

12 AROUND THE WORLD. conducted in his household night and morning. In all relations, whether private or public, he is a theocratic dictator. He once said this publicly : " B}^ the wave of my hand, I can move this people as I will. ... I have a right to dictate to the Church in all things, either temporal or spiritual, — even to the ribbons the women wear." Progression, they believe, extends to the next life. All may be saved, either here or hereafter, except the " sons of perdition," — apostate Mormons. These are not to be eternally damned in hell-fire, but destroyed, disintegrated, returning back to their priinal elements. This is what was meant by the " second death." They preach the continuance of " spiritual gifts," and aiBfirm that President Young has been so overshadowed or entranced by their prophetfounder, when speaking, that his "gestures seemed, and voice sounded, precisely like Joseph Smith's." "When first occurring, this created intense excitement. They are loth to accept any spiritual manifestations now, however elevated, unless coming through the adherents of the Church. In this they resemble the Roman Catholics. Though upwards of seventy, Brigham Yoimg, dreaming of an empire, is endeavoring to establish the order of Enoch,— a Utopian project of despotic communism. This scheme, which puts individual rights, property, and the liberty of conscience, into the hands of priest and president, is meeting, and deservedl}'- so, with a most potent opposition. Prophets are their sting. criticised nowadays, and anathemas have lost HOW TO DEAL WITH POLYGAJSO". That which is not just is not law. Governments, the statuary enactments of fallible men, are necessarily imperfect. And yet considering society, and the low moral condition of large classes, restraints and laws, with their legitimate penalties, are indispensable. Mormonism is Asia-imported ; and its devotees are doubtless

HAMMONTON TO CALIFORNIA. 13 sincere. Plurality of wives they consider a religious duty, based upon the Bible, and a revelation on celestial marriage, given at Nauvoo in 1843. They also quote Christian authorities in its support, such as John Milton, Rev. Martin Madan, and the more recent Rev. Dr. D. O. Allen, missionary of the American Board for twenty-five years in India. These " foreign missionaries," including Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Baptists, &c., in general conference at Calcutta, unanimously came to the following conclusion — : " If a convert, before becoming a Christian, has married more wives than one, in accordance with the practice of the Jewish and primitive Christian churches, he shall be permitted to keep them all; but such a person is not eligible to any office in the Church." Polygamy being part of a religious system rooted in the Old' Testament, based upon the examples of patriarQiis.and propne^'^pon the approval of eminent Christian writers, and honestly accepted by an industrious body of religionists as a divine institution, and the highest order of social life, how can it legitimately come under Congressional legislation ? Admitting it true that public opinion in republics constitutes the basis of legislative proceedings, still minorities have rights. These rights are sacred. To stolidly disregard them endangers liberty. Legislation, to enforce what a majority may denominate moraUty, is simply usurpation. Neither Congrsss, nor any other body of men, has a right dictate a creed, or standard of morality, for individuals. It is impossible to legislate wisdom or virtue into any people. The true methods lie deeper. Right generation, ante-natal conditions, and educational manipulations, — these are the underlying forces of progress and redemption. ANTICHRIST AND POLYGAMY. Pending the Reformation in Germany, during the early part of the sixteenth century, those great reformers, Luther, Melancthon, Zwingle, and Bucer, held a solemn consultation to


sincere. Plurality of wives they consider a religious duty,<br />

based upon the Bible, and a revelation on celestial marriage,<br />

given at Nauvoo in 1843. They also quote Christian<br />

authorities in its support, such as John Milton, Rev. Martin<br />

Madan, and the more recent Rev. Dr. D. O. Allen, missionary<br />

of the American Board for twenty-five years in India.<br />

These " foreign missionaries," including Episcopalians,<br />

Presbyterians, Baptists, &c., in general conference at Calcutta,<br />

unanimously came to the following conclusion —<br />

:<br />

" If a convert, before becoming a Christian, has married more wives<br />

than one, in accordance with the practice of the Jewish and primitive<br />

Christian churches, he shall be permitted to keep them all; but such a<br />

person is not eligible to any office in the Church."<br />

Polygamy being part of a religious system rooted in the<br />

Old' Testament, based upon the examples of patriarQiis.and<br />

propne^'^pon the approval of eminent Christian writers,<br />

and honestly accepted by an industrious<br />

body of religionists<br />

as a divine institution, and the highest order of social life,<br />

how can it legitimately come under Congressional legislation ?<br />

Admitting it true that public opinion in republics constitutes<br />

the basis of legislative proceedings, still minorities have<br />

rights. These rights are sacred. To stolidly disregard<br />

them endangers liberty. Legislation, to enforce what a<br />

majority may denominate moraUty, is simply usurpation.<br />

Neither Congrsss, nor any other body of men, has a right<br />

dictate a creed, or standard of morality, for individuals. It<br />

is impossible to legislate wisdom or virtue into any people.<br />

The true methods lie deeper. Right generation, ante-natal<br />

conditions, and educational manipulations, — these are the<br />

underlying forces of progress and redemption.<br />


Pending the Reformation in Germany, during the early<br />

part of the sixteenth century, those great reformers, Luther,<br />

Melancthon, Zwingle, and Bucer, held a solemn consultation<br />


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