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paths of purity, in laboring unselfishly for the good of others,<br />

and in pointing those who will listen to the " tree of life,"<br />

that ever buds, blossoms, and bears immortal fruitage.<br />

This<br />

is to them satisfaction, true rest, heaven ! Considering the<br />

condition of those in the lower spheres of moral darkness,<br />

you see that it is infinitely preferable for mortals to prepare,<br />

while on earth, for the higher life, that at death, so called,<br />

they may avoid the planes of pride, passion, and perversions,<br />

that, with their seeming gains and joys, bring to their possessors,<br />

in the end, mental grief and deepest despair.<br />

" Passing from this first spheral belt outward, we pass different<br />

gradations of indulgence, vice, and discontent, — outward<br />

and upward, till we reach etherealized planes of spirituality,<br />

where resurrected souls have no desire to engage in<br />

activities beneath themselves. These heavenly inhabitants<br />

have become baptized into a celestial life of love, with<br />

desires only for the cultivation of the spiritual ;<br />

quite forgetting<br />

the things beneath, and seeking the ideal of perfection,<br />

which must ever lie in the infinite beyond.<br />

" The intermediate spheres between the two just described<br />

abound in all the employments and associations conceivable.<br />

There is the scholarly plane, where all else is sacrificed to<br />

intellectual research ; the musical, and the poetic ; and<br />

the inventive, where all things are made subservient to the<br />

genius of mechanism, thus sacrificing much that is higher<br />

and more divinely beautiful. And there, too, is the domestic<br />

plane, where abound the attractions of family and family<br />

associations, with the narrow and selfish love for one's own<br />

offspring. Family love, as opposed to universal love, is a<br />

serious impediment to unfoldment of the soul. Complete<br />

happiness is attained by sacrificing present ease, by forgetfulness<br />

of self, in labor for others' good.<br />

Those thus toiling<br />

mold angels &om their own forms.<br />

" In the more exalted states of existence, it is considered<br />

that an equalizing and harmonizing of the mental and moral<br />

faculties indicate an approach to the Christ-sphere of im-

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