

124 ABOUND THE WORLD. photographed in the sphere you will inhabit when released from mortality. You have no secrets. It would be well if aU men thoroughly understood this." " Are you now within this stateroom ? " " I am, and others also. We have so fixed the atmosphere, that, if not congenial, it is endurable." But some clairvoyants tell us that spirits seldom return to earth, to dwell in our midst even for a moment. " Can you conceive or imagine any thing that clairvoyants and psychological sensitives have not taught ? The truth is, millions of spirits have never got away from the earth, spiritually speaking. Their past tendencies, present desires, and undone work, chain, mentally hold them near to your earth. Those more advanced, who have passed to the heavenly abodes of the divine life, can return at will ; while very ancient spirits seldom visit earth, and then only for the holiest purposes." SEANCE n. How long a time has man inhabited the earth ? " Time — indefinite term ! Nations of antiquity reckoned time by the revolutions of constellations, by the disappearance and return of comets, by the sun and moon and others less ancient by kingly dynasties. It is difficult to even approximate the period when man first appeared on earth. The most ancient spirits with whom I have conversed upon the subject tell me it was millions of years in the past. Three times, at least, the earth has been nearly submerged in water, destroying the people. The whole surface has been repeatedly changed and modified by fire and flood, heat and cold. Fossilized elephants and other tropical animals are often unearthed in the frigid zones, proving that those ice-belted regions were once tropical even equatorial in temperature. and '"' Present man, with the shattered remnants of his primeval civilization, originated in the southern zones more than fifty

A SERIES OP SEANCES UPON THE OCEAN. 125 thousand years since. There are traditions and legends extending back full forty thousand years. Types are permanent. Vegetation there was perennial. Fruits grew spontaneous. Tilling the earth was unnecessary. To reach up, pluck, and eat, was the only requisite. From Southern Asia there were radiations east, west, and north, peopling foreign lands. After a series of centuries, the Northmen, increased in numbers, and warlike, swept down into Central and Southern Asia. Wars crimsoned hills and mountains. The conquerors drove their vanquished foes into that country now known as Hindostan. They were hunters and herdsmen, leading roving lives. Peoples making a second descent from the rich table-lands of Asia into India gathered into communities, establishing petty kingly governments. These were denominated Aryans." SEANCE in. ..." Be punctual to the appointed time of meeting us. Remember that our avocations and appointments are quite as important as yours. . . . Prophecies are often fulfilled by the prophets. I remember of saying to you, in my earliest conversations, that the medium and yourself would be mutual helps, traveling together, even to making the circuit of the globe. . . . Preceding him to spirit-life, you will impress and entrance him with perfect ease because of your earthly associations social and spiritual." . . . Could you go directly through our globe ? " Possibly ; although, from having no desire, I have never made the attempt." If you were to go, when leaving the medium, to my home in Hammonton, America, would you take the short cut straight through the earth ? " No : I should pass above the surface of sea and laud. This would be the more feasible route. Solid matter, so called, forms little or no obstruction to the movements of spirits. But gross matter, remember, is interpermeated with


thousand years since. There are traditions and legends<br />

extending back full forty thousand years. Types are permanent.<br />

Vegetation there was perennial. Fruits grew<br />

spontaneous. Tilling the earth was unnecessary. To reach<br />

up, pluck, and eat, was the only requisite. From Southern<br />

Asia there were radiations east, west, and north, peopling<br />

foreign lands. After a series of centuries, the Northmen,<br />

increased in numbers, and warlike, swept down into Central<br />

and Southern Asia. Wars crimsoned hills and mountains.<br />

The conquerors drove their vanquished foes into that country<br />

now known as Hindostan. They were hunters and<br />

herdsmen, leading roving lives. Peoples making a second<br />

descent from the rich table-lands of Asia into India gathered<br />

into communities, establishing petty kingly governments.<br />

These were denominated Aryans."<br />

SEANCE<br />

in.<br />

..." Be punctual to the appointed time of meeting us.<br />

Remember that our avocations and appointments are quite<br />

as important as yours. . . . Prophecies are often fulfilled<br />

by the prophets. I remember of saying to you, in my<br />

earliest conversations, that the medium and yourself would<br />

be mutual helps, traveling together, even to making the<br />

circuit of the globe. . . . Preceding him to spirit-life, you<br />

will impress and entrance him with perfect ease because of<br />

your earthly associations social and spiritual." . . .<br />

Could you go directly through our globe ?<br />

" Possibly ; although, from having no desire, I have<br />

never made the attempt."<br />

If you were to go, when leaving the medium, to my home<br />

in Hammonton, America, would you take the short cut<br />

straight through the earth ?<br />

" No : I should pass above the surface of sea and laud.<br />

This would be the more feasible route. Solid matter, so<br />

called, forms little or no obstruction to the movements of<br />

spirits. But gross matter, remember, is interpermeated with

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