

200 AROUND THE WORLD. lucrative trade in the time of Solomon, twenty-eight hundred years since. At this period the Jews were unacquainted with iron, knowing only bronze, silver, and gold. Their bronze they received from the Tyrians. Half barbarous, they had no commerce till David conquered Edom (or Idumea), giving them some coast on the Red Sea. The Jewish crafts that traded with Ophir may have been the " navy of Tarshish ; " and this Tarshish may have been a Tyrian port on the Red Sea,— the part known, perhaps, as the Gulf of Suez. The celebrated German Orientalist, Lassen, places Ophir somewhere about the debouchement of the river Indus. His theory is founded upon resemblances between the Hebrew and Sanscrit names of the commodities brought from Ophir. There is no resemblance, however, between the ancient method of working the Ophir mines, and the copper mines bordering Lake Superior — worked by whom ? The mound-builders. But who were the mound-builders ?

CHAPTER XIII. SPIRITUAL SEAKCES ON THE INDIAN OCEAN. Out on the waters restless and sea-tossed, deprived of daily journals and libraries, how naturally the mind turns to that inexhaustible field of research, spirit-communion ! Dr. Willis, a medical spirit, controlling the medium, said in his off-hand, epigrammatic manner — : " Disease is obstruction. Vital phenomena are profound studies. The human system is interpermeated by a very complex network of nerves. The brain, comparable to a sounding-bell, echoes through these nerves the condition of every portion of the physical organism. This is why I touch the head in diagnosing disease through the Doctor. Certain nerves allied to the medulla oblongata throw their sensitive branches across the back of the neck. A current of air striking this part is quite certain to produce colds, catarrhs, and serious neuralgic affections. Wearing long hair, therefore, is a preventive. The ancients in Oriental countries understood this. ... I see no deleterious effects in your abstinence from meat-eating. And yet considering the formation of the teeth, with the make-up of the whole organic structure, I favor it ; that is, considering humanity as it is. The system requires oils, as well as materials for muscle. But animal oils are more clogging to the brain than vegetable. . . . Color affects the health. Red should never predominate in the sick-room, especially if the patient is nervously sensitive. It is an excitant. Pale blue and 201



Out on the waters restless and sea-tossed, deprived of<br />

daily journals and libraries, how naturally the mind turns to<br />

that inexhaustible field of research, spirit-communion !<br />

Dr. Willis, a medical spirit, controlling the medium, said<br />

in his off-hand, epigrammatic manner —<br />

:<br />

" Disease is obstruction. Vital phenomena are profound<br />

studies. The human system is interpermeated by a very<br />

complex network of nerves. The brain, comparable to a<br />

sounding-bell, echoes through these nerves the condition of<br />

every portion of the physical organism. This is why I<br />

touch the head in diagnosing disease through the Doctor.<br />

Certain nerves allied to the medulla oblongata throw their<br />

sensitive branches across the back of the neck. A current<br />

of air striking this part is quite certain to produce colds,<br />

catarrhs, and serious neuralgic affections. Wearing long<br />

hair, therefore, is a preventive. The ancients in Oriental<br />

countries understood this. ... I see no deleterious effects<br />

in your abstinence from meat-eating. And yet considering<br />

the formation of the teeth, with the make-up of the whole<br />

organic structure, I favor it ; that is, considering humanity<br />

as it is. The system requires oils, as well as materials for<br />

muscle. But animal oils are more clogging to the brain<br />

than vegetable. . . . Color affects the health. Red should<br />

never predominate in the sick-room, especially if the patient<br />

is nervously sensitive. It is an excitant. Pale blue and<br />


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