

122 AEOUND THE WOELD. thought out and experimented upon, until they can be formulated. Then they are ready for future service. Physicists understand the delicacy of the conditions they impose. It is said that Dr. Kane, while wintering in the extreme polar regions, discovered that three thermometers, agreeing at medium temperatures, disagreed materially at very low temperatures, though suspended near together.. Approaching them suddenly from the windward side affected them. Also a breath, and even the electric emanations of the body, would cause fluctuations, and accordingly incorrect readings. The common surveyor, using a delicately balanced compass, need not be informed that bodies of iron and steel affect his needle. The presence of a pocket-knife sometimes vitiates results. Sea-captains, using mercury for an artificial horizon in sextant observations, know that a footfall, a loud word, or a quick motion of the body, causes an oscillation of the quicksilver, and necessarily incorrect calculations. Alpine travelers teU us, that, on ascending Mont Blanc, strata of snow are held in such wonderful poise that a violent exclamation would precipitate a thousand tons down the declivity. Returning, a few years since, from Pompeii and Herculaneum to the Museum in Naples, I there saw vast rolls of calcined papyri covered with legible writing, though nearly two thousand years buried; and a quiet gentleman, with repressed breath and dexterous fingers, identifying, lifting, or unrolling those long-interred evidences of literary wealth and historic record. A breath might have reduced these charred leaflets to an impalpable powder. Success lay only in the most delicate manipulations. If compliance with conditions are so indispensable, then, in dealing with physical bodies, with known phenomena, — how much more so when investigating partially unknown phenomena, involving the laws of psychic force, and the momentous subject of spiritual manifestations ! Mediums, sensitive and highly impressional, are in circles infinitely more susceptible than Kane's

A SERIES OP SEANCES UPON THE OCEAN. 123 thermometers, A harsh word, a disagreeable odor, the sudden opening of a door, the introduction of a certain individual into the stance, — these^ and other disturbing causes, may destroy all the conditions necessary for the influx of thoughts and ideas from that ethereal world of spirits. TEACHINGS OF 6PIKITS. The following communications, and many others through the unconscious mediumship of Dr. E. C. Dunn, were received during four-o'clock sittings in our stateroom when the conditions of the treacherous ocean would permit. They were generally given in answer to questions ; though, for want of space, the inqumes are usually omitted. The spirit Aaron Knight, controlling one afternoon, coolly remarked, " I see that my years of labor with you have not produced a very luxuriant harvest." " How so, Mr. Knight ? " " AYell, approaching your sphere a whUe since, I heard you remark that 3'ou had only a slight, or, rather, no positive knowledge, of spirit-life and its pecuHar conditions." " True ; but I referred to daily objective knowledge." " Metaphysical terms are of little avail. You have heard my voice frequently for years. You have felt our magnetism upon your brain. You have inhaled the fragrance of spirit-flowers. You have had things borne to you through the atmosphere. You have been made spasmodic when alone, by our electric touch. You have seen spirit-forms improvised, and then vanish from sight. These, with such confirmatory witnesses as consciousness, intuition, and reason, ought to have given yon positive knowledge." " Well, let that pass. Do you hear all I say ? " " No, not necessarily ; but then I could, if desirable, know all you said ; and, further, could know your very thoughts, inasmuch as they produce a reflex action readable by your attending circle. And, what is still more recondite, the effects of your thoughts, aims, and plans are spiritually


thermometers, A harsh word, a disagreeable odor, the sudden<br />

opening of a door, the introduction of a certain individual<br />

into<br />

the stance, — these^ and other disturbing causes,<br />

may destroy all the conditions necessary for the influx of<br />

thoughts and ideas from that ethereal world of spirits.<br />


The following communications, and many others through<br />

the unconscious mediumship of Dr. E. C. Dunn, were<br />

received during four-o'clock sittings in our stateroom when<br />

the conditions of the treacherous ocean would permit.<br />

They were generally given in answer to questions ; though,<br />

for want of space, the inqumes are usually omitted.<br />

The spirit Aaron Knight, controlling one afternoon, coolly<br />

remarked, " I see that my years of labor with you have not<br />

produced a very luxuriant harvest."<br />

" How so, Mr. Knight ? "<br />

" AYell, approaching your sphere a whUe since, I heard<br />

you remark that 3'ou had only a slight, or, rather, no positive<br />

knowledge, of spirit-life and its pecuHar conditions."<br />

" True ; but I referred to daily objective knowledge."<br />

" Metaphysical terms are of little avail. You have heard<br />

my voice frequently for years. You have felt our magnetism<br />

upon your brain. You have inhaled the fragrance of<br />

spirit-flowers. You have had things borne to you through<br />

the atmosphere. You have been made spasmodic when<br />

alone, by our electric touch. You have seen spirit-forms<br />

improvised, and then vanish from sight. These, with such<br />

confirmatory witnesses as consciousness, intuition, and<br />

reason, ought to have given yon positive knowledge."<br />

" Well, let that pass. Do you hear all I say ? "<br />

" No, not necessarily ; but then I could, if desirable,<br />

know all you said ; and, further, could know your very<br />

thoughts, inasmuch as they produce a reflex action readable<br />

by your attending circle. And, what is still more recondite,<br />

the effects of your thoughts, aims, and plans are spiritually

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