

202 AROUND THE WOELD. cream colors are quieting. Sunlight is a natural stimulant. Pure air is indispensable. Diet, and the right use of water, are helps. The ancient Romans indulged in tepid baths, followed by sun-baths. The wiU-power is a wonderful restorative. Our treatment, including the above, is, you know, magnetic and medicinal. Chronic complaints require medicines : these we magnetize and vitalize. Nervous affections readily yield to magnetic treatment, providing mediums are healthy, and temperamentally adapted to patients. Promiscuous mingling of magnetisms is deleterious, inducing nervous unbalance, and opening the way for obsessions. Those so inclined pursue the study of medicines in spirit-life, that they may benefit the inhabitants of earth." SEANCE n. Mr. Knight, entrancing, said, — ..." I see, looking at the mental workings of your brain, that the extreme contradictions in the teachings of spirits disturb you. ... In previous conversations, we have told you that the spirit-spheres — hundreds in number — are inhabited by those just adapted to them intellectually and morally ; and, as the spheres, such the aims and acts of the spirits peopling them. Death is not a Saviour ; nor does it produce any immediate, miraculous change. . . . Those basking in the higher conditions of purity, truth, and love, shed or impart the divine influence of the sphere from which they come. And the same law apphes to the lower spheres. As there are evil-minded men, so are there evil spirits, selfish, scheming, wicked spirits ! And to offer suggestions relative to the means of avoiding the influences of these, is the object of my present visit. "I. In order to know men, you must try them : so to fathom the real purposes of spirits, try them^ test them by rigid observation and patient experience ; and, further, study the effects they produce upon their mediums. " II. All mediums, not controlled by a fixed and reliable

SPIEITUAL SEANCES ON THE INDIAN OCEAN. 203 circle of three or more spirits, are subject to sucli deleterious influences as low spirits may choose to throw around them. And the control of this class of sj)irits is often beyond the power of the guardian spirit, who may not have the advantage of an established circle. The immediate I)ower of control lies not in superior intelligence or spirituality, but in magnetic force, or the great will-power of the spirit. Entrancement is the result of the mesmeric influence of spirits ; and it excels that of mortals only in this, that it proceeds from spiritual beings, relieved from the grossness of the flesh. The inference is, that persons hold ing indiscriminate intercourse with spirits through mediums unprotected by circles of pure, exalted spirits, are liable to be flattered, and to receive false communications from spirits under assumed names. " III. Guardian spirits with fixed circles, and deep desires to promulgate truth, seldom allow their mediums to be controlled by others than members of their own circle. Each mortal has a guardian spirit ; and the assistants of this guardian are properly denominated guides. A guardian spirit, giving communications from spirits outside the circle to mortals, — his own circle acting as means of conveyance, always states his non-responsibility relative to the message. " The laws of mental science should be diligently studied, and applied to mediumship. And all persons developing as mediums should seek from their guardian the immediate formation of a sympathizing circle in which they have faith, and upon whom they can rely. When this is not done, mediums, if not seriously injured, are often led into vice and crime, — crimes instigated by low, undeveloped spirits. And, further, they produce perversions, nervous diseases, obsessions, and insanity. Entering upon the career of mediumship, therefore, is treading a pathway of danger and responsibility. Incipient development should be carefully guarded. Much depends upon mediums themselves. They should not only carefully remain away from improper society, but


circle of three or more spirits, are subject to sucli deleterious<br />

influences as low spirits may choose to throw around<br />

them. And the control of this class of sj)irits is often<br />

beyond the power of the guardian spirit, who may not have<br />

the advantage of an established circle. The immediate<br />

I)ower of control lies not in superior intelligence or spirituality,<br />

but in magnetic force, or the great will-power of the<br />

spirit. Entrancement is the result of the mesmeric influence<br />

of spirits ; and it excels that of mortals only in this,<br />

that it proceeds from spiritual beings, relieved from the<br />

grossness of the flesh. The inference is, that persons hold<br />

ing indiscriminate intercourse with spirits through mediums<br />

unprotected by circles of pure, exalted spirits, are liable to<br />

be flattered, and to receive false communications from spirits<br />

under assumed names.<br />

" III. Guardian spirits with fixed circles, and deep desires<br />

to promulgate truth, seldom allow their mediums to be controlled<br />

by others than members of their own circle. Each<br />

mortal has a guardian spirit ; and the assistants of this guardian<br />

are properly denominated guides. A guardian spirit,<br />

giving communications from spirits outside the circle to<br />

mortals, — his own circle acting as means of conveyance,<br />

always states his non-responsibility relative to the message.<br />

" The laws of mental science should be diligently studied,<br />

and applied to mediumship. And all persons developing as<br />

mediums should seek from their guardian the immediate<br />

formation of a sympathizing circle in which they have faith,<br />

and upon whom they can rely. When this is not done,<br />

mediums, if not seriously injured, are often led into vice and<br />

crime, — crimes instigated by low, undeveloped spirits. And,<br />

further, they produce perversions, nervous diseases, obsessions,<br />

and insanity. Entering upon the career of mediumship,<br />

therefore, is treading a pathway of danger and responsibility.<br />

Incipient development should be carefully guarded.<br />

Much depends upon mediums themselves. They should not<br />

only carefully remain away from improper society, but

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