

126 AROUND THE WORLD. etherealized spirit-substance ; and then, there might be emanations from spirit-strata and various entities, preventing or at least impeding the passage. The walls of a room may be so surcharged with magnetism and spirit-auras that a spirit can not pass them. There are gradations of spiritsubstance as of matter. When you are in your library-room, we fix an atmosphere about you, and so infill the walls of your study-room with our positive magnetic spheres that intruding spirits can not enter." SEANCE IV. ..." If angel lips are portals to the palace of wisdom, angelic beings are modest and unassuming. Whenever you hear a spirit talk about himself, — what mighty things he did on earth, and what he has done in the supernal spheres, — put it down that the brother is but a pupil in the primary department of immortality. High and pure spirits are disinclined to even give their names. And there is nothing more repellant to an exalted spirit, than to refer to himself. In a congress of spirits, I once heard a spirit of sage-like appearance say he had sometimes thought that loss of memory would be a great blessing, thus forgetting self. Selfishness is the root of all the cankering vices of the age. ... A mortal, reaching the better land of immortality, gravitates, or seeks the plane of his choice, something as the immigrant in a new country looks for highlands or lowlands, cultivated fields or heavy-timbered forests ; but a spirit, owing to the condition of the spiritual body and other considerations, can not become a permanent resident of a higher plane than he is spiritually prepared for. . . . The desires, or, rather, the demands of the carnal nature, such as gluttony, and sexual intercourse, do not obtain in the spiritual world. These fleshly and animal appetites are laid aside at death. And yet low, undeveloped spirits, from force of habit, vividness of memory, or downward tendencies acquired on earth, may enjoy the sight of lasciviousness ; or,

A SERIES OF SEANCES TJPON THE OCEAN". 127 for some scheming wicked purpose, may psychologically lead mediums into debauchery and the ' unfruitful works of darkness.' Low, selfish, disorderly spirits are at the bottom of the 'free-lust movement,' known by the more attractive term, ' social freedom.' This scum, now floating upon the peaceful stream of spirit-communion, will ere long settle away into merited oblivion." SEANCE V. You speak of conditions and employments in the spiritworld : I wish you would be more minute in your descriptions. " Hoping to enlighten, I will try. The spirit-world, real and substantial, is the counterpart of your world. The earthly life is rudimentary and preparatory. The wise of earth ripen up, while in their bodies, for higher planes of existence. As to 'discreet degrees,' referred to by the admirers of the Swedish seer, they do not exist per se. The phrase ' discreet degrees ' should give place to ' states ' and ' conditions ' of being. Logically understood, the spiritworld is all space, because essential spirit fills all immensity. Inhabitants leaving your earth by death occupy the atmosphere immediately surrounding it, — many of them, at least, for ages. They can in time occupy other places and spheres. The difficulty in passing to remote spaces and regions is at the medial points of conjunction between different planets and systems. Each planet, and system of planets, have their physical, gaseous, ethereal, electrical, and spiritual atmospheres. In these atmospheres abound the centripetal and centrifugal forces ; and these forces hold a similar relation to spiritual beings that the physical forces do to human beings. Therefore they encounter kindred difficulties in passing and repassing the aural atmospheres, and different strata, of the interstellar spaces, that mortals do in exploring pathless oceans, or aeronauts in their air-ship expeditions. " In the belts that encircle your earth, the grosser lie the


etherealized spirit-substance ; and then, there might be<br />

emanations from spirit-strata and various entities, preventing<br />

or at least impeding the passage. The walls of a room<br />

may be so surcharged with magnetism and spirit-auras that<br />

a spirit can not pass them. There are gradations of spiritsubstance<br />

as of matter. When you are in your library-room,<br />

we fix an atmosphere about you, and so infill the walls of<br />

your study-room with our positive magnetic spheres that<br />

intruding spirits can not enter."<br />

SEANCE IV.<br />

..." If angel lips are portals to the palace of wisdom,<br />

angelic beings are modest and unassuming. Whenever you<br />

hear a spirit talk about himself, — what mighty things he did<br />

on earth, and what he has done in the supernal spheres, —<br />

put it down that the brother is but a pupil in the primary<br />

department of immortality. High and pure spirits are disinclined<br />

to even give their names. And there is nothing<br />

more repellant to an exalted spirit, than to refer to himself.<br />

In a congress of spirits, I once heard a spirit of sage-like<br />

appearance say he had sometimes thought that loss of<br />

memory would be a great blessing, thus forgetting self.<br />

Selfishness is the root of all the cankering vices of the age.<br />

... A mortal, reaching the better land of immortality,<br />

gravitates, or seeks the plane of his choice, something as the<br />

immigrant in a new country looks for highlands or lowlands,<br />

cultivated fields or heavy-timbered forests ; but a<br />

spirit, owing to the condition of the spiritual body and other<br />

considerations, can not become a permanent resident of a<br />

higher plane than he is spiritually prepared for. . . . The<br />

desires, or, rather, the demands of the carnal nature, such as<br />

gluttony, and sexual intercourse, do not obtain in the spiritual<br />

world.<br />

These fleshly and animal appetites are laid aside<br />

at death. And yet low, undeveloped spirits, from force of<br />

habit, vividness of memory, or downward tendencies acquired<br />

on earth, may enjoy the sight of lasciviousness ; or,

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