

184 AROUND THE WORLD. blending of fact and fable, date back nominally to the reign of Alexander the Great. Among relics found, while excavating in some of these islands, are very ancient Chinese coins. MALAY FEATURES, DRESS, AND DISPOSITION. Standing upon the steamer before landing in Singapore, you see- a motley crowd dressed in every possible costume, from the simple white hip-rag of the nearly naked Kling, the silken attire of the well-to-do Malay, and the everlasting blue of Chinamen, to the flowing dress of the Mohammedan Hadjee. Wealthy Chinamen dress, however, in fine style, having on these islands their carriages, and scores of servants. The Chinese coolies carry every thing, from pails of water to cook-shops, on balancing shoulder-sticks ; while the Klings, from Madras and the Coromandel coast, and the Malays also, carry their cakes, fruits, and wares in trays upon their heads. The Chinese in these islands are not permitted to be policemen because of their belonging to secret societies among themselves. These coolies are frequently brought into the criminal courts ; but a Malay seldom appears as a culprit. The Malayan costume consists of a haju^ or jacket, a pair of short trousers, with a sarong, i.e., a piece of silk, wide at the top as at the bottom, gathered close around the waist. In addition to the sarong, the women wear a loose, sash-like garment thrown over the shoulders, called a kabia, which, to say the least, is cool and comfortable. In complexion they are fairer than the men, — a handsome light olive. In married life they are noted for chastity, and the love of family. Owing to the comeliness of their features, their delicate hands, drooping lashes, fair faces, lustrous eyes, and ruby lips, many Europeans are charmed with them ; and who, if they do not, ought, by every principle of justice, to marry them. Though a degenerate race at present, they are naturally

COCHIN CHINA TO SINGAPOEE. 185 proud, frank, generous, true to their friends, and affectionate in disposition. In physique they are well-proportioned. They step with an independent gait. ' They are not industrious. They have no acquisitiveness. In an ungenial clime, among selfish worldlings, they would starve. They exemplify the command, " Take no thought for the morrow." Some of them are endowed with rather a high order of intellect. Their foreheads, though full, are larger in the perceptive than the reflective range. The Malay nobility, usually exceedingly wealthy, are called Rajahs. These, with the Maha Rajahs^ a rank higher, are now educating their children in Europe. The Rajah of Johore has eighty thousand subjects. His position is nearly equal to that of a petty king in Continental Europe. WHENCE THE JVIALAY EACB ? America, young and ambitious, is not all of the world. Who were the mound-builders of the West ? From whence the aboriginal red Indians ? Before the American Continent had been pressed by human feet, Asian civilizations had flourished and died. Saying, nothing of theories pre-historic, there are solid reasons for believing that the Malays were originally a composite of Central Africans and Mongolians. In fact, both tradition and inscription unite in teaching, that, long ere the Pyramids reared their mighty forms, the Malays were conquered by powerful kings from the north. Twice brought under the yoke of foreign rulers from the north and north-east, they inherited from that nationality now known as the Chinese. Each invasion necessarily left the racial effect upon the posterity. Do not shrug the shoulders at the mention of Africa. Neither Congo nor Congo negroes constitute all of Africa. And, further, all Ethiopians did not originally have thick lips, a flat nose, and short, knotty hair. Cushite history proves this. The color, however, was always dark, or jet


blending of fact and fable, date back nominally to the reign<br />

of Alexander the Great. Among relics found, while excavating<br />

in some of these islands, are very ancient Chinese<br />

coins.<br />


Standing upon the steamer before landing in Singapore,<br />

you see- a motley crowd dressed in every possible costume,<br />

from the simple white hip-rag of the nearly naked Kling,<br />

the silken attire of the well-to-do Malay, and the everlasting<br />

blue of Chinamen, to<br />

the flowing dress of the Mohammedan<br />

Hadjee. Wealthy Chinamen dress, however, in fine style,<br />

having on these islands their carriages, and scores of servants.<br />

The Chinese coolies carry every thing, from pails of water<br />

to cook-shops, on balancing shoulder-sticks ; while the<br />

Klings, from Madras and the Coromandel coast, and the<br />

Malays also, carry their cakes, fruits, and wares in trays upon<br />

their heads.<br />

The Chinese in these islands are not permitted to be<br />

policemen because of their belonging to secret societies<br />

among themselves. These coolies are frequently brought<br />

into the criminal courts ; but a Malay seldom appears as a<br />

culprit. The Malayan costume consists of a haju^ or jacket,<br />

a pair of short trousers, with a sarong, i.e., a piece of silk,<br />

wide at the top as at the bottom, gathered close around the<br />

waist. In addition to the sarong, the women wear a loose,<br />

sash-like<br />

garment thrown over the shoulders, called a kabia,<br />

which, to say the least, is cool and comfortable.<br />

In complexion they are fairer than the men, — a handsome<br />

light olive. In married life they are noted for chastity, and<br />

the love of family. Owing to the comeliness of their features,<br />

their delicate hands, drooping lashes, fair faces, lustrous<br />

eyes, and ruby lips, many Europeans are charmed with<br />

them ; and who, if they do not, ought, by every principle of<br />

justice, to marry them.<br />

Though a degenerate race at present, they are naturally

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