the oak, so in the spermatozoic<br />

life-germ, the future man."<br />


" The cross is the most angular of geometrical figures<br />

•and, though connected with the martjTcd death of Jesus, it<br />

originated as an objective symbol in the phallic ages, and<br />

referred primarily to generation." . . .<br />

" Emanations electic and magnetic, from the physical and

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