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SEAKCE<br />

VI.<br />

What have you been doing in spirit-life to-day, friend<br />

Knight?<br />

" Accompanied by a sympathizing band of philanthropists,<br />

I have been teaching the truly repentant how to make reparation<br />

for wrongs done on earth ; the ignorant and superstitious,<br />

how to rise out of their darkened spiritual<br />

conditions.<br />

. . . There are no arbitrary barriers to coarser, undeveloped<br />

spirits passing to the outer and higher zones of perpetual<br />

joy. It is only a law of adaptation that attracts,<br />

chains, them to the plane of their own preferences. Clairvoyants<br />

who speak of a summer-land only in spirit-existence,<br />

convey an erroneous idea. There are summer-land<br />

surfaces on the outer belts, freighted and dotted with magnificent<br />

forests, fountains, fields, fruits, gardens, and flowers,<br />

of the exquisite beauty of which mortals have no conception ;<br />

and there are dark winter-lands too, corresponding to the cold,<br />

selfish, and perverted natures of those dwelling on earth.<br />

" The lower, grosser planes of spirit-existence necessitate<br />

animal life ;<br />

not the individualized spirits of your animals, but<br />

the legitimate productions of the sphere in which they exist<br />

something as the birds and animals of your physical ' earth<br />

are its natural productions. As you pass outward and<br />

upward through almost measureless spaces, you find less of<br />

animal life, till in the celestial spheres there are no animal<br />

forms whatever. This might suggest a question relating to<br />

the unhappiness of certain spirits if<br />

deprived of pet animals.<br />

If unhappy for this reason, it would only prove that they<br />

were yet clogged and tainted with earthly tastes and tendencies.<br />

Angelic aifections do not flow out to animals.<br />

This explanation harmonizes the seemingly different statements<br />

of claii-voyants ; and, more particularly, those who<br />

pass out of their bodies, traversing spirit-spheres. Some<br />

while thus disinthralled, save by the silken cord of magnetic<br />

life, beheld animals of a low type, others of a high type,<br />


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